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Karma was living the life anyone would want to, he had everything one could hope for, good parents, intelligence, money, look's, he had it all. But one day, he started having weird dreams and these dreams lead him to his encounter with a real demon from hell. he was given a choice to either die the death of a person who could do nothing for his family or die after putting up a fight with everything he got. ( so... what are you gonna choose~ .... human.... ) " so either way, you're telling me to die huh... to hell with that... I will kill those who try to bring harm to me before they even have the chance to do so " ( HEHEHE.... I knew it... I was right to choose you ) " but you... you are a demon right.. why would you choose to betray your own kind " ( BECAUSE.... It's fun.... HEHEHE~HAHAHAHA ) " crazy fucker " he will journey into the world to protect those who matter to him, and fight all those who stand in his way, he will either be called a hero or a demon. ! pow! pow! " you... what... are you.... " " I am the demon you shouldn't have messed with " " fuc.. ker " " that's enough... now die " join him on his journey, and venture the secrets hidden in the world. ' GOOD SIN '

Chapter 1 { CHAPTER - 1 } The Story

In a dark deserted place, surrounded by many big trees and bushes, where one can't even see anything.

"haa... haa... haa..."

Someone runs for their life, someone who wants to scream but can't, someone who is overwhelmed with fear while running away from the 'unknown'.

In the darkness where he can't even see the land below his feet clearly, he noticed a blue light up ahead, and as he ran towards the light he saw the area up ahead getting opened up.


His knees were bruised by the bushes and he was getting tired from running.

As he came out of the darkness, he now stands under the blue light. He turned behind to where he came from to see if anyone is there but sees no one.

In relief, he finally caught his breath and looked at where the blue light was coming from.

His breath was taken away when he looked at the sky. The sky was clear and there was only the moon in the whole sky which was illuminating blue light.

Just when he thought he was no longer in danger, a very big black shadow figure appear and cover up the whole sky, his darkness even cover the light of the moon.

The two of them crossed their eyes with each other, and the shadow figure in rage, attacked him wanting to eat him whole.



With the sound of rustling on the bed, Karma woke up feeling uneasy and spoke in a tired voice.

"!sigh!... Again with the same dream, does this make it the 4th time?"

He placed his hand on his head holding his hair and said. "I just can't sleep like this, if this keeps up my health might worsen"

Feeling displeased he gets out of bed with messy hair and looks at the mirror on the dressing.

"Yup, not enough sleep"

He looks at the clock and notices it's almost 7:00 a.m. and says to himself. "I should get ready for school"

With that saying, he leaves his room and heads downstairs to get ready for school.

As he was about to open the door to the washroom a voice calls from behind. "Oh are you awake son"

He turned back and replied "Good morning mom"

His mom walked near him and gasped when she looked at him closely. "Oh my what happened to your eyes"

"Well..." he hesitated.

But just like every mother knows their child she knew it too. "hmm... Is it the same thing again? that dream you told us about"

His mom worriedly suggested. "Why not go get yourself checked by a doctor or a psychiatrist"

He shrugged off his mother's worry and said. "Come on mom it's not that bad, don't worry too much"

Saying that he opened the door to the washroom and enters. He stands in front of the basin and looks in the mirror. He splashes water on his face and brushes his teeth.


After cleaning his face and teeth he enters the living room, where he found his father sitting on the couch reading a newspaper.

His dad said as he saw him walking in. "ah... You awake son"

He replied in a rough voice. "Yup, awake and alive"

"Sounds rough" his dad replied.

His mom enters the room and said to his dad. "It's the dream he was talking about"

He again shrugs off his mom's worry by saying. "Mom I said it's not that big of a deal, you worry too much"

His dad intervene mid-conversation and calmed them down. "Now now, stop it you two"

His mother pouted at the comment saying. "Humph whatever"

His mother walked away after that to prepare breakfast and as she left, both the father and son let out a small laugh as to making fun of her.

"Come here, breakfast's ready" his mother shouts from the kitchen. And after eating breakfast he left for school.

"I'm leaving," he said and left for school.

"Be safe" his mom said as he left.

The place where he lives is a city called 'KAMI' in the northern region of India, it's a fairly big city in the states of the U.K (UTTARAKHAND).

This place is also called the land of gods because in most of India's mythologies Gods were either born here or are related to this place. The population here is pretty big too.

The school Karma goes to is the 'Indian Metropolitan' school. One of the biggest institutions in the world, it's always hard to roll in here, and only a handful of people can do so.

Karma comes from a high-class family and with his looks and intelligence, he is what you'd call the chosen one.

But...Well... it's not always a good thing, because due to his appearance and marks, people around him always have high expectations from him.

As he was walking down the side of the road, someone hit him behind his back, and a voice spoke.

"what's up man how are you doing?"

When he turned around he saw that it was one of his friends who came to greet him. "I'm just alive somehow"

"Wow, why the negativity and the first thing in the morning too," the person said.

"Well this is the normal me tho" he replied casually.

The guy sighed and said. "I'm gonna go up ahead, see you in school"

Saying so he went off with his other friends and the bell to school rang.

After school finished, He returned home, and when he does.

"I'm home" he announced his arrival but didn't gain any response.

He looked around for his parents but didn't find them in the house which he found strange.

"Did they go somewhere? Guess it was urgent seeing how they didn't inform me about it in the morning"

He tried calling them but no one picked up the phone. He wondered why did they leave without telling him. "Did something come up, I guess I'll watch T.V then"

While he was watching T.V he felt tired and fell asleep on the couch.

Sometime later when he woke up after a quick nap, he was a bit surprised when he saw that it had become dark outside the window.

"When did it become so dark mom and dad still haven't come home yet, guess I'll go ahead and start preparing for dinner"

As he was about to start preparing for dinner. Suddenly his jaw drop, and his eyes were about to pop out as he rushed outside the house.

He came outside the house and at that moment, his whole body felt a chill as he looked at the sky. At that moment he saw a clear but dark sky and a Blue Moon illuminating blue light.

"This-this is" he mumbled to himself in fear and confusion.

The scene in front of him was just like the one from his dreams, he could not believe what he was seeing and in confusion, he walked down his neighborhood ringing the doorbells of his neighbors.


"Hello, anyone there? no one huh"

He tried several houses but gained no response from any.

As he was walking aimlessly Suddenly, he hears a voice, the voice was saying something but he could not make any sense of it.


He starts walking toward his house when he hears a very loud and painful scream. It was not the scream of a human or an animal but it was so loud that it gave him a headache.

"Argh, what the hell" he holds his head in pain.

Suddenly he looked at the sky and saw the same shadow figure from his dreams appear in front of him.


The shadow figure raged and dashed towards him to attack him.


In a panic, he started running but could not outrun the figure and got thrown into the darkness. In the pitch-black darkness, he could not see anything but he could feel the sensation of his body being torn apart, it was as if the shadow figure was trying to eat him while he was awake.


He screamed but it was helpless as he was now

completely engulfed in the darkness and soon he can't even scream.


He jumped in panic and thought he was dead.


There he was sitting on his couch, panting like a dog.

"That–that was"

He looks at the clock and it's 5 pm. He looks outside the window and it's still bright outside.


T.V was still on and he felt a bit relieved as he said.

"Just a dream huh"

"I am getting tired of this, maybe I should see a psychiatrist something's better than nothing I guess"

Saying so he went to the washroom to wash up his face.

He splashed his face with cold water from the tap and as he was doing so he started wondering.

"Why do I see the same dream, again and again, is it something meaningful? I haven't heard or read about dreams which felt real to this extent, am I suffering from some kind of disease, am I sick?"

While talking to himself he felt a gaze on him and in confusion looked at his surroundings but finds nothing. He then closed the tap and extends his hands but felt someone in front of him.

In fear, he looked in front of him and sees his reflection in the mirror. But just to confirm it he tries to get close to the mirror.

To his surprise, he saw a monster in the mirror and surprise jumped back in fright.



He blinked and to his surprise, there was no one there.

"Am I finally going crazy?" he mumbled to himself when suddenly the doorbell rang.



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