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Can I Be Loved ?

Can I Be Loved ?

Angie story


Imagine living your dream of getting married to your Highschool crush,that's pretty amazing right ? But how would you feel when you find out that that true love of yours is a beast ? How will you feel when he hits you ???? Doesn't think of the kids ? Totally heartless And you need escape but you can't risk the lives of your kids ??? Will you ever be saved from this trap you got caught in???? Read to find more!!!!

Chapter 1 ~The pain~

~unknown:I can't breathe I'm running from the exhale ~ °Luciana° "Ouch" I said as I treated my wounds,I started crying thinking of my life and Marc entered. "Are you crying? "He asked obviously annoyed,before I could answer he dragged me and slapped me and I fell to the ground,he picked me up " what have I told you about ever crying whenever I touch you"he yelled "please stop yelling you might Wake up the kids" I said and he punched me and I fell to the ground "Are telling me to stop yelling because of those bastards" he yelled punching me.

"Pull off your clothes now" he said and I started crying inside ,I obeyed and I was standing naked in his front. He came to my front and he told me to lay on my stomach and I did, he walked to where he kept his materials, he took his whip and he used on my butt . He hit me and I shouted "aaaaaahhhhhh" 2 hours later "Aaahhhhh" I was on the edge of fainting and I know that if I do that Marc will be mad at me. He was still beating me when kaden and kanelle entered "Daddy stop hurting my mom" They said together and Marc left me and he went to slap the two of them ,he was about to start beating them when I entered "Marc they're sorry,please I beg ,please hit me instead" I said and he didn't listen he went to take his plank that he normally use on me,he wanted to use it on the kids and my eyes widened,I quickly rushed and pushed the kids and the plank hit on my head and he started Laughing ,And everything went blank... I woke and I heard my kids calling me "Mom" that was kanelle's voice "Yes dear" I managed to say "Mom why does dad hit you,he his a bad man" laden said. Yes Marc might be mean to me but I wouldn't want his kids to hate him "No,actually mommy did something bad to daddy and Daddy got angry" I said trying to convince them. "Okay kids go to your room and get prepared for school" I said and they scurried off,one thing about Marc is that he actually loves it when kids go to school. I managed to get up and I went to the kitchen and started searching for what I will prepare for break fast,I decided to make bacon and eggs and for their lunch at school they would have the same I guess, I don't have the power to make two dishes like I always do. I went to the dinning and started setting it ,after few minutes I was done and the kids aren't down yet. I went upstairs to their room to go and check on them and I got the shock of my life ,they scattered the room and they were naked... I rushed to them "Babies what are you guys doing if your da......." I couldn't finish my statement, when Marc entered .i got scared and he looked around before coming close to me. He slapped me hard that blood came out an am so is finger is imprinted on my face because he was wearing rings... "You left your little bastards and let them thrash my room" he yelled slapping me again. "Daddy it wasn't mommy" kaden said and he pushed ,with my last strength I rushed to kaden and I wrapped him in a hug obstructing Marc from doing any tying to him,kanelle also ran to where her brother was and I was crying they also joined me... "I hope you are not crying" he asked me and I quickly started cleaning my tears,because he hates it when I cry but he his always the one that makes me cry. "A.....mm... No.....t crying " I stammered "Better,Now go downstairs and serve me,and make sure you clean this place and the whole house" he said and he was about going when he asked "I hope you cleaned my shoes and you've picked what I will wear to work?" He asked and yes Marc does go to work he his an accountant "N..nnnnn.....not y...yet" I said and the next thing I received was a punch in the right eye. "A.....mmmmm sorry Marc,I would go and find it quickly" I said "Then who will serve me breakfast and dress the kids you fool"he asked angrily and I got confused " o..oook I will dress the kids while you wait for me to come and ser........"another punch in the left eye and the kids started crying "Daddy leave her alone please " kanelle said dragging his legs and he kicked her off. "Your mother is a bitch and not a good wife,she is wicked and heartless" he said and tears wanted to fall off but I didn't want him to hit me "I will go downstairs and serve your food and while you are eating I will go and look for what you will wear" I said and he left but not without glaring at me. "Kids please can you help mommy" I asked and they nodded "OK help mommy arrange your room and bring out your uniforms and I will come dress you in here" I said and they nodded I was about leaving when kaden said "mommy bring our food upstairs please we don't want to see-daddy's face" he said angrily,I was about answering that when I heard Marc calling me. "Hey you guys should not say anything bad about your father,he loves you and make sure you clean okay" I rushed my words and I went downstairs, I served him and rushed upstairs to start looking for what he will wear and I found the perfect one . Later he entered the room and I left to the kids room I saw that they were trying to put it on by them self ,I smiled and went to help them,I brought their food for them to eat,I took them to school. Yes Marc thought me how to drive and gave me the opportunity to be drooping the kids off and I gladly accepted, I got to the school and they came down from the car "Bye mommy" kanelle said "Bye mommy" kaden said "Bye ,come give mamma a kiss" I said and they rushed to give me kisses. They entered the school compound and I left... I really love my kids and if not for them I wouldn't be in this marriage anymore,I went inside to clean my new injuries am so sure this gonna leave a scar.... . . . . . TBC.Luciana First chapter

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