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Making A Gentleman Out Of Aiden Carnell

Making A Gentleman Out Of Aiden Carnell

bisola layo


Lolita's only dream is a happily ever after just like her parents, but when Aiden a living definition of a Manwhore comes into her life, she knows her dream won't come easy and she must strive for it. But when happens when the good girl falls in love with the bad guy? "I want a husband like my dad." "I want to fall in love on a first date with a stranger as my mother did," Lolita screamed as tears rolled down her eyes. Her thick mascara ran down her small face rolling down the freckles as she cried. Her tears hurt Aiden because he never wanted to see her cry. He stretched out his hand to wipe her tears, but she flinched. "Not you, I didn't want someone who would sleep with every girl just because he is lonely." "It was never my plan to fall in love with you, Aiden, but I love you." "I fucking love you Aiden." She said as she slowly opened her eyes. Aiden watched as her long lashes moved with her eyelid and as his gaze fell to her cute pink lips, he knew what to do next. "I love you too." He said before crashing his lips on hers. He heard lolita's muffled groan which did nothing but turn him on... "Look what you made me do." He said as he ripped off her top and watched it slide down her pale skin.

Chapter 1 Deep Throat Vs Pineapple toppings

"If only I could get a husband like my dad and live a happy family like my parents, maybe my life wouldn't be as lonely and depressing as this." lolita thought as her fingers rapidly clicked her colorful keyboard.

The lines of code on the middle screen scrolled down with each finger click.

The doorbell rang.

"Thank you," Lolita said as she recieved a large box of pizza and headed back to her room scattered with clothes and unwrapped chocolate nylons.

She passed by her dressing mirror as she walked towards her sacred space.

The mirror reflected a petite 21 year old with raven black hair and a face full of freckle holding a pair of gold rimmed eyeglasses on her nose bridge.

The hood of her stylocity sweatshirt was down and the Mickey mouse pants had one leg rolled up and the other lazily dragging on the floor.

As she opened the pizza box with pineapple toppings on the arm chair she stood from, Lolita's alarm rang.


On the other side was Aiden who had just woken up from a wet dream. The lady had red hair which grew longer the lower she went before stopping when she dropped to her knees.

He felt a chill travel down his spine as she gave him a hand job. Each stroke taking him a step closer to ecstasy.

He felt closer as her pace quickened.

"Faster." He wanted to say, but a moan escaped his thin pink lips when she wiggled her tongue on his tip.

He knew he leaked.

"Oh no." He woke up in a start as the familiar alarm tune played on his phone.

He needed a cold shower, 10⁰C to cool his rising temperature as he could feel his morning wood harden as he tried to get up.

"Argh" He groaned as he moved his waist.

"Waking up was never this hard." He thought as he let his blue eyes adjust to the unlit room whose only source of light was the flash from his phone's screen, the he realised why when he say the girl Zane sent to him the night before.

"He watched as she bobbed her hand on his hardness that he desperately wanted to grab her red hair and give her a deep throat.

Eve's teary eyes met his as the dirty thoughts ran through his head. She gave a coquettish smile from in between his legs and let her tongue continuosly work on his little brother.

She reminded him of his favourite lollipop as a child, then she made a pop sound as her lips formed an 'O' on his rod.

He felt so close and her eyes told him she knew this as she tickled him with the tip of her tongue.

"Fuck." Aiden groaned as he thought about how much of an expert Eve was.

"Good morning boo. How ..." He was going to cum the next second, so he grabbed her red hair and pushed her head till her nose was pressed against the 'V' line of his waist.

Satisfied with how deep he was in her mouth, he came hard.

He watched her lick her lips after swallowing all of his lead and he could feel his little brother get hard as her full Brest dangled teasingly while she crawled up to his chest.

But he had a niece to return to.

As the day broke, Lolita rummaged through her pile of clothes

I must get married before, after or on graduation." Were Lolita's thoughts as she rummaged through the bed she emptied her wardrobe on.

Name: Sugar Lolita Cassandra

Nicknames: lolly, Lolita

Age: 22

Favourite colour: yellow

Lifestyle: goth

Friends: Delilah Armstrong

Bestfriends: Delilah Armstrong

Dream: get married as soon as she graduates and live a peaceful life like her parents.

Other information: last year in the university, studying computer science. Has average grades, no siblings, 1 cousin who always gets on her nerves and parents she loves.

Staring at herself in the mirror, she only had a pair of black underwear on and severely unkempt hair.

Dragging the tip of her jet-black hair, she dove into her sea of clothes once more.

"I only have to be myself." She kept repeating to herself as she tried each heel on.

"Too high"

"Too plain"

"Not fit for a date." On and on went her excuses as she discarded everyone in her shoes.

"You." With a plump, she sank into her sea of clothes still holding the last pair she had just tried out.

"Ugh, what do I wear for this date." She groaned in frustration.

"Oh wait." With a smirk, she twirled the tip of her hair.

"I have an idea. A very beautiful one." She slurred.

The next minute found her in the store across the street.

"I'll try this, this, this and this one ." She said as she randomly selected the clothes on the rank.

The only thing that signified a form of deliberately was the colour. The dresses, tops and trousers were of two colours.

Yellow and black.

With Jon Bellion's Robot on repeat in her head phone, she didn't mind going into the dressing room for the fifth time for the fifth pair of dresses and she did just that, not minding the states from the other patrons especially the redhead at the counter whose stare was the heaviest.

She had a frown on her face as she stared at Lolita.

As soon as she came out of the dressing room, she decided to give the redhead a piece of her mind. lolita won't be herself without this confrontation.

"Does the bitch like girls?" Lolita with her sweetest smile asked as she walked up to the redhead

Her name was Lilly.

"Bitch?!" Lolita had a smirk on her lips as she noticed Lilly's controlled breathing. She had successfully riled her up. Oblivious to the effect of her smirk, she continued.

"Yes, you seem to have taken a liking to me?" Edging closer to Lilly, she tucked a loose strand of red hair making Lily red from anger or embarrassment or both.

"Why do you seem so embarrassed?" Lolita asked, "Did you want to join me in the dressing room that badly?" Lolita's smirk edged higher as she watched lily's face admire all shades of red.

Poor girl.


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