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worlds of tyrannus

worlds of tyrannus



Psychological conflicts ....Bloody wars.... Intrigues and conspiracies... Hidden legends and prophecies.... And the gas is confusing when Love Is Born and happiness is mixed with despair and love with misery and must be sacrificed in the name of the homeland, then the sword is the boundary between them........

Chapter 1 Part I

Alone walking in the middle of the night under heavy raindrops, she didn't pay attention to the time or the weather, everything was over, and she returned and her life stopped with her return.......

She's back in her world and she won't see any of them again, she won't see anyone, especially him .... Her soul mate or soulmate as they call him in their world after them

You won't be able to see him.... Why is this happening now

Damn, she wants to go back to him, she wants to throw herself in his arms, to hide from the world in him, but this is not possible because everything is over, her mission in that world is over, and she will not be able to go back again

She fell to the ground collapsed, letting tears slip from her wide eyes and soaking in the rainwater before slowly landing on her cheek

She put her hand on her heart and closed her eyes tightly because of the pain she was feeling, she lay on the ground with her feet pressed to her

To hell with all this, when she started to get used to that place, when it was no longer necessary for her to leave, she did not feel herself engaging in a bitter wave of crying, embracing herself like a fetus before she got tired and closed her eyes under the raindrops and brought back the memory of that strange day when it all started..

That day that changed the course of her life to a father, the day she learned that she was only the Chosen One of that strange world

One day she was that ordinary girl whose name, by the way, is Yuna

In her third grade of high school, in order to achieve her dream, nineteen-year-old Yuna finished her exams, rushed home and, as usual, no one at home except her mother, who was not a mother in the truest sense of the word, Fiona never felt her tenderness or kindness, as well as her father, all they are concerned about is collecting money and increasing their wealth

Her mother was a high-society woman who cared about her appearance, and Yuna's younger sister was somewhat similar to her mother, but the latter was completely different from them

She never cared about appearances, especially that caste to which her family belonged

We can say that she hated her social class because, of course, she likes simplicity in everything and not pretentiousness and growing up on others, and this made her stupid to think in the eyes of her mother and sister, but this was her last concern...

That day she had returned after finishing her university exams ,and her assistant did not find anyone at home who cares

So Yuna whispered it to herself, took an Apple in her hand, fastened her bag on her back and headed running at all speeds towards her grandmother's House

The only house where Yuna is free without making, she ran towards the house through the dense forest and did not stop until she reached the river bank

She stopped for a moment and walked towards him to sit on his bank, looking at him for a long time before getting up to continue running towards her grandmother's House

Finally I arrived at the vast garden, I passed it quietly enjoying the view of the flowers planted in that garden

She was very beautiful and unique in color, her grandmother was a lover of gardening and she planted in her garden of every color and type

As soon as she got to the door, she opened it and happily threw her phone into her grandmother's lap:

"My sweet grandma missed you so much"

Grandma answered her in a very affectionate voice :

"I miss you too, baby."

Yuna moved away from her embrace to look at her with puppy eyes and she says:

"I'm so hungry what did you cook for me today?"

The grandmother laughed lightly, reaching out her hand and scattering her granddaughter's hair, saying: :

"I cooked your favorite food"

Yuna screamed excitedly to jump in place as she said loudly out of the intensity of happiness :

"You're always the best."

Then she rushed inside to throw her bag near the library door, then went into the bathroom, washed her face and hands, and returned to the kitchen, where her grandmother was sitting quietly on her chair

To sit Yuna watching her make her favorite pies

Yuna loved watching her grandmother work in the kitchen, feeling like her mother and not her grandmother, she kept playing with her legs in the air like a five-year-old girl waiting to be rewarded for her good behavior..

Grandma Mary turned to her to ask while her hands were still busy forming pancakes:

"Tell me, dear, how was your day "

Yuna answered her as she carelessly lifted her shoulders :

"MMM very good, today I finished the exams and I can read the books I like more freely, right, pretty?"!

She ended her speech with a wink to make grandma laugh as she shook her head and scowled :

"Yes, you have every right, my dear."

Grandma Mary finished preparing pancakes and a cup of tea to put it on the table in front of Yuna, the latter began to devour it with great appetite, she says:

"I'll come home today and come back tomorrow so I can stay with you."

Grandma Mary raised her eyebrows as she said with a question :

"Why don't you stay with me today?""

Yuna answers her while her mouth is full of food:

"I have to get some work done at home, Grandma."

Mary got up from her place to come back after a while and she pays her more sandwiches and she says:

"Okay, no problem with that, but come back quickly."

Yuna stood up to perform the military salute, saying Out Loud::

"Yes, Mr. President."

The grandmother's smile widened before her eyes clouded with great sadness and an old memory of someone who is almost an exact copy of Yuna's actions appeared in front of her how much she missed him interrupted her, her grandmother saying with a smile

"Can I have one of your books tonight, please?""

Grandma Mary answered her with an affectionate voice :

"Of course, baby, take what you like."

Yuna jumped towards her to drown her in a torrent of kisses as she says :

"Thank you, the sweetest grandmother in the universe, I want to read so that I have no hope at home today."

Her grandmother followed her away from her to lightly push her towards the door saying :

Okay, okay ..Tomorrow you will come and have a good day with me, I don't have to repeat myself."

Yuna replied to her to say excitedly::

"Well, thank you, I'm going to go pick a book for you and catch up with me."

The grandmother smiled lovingly at her while the other one headed towards the library looking for a book to have a good time reading tonight

She stood in front of a bewildered in front of a very huge shelf with many volumes and books, put her hand on her chin thoughtfully to whisper softly :

"Mmmmm history books ..Novels and legends..Space science and astronomy ..Geographically..Philosophy..Science..My grandmother's hair has all kinds of books here, it's amazing, but how am I going to choose?'!"

So she whispered to herself before her eyes were caught by a thick book, the cover of which was made of dark black leather with strange golden symbols, and it was written in the center in a font that looked like gold, "Tyrannos Kingdoms."

She paused her lip in thought before shrugging her shoulders as she said to herself:

Okay, fine. I'll borrow this book. it looks fun and weird, whatever

Then she reached out her hands and held it, and it felt like a bolt of electric current went all over her body

She stood for a moment while she was in her place, before she shook her head and ignored the order to put the book in her bag and returned to her grandmother in the kitchen to tell her this last one after she saw her:

"Here, tell me, Have you chosen what suits you?""

She replied with a smile, saying: :

"Yes, grandma, thank you. our appointment is tomorrow."

Grandma shook her head to wipe her hands from the jelly as she approached Yuna saying :

"How about accompanying me to the forest for a while?""

Yuna answered her to say :

"Mmm, not today, grandma, how about we do it tomorrow?""

Grandma put her hand on her hair to scatter it as she says with a affectionate smile :

"As you wish, my princess."

Yuna pursed her lips obnoxiously to say with childish anger :

"My grandmother, I have outgrown this surname, I am nineteen years old and I am no longer a child."

"But you will always be small in my eyes."

Yuna pulled out her tongue to tease her, as if she was really a child, then went to her bag and carried her on her back

Her grandmother dropped her off at the door of the house to leave for home with slow steps as she strolled through the green forest roads enjoying the beautiful and quiet view of the forest, she loves nature just like her grandmother....

I finally got home and opened the door, then sighed desperately, as usual, no one is home, everyone is at work ,I went to her room and threw her bag on the bed, then I went to the kitchen and found a letter from her mother on the refrigerator door saying

"We have an important dinner party with some businessmen. this is the address if you want to join us with my warm kiss."

She smiled mockingly as if it was important to her as fuck....

She went to her room to go to the bathroom and take a warm shower, as usual, and then went out to wear a skirt in a dark blue color that reaches half her thigh and a black T-shirt that reaches just below her chest to show off her flat stomach, she pulled her black hair behind her،

Then she went downstairs to prepare dinner, ate her food quietly, then washed the dishes and returned again to her room to sit at the desk, reached out to carry her bag and open it, took out what was in it and arranged her books in front of her to start studying, only a few seconds passed until the book she brought from her grandmother's house caught her attention

At Mary's cottage...

After Yuna left the hut, grandma Mary spent the rest of her day wandering around the forest collecting mushrooms and some useful medicinal herbs that she could benefit from in the future

After a while, she returned to the hut, and I prepared dinner for her to eat in silence, and she fed her cat Katie

Then she went to the fireplace to spend the rest of the night there knitting some wool, as is her habit ,but before sitting by that fireplace

She went looking for a book to amuse her time this night, she is not in the mood for knitting, she searched among her books with concentration and then suddenly stood rigid in place, she does not know how this happened

He's been here ..She is sure of that

I started to search among the books madly and then I started to randomly throw the books on the floor, to look all over the hut

But to no avail, she did not find it anywhere ,she is sure that she put it among the old books in a place far from everyone's eyes, how did it disappear like that

No one visits her in her hut except..... Yuna.....

Suddenly she remembered that she had not seen any book that Oriel took with her before she left, so there is no doubt that she was the one who took the cursed book, her eyes widened in severe shock and horror took over all over her body

Grandmother Mary screamed her name in horror and ran off into the forest roads, running in panic, praying to God that her granddaughter had not opened the book, because it would be a disaster that would destroy everything, and first of all, her dear granddaughter

It seemed to her that the road was very long, and then not a short time later, in fact, according to grandmother Mary, she arrived at Yuna's house in five minutes, and as soon as she got home, her attention was attracted by that bright blue light that radiated from Yuna's room

Then I heard a loud scream for her, the grandmother ran towards the house and did not waste time at the door because she was holding the key and as soon as the door was opened, she rushed up the stairs to Yuna's room, but as soon as she entered the room, she stood rigid in her place, her mouth was in shock, because Yuna was not there in her room at all, it was empty and the book was placed on the bed and wide open

Here grandma Mary knew that she was very late,and she had nothing left but to pray for her

She sat down on the bed, took the book to her lap and sighed heavily, praying to God that Angel would be fine, if something happened to her, she would not forgive herself at all.

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