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Entwined Soul, written by Johnson Ezekiel. S, is a contemporary romance fiction novel that shows that true love do exist. Telling us the story of Edwin, Tay, and the general's daughter. It shows a struggles for love, along the line hatred, jealousy, wickedness and lessons filled novel you wouldn't miss to read. Find out in this piece.

Chapter 1 A Call To Serve My Country

The sight of what seemed like a thousand people kept bossing and walking up and down in the scene. Each person had a business to carry out, going and coming out of the office in numbers, some favored with a smile, while others had a drained-sad-looking face, a load of trouble in their mind. These people had nobody to cry out their burden to. As the girls and boys ebbed out of the scene, files, documents, and different materials were held in their arms.

The sun swept through the sky, severely burning the people's faces, making their faces water with dripping sweat running down their necks like an ocean. Edwin had a little grin building on his face while he stepped out of the room in a gentle manner. It was a simple small office with fantastic decoration.

Back in the office, he was out of expression when the dark-skinned woman quietly searched through a white sheet of paper from among the list of papers kept on the table. Suddenly, she had seen the right one she was searching for and drew it out of the space, passing it across to Edwin, who then sat opposite to her. She had a sweet smile flashed across her lips. The unconscious Edwin hastily extended his hand and took the sheet of paper. His eyes fixed on it, a moment of silence took over the place, his heart racing up and down like a drum.

"Congratulations, Mr. Edwin Amos." The woman's gentle milk voice escaped the air. Edwin stared blankly at the face of the beautiful, smooth, black silky-haired woman with full darkened lips, words refusing to form inside his mouth, his mouth hung on the air. The woman herself lost control at the way the young Mr. Edwin Amos kept looking at her. In her mind, it seemed very ridiculous and, at the same time, very fascinating and irritating. Mrs. Margarete gently sagged down her eyeglasses, waving her palm at Edwin's face. In a reflection of her body movement and action, Edwin was jolted back to life. That was so damning! Then, Edwin grinned from ear to ear,

"Thank you, ma'am. This is bursting my brain." replied Edwin, with the fullness of joy dancing to the tune of his heart.

"I wish you the best in your service." Mrs. Margaret concluded, Edwin showed a good reaction, dashing to his feet and making his way out of the office.

As Edwin stepped out, a smile escaped his lips once more for the second time. Edwin was overwhelmed with excitement; his dream had come true. Edwin had made the decision to serve his country with all of his strength, knowledge, and abilities, and this moment will bring nothing but joy to his parents and relative circle in particular. Edwin strolled a short distance to a nearby corner, staring at the number of people who had come for the same purpose. Edwin leaned his body against the wall, secluded close to an office, the noises here still buzzing out, but in a little way out of shot, he slipped his palm into his pocket. He scooped out a cellphone, peering into the touch screen, drew his index finger on the screen, and clicked on a particular number. Suddenly, it got connected and started ringing out through the other end. A baritone voice filled the loudspeaker. While the phone communication was in progress, Edwin poured out the bag of news he had for the day to his dad.

"Congratulations. I am so proud of you, son. You'll make your country proud. " whispered Mr. Amos in a very joyful voice before the call elapsed.

Edwin stood there in one spot, as his back leaned against the wall, chuckling, and a buzz of imagination sensed through his thinking faculties. Edwin never had the intention of getting to this level in a lifetime. Back then in secondary school, Edwin happened to be a total failure. He never wanted to make improvement towards his studies. His failure as a student created a high record in school, nor the determination to make his parents proud. During class, he would sneak out with some bad eggs, Frank and Tom, but everything seemed to be different that morning, as break-light caught up with him like karma.

"We will be going to town today to cool ourselves with beer. Hope you come with your casual dress." Standing in the midst of the three of them, particularly talking to Edwin, Tom asked.

"Yes, dude, I got some cash also." The joyful Edwin blurted out, gently pulling out a wad of money tied with a rubber band while he showed it to the two friends.

"Really, where did you get all this cash from?" Frank asked, looking bewildered.

"From my mum, of course."

"Oh my God! I told you we have enough cash to sort out all of our problems. Well, how did you do that to convince your mum so easily? " asked the two friends in crimson.

"Dude, I told you I was my parents' only child, my father said. So, they could do anything for me just to make sure I am okay. They hated to see the sight of my tears. I cooked up a dead lie and told mum the school principal asked us to bring a sum of twenty thousand naira for lessons. Trust me, mum agreed to my statement. These people could do anything for me just to see a change for the better. I told them I was not interested in academic stuff, but they kept on pressuring me. This is the way out, dude." The three friends burst into sarcastic laughter.

The students started gaining access to the empty class as the three of them walked out majestically.

"Oh, I forgot to take my bag along. Let me quickly get the bag. My clothes are in there. Edwin complained and ran back to the class, grabbing his bag out of the locker. On the porch stood Tay, totally blocking his way from passing.

"Tay, what is the meaning of this? Get out of my way." When he fired at Tay, he was filled with rage; his eyes were red, his nose flared up, and his heart was pumping and beating like a drum. "If you don't get off my way, you'll hate what I will do to you." Edwin warned. His voice was so mean that he could do anything just to gain access to the road. The angry Tay stood firm, not letting him make his way out of the class.


To be continued.

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