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Glimpse Of Us

Glimpse Of Us



The love that originally wanted to be fought for ended up hurting when his love also throws herself away like trash, and at that very moment, anger overtook her so that it brought her to an even more painful situation, and made her feel the world never fair to his self. She is a woman who often struggles to stay alive when the world is so cruel to her, until in the end she is still defeated by circumstances. Because when everyone no longer wants her, she will turn things around, in a way by making their existence all not longer by herself want. And this is the journey of story of LOVE AND LIFE Clarabella, when love and revenge beat logic. "I swear to God, you will feel regret after realizing that someone is gone from your life."

Chapter 1 Prolog

Before deciding to approach someone, she makes sure she looks neat first and doesn't forget to wear perfume so that his body is comfortable to hug. And when meeting that man made her feel happy, especially when their smiles were reciprocated, she felt like wanted to fly because she would continue to imagine the smile of his boss.

But when she was just about to approach his boss, she was surprised by a situation that made her speechless and full of disappointment. "No way!" she said trying to convince herself that what had just seen was a misunderstanding.

And his feelings were even messier when the two people kissed again in the lobby hotel, right in front of him who was standing watching the scene. Because didn't want to look pathetic, she wiped her teary face. After confirming that everything was fine, she returned to meet the two people.

"Damn it!" shouted Clara while slapping the man hard, everyone started to pay attention to her. "How can you kiss another woman when your lover is in front of you, bastard!" she said pouring his heart out with emotion.

The man was surprised when he saw the attitude of the woman who was his personal assistant. "What the fuck are you doing here, Clara?!" he said snapped, staring intently at his assistant.

"Ask yourself that, Elvan! What are you doing in the hotel lobby with a cheap girl like her!"


The sound of a slap landed on Clara's right face. Yes... His boss slapped her for the first time since they were together. She was surprised because a man like Elvan did not expect to slap her in front of everyone who was watching them. She was feeling sick and hurt as if she was the one at fault here.

"You slapped me?!" Clara said shaking looking at Elvan with hurt feelings.

Elvan nodded confidently. "Didn't you also slap me too?" he replied reassuringly, then laughed softly. "So stop being attitude manipulative, Clara!" he said to warn the woman.

Clara laughed softly ignoring the existence of her boss, then her eyes turned to a woman who was the reason why they were fighting now. The woman managed to embarrass herself in front of many people, moreover, she was also the reason Elvan Akalanka Fabian dared to slap her. She took a deep breath to calm his heartbeat.

"I should have suspected from the start when the woman was in our midst. I should also have suspected from the start that your relationship was more than just friends," Clara said with emphasis, her gaze full of disappointment. "But you know... Stupidly I'm still trying to think positive, despite the fact that I've seen you guys kissing in the office," she said in a trembling voice.

Elvan was still silent. "Do you know how painful it is when I have to act like I'm forgetting what happened to you guys? I don't think so!" said Clara while pushing the man's body hard. "It hurts so bad, Elvan... It hurts!" she said pointing to herself, even the tears were coming out.

"What does all this mean?!" said the woman, surprised by the two people who seemed to be hiding something.

Clara widened her eyes while smiling, she would not allow herself to be seen as lowly in front of others. After all, she had to be seen as more than that person, not because she was not grateful, just not to be looked down upon.

Clara stared at the woman with annoyance, especially when she saw her expression. "Are you pretending not to understand or are you stupid?!" she replied with a sharp sneer.

The woman shook her head, she tried to ask for an explanation from the man in front of them who was just silent. "Listen to me Clara, don't you ever dare to hurt her. Because once you dare to hurt her, you will immediately feel the recompense!" Elvan said while grabbing Clara's wrist to warn him.

"I'm your girlfriend, bastard!" shouted Clara telling the truth, not caring that their existence was being attention.

"Stop bragging, please!" said Elvan slowly, looking into Clara's eyes which of course felt hurt, clearly visible from the look in the woman's eyes. "One thing you should know so that everyone who watches us also doesn't eat cheap news," she continued with emphasis.

Clara let go of the male grip that managed to hurt her. "You should stop bragging!" his reply warned Elvan with emotion.

Elvan shook his head slowly, right in front of Clara, he held another woman's hand. "I need to remind you one thing, I never felt have a relationship with you. It's all just your feelings that feel we have a relationship, when in fact I never reciprocated your feelings," he said warned sharply, there wasn't the slightest doubt from his eyes when saying it.

Clara chuckled softly. "Damn it!" she shouted while grabbing the hair of the woman who was hiding in Elvan's body.

"I didn't do anything wrong!" said the woman while cried defending herself.

"Clara!" Elvan shouted for the first time in front of so many people, he managed to embarrass the woman again.

"It's all because of her, Elvan! You humiliated me in order to protect her who even clearly looks lowly," shouted Clara, pouring out her heart with disappointment.

Elvan just silently watched Clara's appearance which already looked like a mess. It's just that, he never felt a relationship with his assistant, let alone his attitude when he was with Clara was like a human in general. He felt that all of this was just a misunderstanding, moreover, maybe the woman was too deep in her world so that not realize the reality.

He pulled the woman into his arms. The slightest bit never in his mind would be a spectacle like now, let alone just because of a woman. Perhaps, after this, he would become famous, and his parents scolded him for slapping a woman without wanting to know the reason first.

"Bastard!" Clara cursed softly because it hurt to see the attitude of the man she loved managed to humiliate and hurt her.

"Shut the fuck up!" said Elvan rebuking Clara in annoyance, because the woman kept on babbling.

Clara shook her head slowly while trying to hide her disappointment. She didn't want to look pathetic so she had to look okay anyway. "I should have realized from the start that you never loved me, it's just that I always try to make sure it's all just my guess," she told slowly, without showing any expression to stay look strong.

Elvan nodded listening carefully to Clara's statement. Then, he sighed to say something. "You just misunderstood and thought she and I were kissing, when in reality we were just hugging. You jump to conclusions without wanting to hear an explanation first. And that's not good, Clara!" he explained what happened to give advice. "If you want to know, she's not the woman you thought she was," he continued with emphasis.

"I don't fucking care when she your personal slut. Remember that, Elvan!" said Clara warned sharply. "In that case, congratulations on your continued existence for successfully playing with someone's heart and feelings. I hope that it all turns back to you guys so that feeling is what I feel today. I hope you feel deep regret." she said expressing his heart with emphasis.

Elvan nodded casually. "And you... Just take and bring that bastard man, I don't need him anymore now! Because I save you both a big secret and if I spread it to the media, your lives are finished!" Clara said threateningly confidently.

After that, Clarabella chose to leave the two people while raising her middle finger proudly.

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