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Authoress Succy


He has been watching over her since when she was 13, he has been craving for her and he wants her all to himself but the naive girl does not even know if he exist. He was ready to kill anybody who will come between them, he was a vampire that everyone dreaded so much, a vampire that rules all over others, a man that means every words of his and he gets whatever he wants so Emily Adams is no exceptions. Do you really think that he will have emily all to himself?

Chapter 1 Jealousy

A young man sat at a wooden chair holding a glass cup sliping his wine while staring at a particular photo in his hand. He look at the smiling photo in front of him and then scoffs before keeping it inside his pocket.

He look around searching for that one person and his eyes turn red looking at the young girl who was sitting down on a chair talking to a boy. His turn red and his sharp teeth threatening to tear off his mouth but he calm himself down looking at the young girl with anger.

Only him has the right to be with her. He taught his eyes turning blood shot. He has been watching her for the past 8 years and he has just waiting for the right time when he is going to claim her as his and no one is going to stop him by then.

He was just fifteen years when he saw with her dad hunting in the forbidden and he was so memorized by her beauty. He wanted to suck from those blood that drive him insane but he left her not without leaving a mark on her so he could be able to know wherever she was.

The young girl was just 13 and her father went hunting with her, he left the girl at a particular spot and went to other direction not aware of the vampire watching from behind. The thirteen years old girl sat on the grand playing with her doll when she has felt a wind blow pass her and she quickly turn around but found nothing. She turn around only to meet with a scary red eye making her want to scream but he quickly held her mouth tightly shoving his sharp teeth into her neck sucking a little blood from her she feel weakly on the floor making him smirk.

He close his eyes licking the blood off his lips feeling so good tasting the delicious blood and then he turn to the little girl laying on the floor, he bite his own hand making blood gush out of his hand and then he place it on the girl mouth making the sleeping girl taste from it and then he stood up looking at the young girl.

He heard footsteps from behind and he quickly vampire speed to the other direction watching as the old man rush towards his daughter tapping her. He smiles when the young girl woke up hugging her father tightly.

Mine. He whispered looking at them as they walk out of the forest.

As he continues looking at her he felt hands on his chest trailing down to his bottom making his red eyes turn towards the bitch who don't care about the red eyes. She was dressed in a pant showing half her butt and one could tell she was not wearing any pant and a crop top showing her under of her boobs making the young man growl in disgust, his woman will never dress like this.

He was damn attractive. So he taught but if only she knows that he was a devil in disguise, looks can be really be deceiving.

He was a charming man with tall looks, greeen sexy eyes that ladies fall for easily, his charming body and that handsome face that drive most girls insane.

Lucas caspian was his name, the most dreaded vampire of his time.

"Hello handsome let me get room". The girl said biting her lips in a seducing manner which does not affect lucas easily but he decided to play along.

He smirk evilly and took his lips close to her neck inhaling her seint making the girl laugh thinking the boy was romantic.

Her blood seems so nice. He taught closing his eyes as he inhale her.

But not as his woman. He taught his eyes diverting to Emily who was operating her phone and he sign in relief when he didn't see any boy near eye making her smirk.

He turn to the girl who seems impatient and he smirk the more, he is really gonna have fun having his meal.

"Of course darling let get a private room". He said raising his eyebrows, his deep voice make the girl giggle and she stood up walking towards a direction majestically while lucas followed behind grinning.

She open the door walking inside slowing damon followed behind locking the door.

The young girl faced lucas pulling off her shirt slowly biting her lips but lucas just scoffs.

"There will be no need for that." Lucas said making the girl furrowed her eyes in confusion but her eyes suddenly widened when his eyes turn red and then his long teeth was visibly seen making her scream but of course they couldn't hear due to the music booming from the club.

"Somebody help." She scream running towards the door but lucas quickly vampire speed towards her and then he held her neck immediately shoving his sharp teeth into her neck sucking the blood out of.

After tasting to his own satisfaction he drop the body and the floor and then he clean his mouth feed with blood.

"Too bad you came to the wrong person". He said smirking and then walk out of the room.

He arranged his suit looking like he didn't just kill someone and he walk to the club looking at Emily sit but found it empty.

"Fuck all thanks to that bitch". He muttered before speeding out of the club.

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