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Blue eyed love

Blue eyed love



Rita a simple family girl whose family core value won’t let her Heart love again Randal a young CEO who fell in love on a business trip.will he succeed in convincing her to allow herself love ? Tragedy struck and Rita must again face life alone.

Chapter 1 Church

Chapter 1

Rita!Rita!! Mrs James Andrew called out to her youngest daughter who was always running late for church activities.” How is this girl always late after being the first one to wake up and do almost all the house chores!” She asked .”oh mama,you know she hates to dress up to look like a lady .she prefers her work clothes Rhoda replied from the sitting room while admiring her engagement ring.Rhoda has been engaged for 2weeks now, and she has been a litttle chipper than before.she would stare at her ring and smile.eighty percent of the time she is in her own world.”mama, sorry am late Rita said as she rushed down the stairs to meet her family. Rita wore a simple peach colored gown with a scarf tied around her face.she wore a brown sandal with a matching bag .she was about to alight from the stairs when her foot caught onto one of the stairs.Rita fell down with a thud.Her mother came rushing towards her with a worried look”oh dear!”She said as she looked at Rita all over to make sure she was alright.”Are you alright?” She asked as she turned Rita around to make sure she wasn’t injured.”I have told you a thousand times to please watch your step when coming down the stairs.Rhoda tucked back a loose curl behind Rita’s ear as she made an attempt to help.Rhoda looked at her sister’s choice of clothe and raised an eyebrow .Rita shrugged in reply.Rhoda shook her head.”why dint you wear the gown I picked out for you?” She asked Rita avoided her eyes and said “ it’s too fancy for a church ,I want to be comfortable when am seated at church “ Rhoda tried to speak up but they were both pushed out of the house by their Mother who was in a haste to arrive early in church.She was in charge of today’s program and she dint want to arrive late .They hurrried down to he car with Timothy the driver waiting beside the car.he opened the car door for them and they got in.”thank you Tim “ mrs James called out to him as he began to drive .”we are running late , please get us to church on time” she said.

Chapter 2;

Rita looked down at her slightly bruised knee and winced. She looked at her mother whose concern was being in church early and her sister who was absorbed in her own world.Rita thought about her not wanting to go to church , but she dismissed it.she has to be there for her mother especially now that she was in charge of the children’s programme.Her mother has been busy for three weeks now.She recalled how her mother had taken old notes and ideas from her late father.How they all miss him .Rita held back the tears as she tried to reassure her mother that everything was going to be alright.Rita squeezed her mothers hand and said”mama please relax “.Mrs James smiled back and nodded her head.”I miss your father so much , but am grateful for you girls she said as she planted a kiss on their head.”we miss him too mama , Rhoda said looking sad.”let’s make him proud then “Mrs James said as she released them from her hug.”He is already proud mama,”Rita said smiling at her mother and sister. Seated on the second row of the pew in church ,Rita seated between her mother and sister bowed their heads for opening prayers.they stood up to sing to sing the hymn.Am hour later, parents and guardians were clapping for the performance’s of their children and wards. The children choir sang so beautifully and the short drama was perfect. The church minister closed the program and everyone moved out of church .Mrs James was all smiles as church members shook her hands and congratulated her on the success of the children’s program.the church minister shook her hand and congratulated her on the success of the programme. He moved to meet other church members who were waiting to see him. Rhoda was talking to the Phillips,her would be in-laws .Rita stood by the car taking the full scenery before her.she looked at her sister who was glowing and hugging the Phillips as she said her good byes.Rhoda was one lucky girl Rita thought as she recalled how Rhoda fell in love with Dr Edward Phillip .they were visiting their father who was undergoing chemotherapy at the hospital where Edward worked. He would always be there to check in on their father.he would give advice on what is to be done to make their father comfortable.Rita envied her sister for finding love at the most painful period of their lives.she thought Rhoda should not be falling in love at this time.she hated herself for feeling that way about Rhoda while mama and her self were having a bad time.It was at their engagement Rhoda found out that her late father was in support of their relationship,in fact he set them up .he would always ask Rhoda to go look for the kind doctor who attended to him even on his off days to come see him .Dr Philip would come only for their father to ask if he was kind enough to get to know his daughter.Rita smiled at the memory .she looked at her sister who was walking towards their mother.Rita thought to herself, Everyone had a right to grief how they want.the fact that they were not showing it doesn’t mean they are not hurting. She remembered how she had seen her mother crying in her room as she sniffed their fathers clothe.she had heard Rhoda sniffing at night after the funeral.Othertime ,it’s was Rhoda crying on the phone with Dr Edward comforting her at the other end of the line.Rita welcome her sister and mother with a kiss each on their cheek”weldone mama “ she said as she opened the car seat and courtesyed.Mrs James laughed at the gesture.On their way home,Mrs James mentioned there will be dinner for close friends and she invited the Phillips.Rhoda pleaded with her mother to help out in the kitchen .Mrs James raised an eyebrow in suspicion.”Oh mama , please don’t act too suprise I know I may not know my way around the kitchen like you and Ri, I would like to learn” .”I see “ Mrs James said as she still wasn’t convinced .Rhoda looked at her sister and mother who kept looking at her for the truth.”Alright! I give up she said exasperated “I just don’t know how to tell you this she began looking down wards.can you please make mashed potato salad to the menu for tonight’s dinner?I promise I will help out “.she said pleadingly “it’s Alright my dear”Mrs James said as she patted Rhoda’s hair down .”I don’t mind cooking that for my would be in-laws”.Rhoda smiled at her mother “Thank you mama,this means a lot.I know for sure Edward will be coming and he loves mashed potatoes salad”.Rita rolled her eyes and was caught by her sister “when u fall in love you will understand “ she said.”Am never doing that” Rita replied .”never say never”Rhoda said with so much seriousness they all burst out laughing.”Seriously though my dear,I am with Rhoda on this don’t give up on love , it’s one of the best thing that can happen to you when u find true love”Mrs james said. “Am not just interested Rita replied looking out the window as they arrived home.

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