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The Hidden Mafia Boss

The Hidden Mafia Boss



Samantha, whose life is surrounded by questions, leads her life fully with safety for her father and her sister. Her dream is one to start her own business. Luck is on her side because she got the perfect opportunity to work with her role model, Ryan Bianchi, who is the top businessman. Arrogant, Cold attitude, no mercy in work. He loves his family and won’t hesitate to do anything for them. Arrogance is the mask that he wears which was noticed by Samantha. She sees right through him how much of a softie he is. It was a love at first sight for Ryan but he masks that for her safety… Attraction is like a magnetic force which is trying to pull them together but Samantha always stays in her limits…. Until one night that changes everything… Her saving Ryan from getting killed.. Her killing someone. Secrets, Mysteries reveals one thing to her: that her life is surrounded by the Mafia.. Ryan being Mafia king….. Undeniable attractions, Mysteries, Secrets, Shocking truth will the universe let them be together or will fate break them apart? “Why do those brown eyes calm me? What magic spell did you cast on me, Samantha?” Ryan asks me as my heart beat grows faster because of the proximity that we are standing…


Samantha Anderson

“So what makes you think we will hire you?” The interviewer asked me while I sucked in a hard breath and answered their question with a straight face. My Father taught me.

“I Am Efficient, patient and I work hard with smartness and I can work under any situation.” I replied to them. They nodded at each other. “You did well Miss. Samantha.” A voice said from behind.

“Mr. Bianchi?” The interviewer asked in disbelief.. He was an aged person not too old but he was around my Father’s age.. His gaze looked over at me and for a second he squinted his eyes trying to recognize me while I stood there clueless of what was happening .

“Alessandro Bianchi.” He greeted me with a firm handshake. “Samantha, and thank you.” I greeted him..

“No Worries One last question. If I put money over this table Right now will you take that or this job?” he asked me while I smiled, answering his question.. “I am not here for Money.. I am here to learn business. I am here to learn and develop my knowledge.” I said with a straight face. His lips twisted in amusement.

“You are perfect to Handle him Samantha. You are Hired.” He said my heart leapt with joy. “Thank You Mr. Bianchi. I won’t Let you down.” I thanked him with a smile on my face.

“When Can I start?” I asked, looking between them. “Now.. Your first task is to bring my son to the office.” He threw an unfamiliar task. “I think it won’t be a problem when he is here.” I asked them, confused.. Alessandro looked between the interviewers and sighed.. He sat in the chair and gestured to me to sit as well .

“Well, Long story short. Me and Him had an argument in a business deal.. And I thought he was wrong but he won the deal.. I am wrong about this. So he is angry with me and that is the reason he is not coming to the office..” He said while my lips twitched in amusement.

“Where Can I Meet Him?” I asked Alessandro, who looked shocked at my answer.. “My Driver will take you to his apartment. In case he didn’t open the door, use this key card. “

He passed me the card.. I looked at him after taking it from his hands. I grabbed my purse.. “But before Lilly will show you the office,” He said.. A girl in her mid-twenties came there with a smile.

“This is Lily Lily. She is the new assistant of Ryan. Please show her around..” I bid bye to Mr. Bianchi and moved in with Lily.. “Hey I am Lily.” she forwarded her hand while I greeted her with the same smile that she had. “Samantha.”

“Okay, I see you are not like others like the previous assistant he had and I am very excited to work with you..” she said with a clap.. I Giggled.. “Let me say they are all throwing themselves at him?” I raised an eyebrow while she stood there nodding.. “Thought so.. anyway, Friends?” I asked her while she giggled and hugged me all of a sudden.. “Of Course yes. Come, I will show you around.” She showed me various departments and lastly, Ryan’s cabin.

“This is Ryan sir's office, and this is the extra card for you to use.. Mostly he will be here but now you know.. Also word of advice: he hates coffee. He always prefers tea. And his tea must be perfect. He is very short-tempered so all the best..” I took a deep breath and nodded my head..

“Your Cabin is right next to him.. And that’s all. If you need anything, just call me and Oh here is my number.” she gave me her number while I saved it.. “Okay now I have got to go. All the best, Sam.” with that, she sprinted off.

I went to my cabin and arranged things according to my preference when the cabin door opened, revealing Mr. Bianchi. I quickly stood up on my feet and greeted him.. “I think he will be awake by now.. He is a very short-tempered person. If he says something bad, don’t take it to heart.” he advised me..

“Don’t worry Sir, by Hook or crook he will join the office tomorrow and that is a promise from me.” I assured him and collected my purse.. “I will get going.” With a smile I left the office premises and got into the car of Mr. Alessandro.

It was a twenty-minute drive to reach Ryan House. I reached his apartment and rang the bell and waited around 10 minutes to open the door. But he didn’t.. I controlled my frustration and rang once again and waited when he didn’t open the door. I opened it with the card that Mr. Alessandro gave to me. I stepped into the beautiful house, which was full of only grey and blue. Weird !

I searched the living room to see any traces of him when I didn’t see any. I moved into the kitchen to see a figure standing there. Back facing me. I cleared my throat to get attention.. Before he could turn, I was going to get attacked by a knife, but luckily I dodged and stood up, meeting the angry eyes. It was a blue one, the one which I always admire. “Who are you?” He asked me in his deep voice, but my gaze fell on his hand, which was profusely bleeding.

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