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I'm a bait of my lover

I'm a bait of my lover



Sebastian Miller a well known boy in his university, some nickname him a "comic handsome guy" because of his talent that everyone want to have, a good singer, dancing, arts, even in sports, captain in basketball at highschool and he's now a 3rd year college student. Some even says that 'he's probably out of this world' or 'a comic did really exist and Sebastian proved it' but what happen if he encounter a werewolf and a vampire at the same time? not just meet but these two fall in love with him. who would he pick a werewolf Ethan 'Uno' Ferrer? or a vampire Aziel Ezra?, Sebastian Miller life is an indeed comic.

Chapter 1 Mr. Elevator Guy


it's summer again and its time for the enrollment in college, im a 3rd year Fine Arts student here at Ferrer University everything is fine at my 1 and 2 years of college actually its more fine than my previous school and i hope in my remaining year too.

some of my friends are calling me a main character in a comic books, maybe because of my grades and position here at university, im a SSG President (Supreme Student Government), I don't what they're talking about me and my character but im glad everything is good.

"Sebby, Daniel and Walter are already here" I heard yeji shout from the living room

"im coming!" i shouted back, i just fix my hair and then go to sala "lets go yeji" she grabbed her porch and phone and we leave.

"hello guys!" i shout as soon as i sat at the back with Yeji

"yow bro, Yuna and her boyfriend are already at university, they're just waiting for us" Daniel said while driving

"they're waiting for us? or just their quality time? duh!" Yeji exclaimed and roll her eyes i just laugh at her, she's too bitter because Kenji rejected her last week.

"stop being bitter Yeji, kenji just rejected you!" Walter teasing Yeji

"yah! karina rejects you too, lol!"

"at least im not bitter like you hahaha"


"you ugly duckling Yeji!"

and they didn't stop teasing, Daniel's car was filled with noise in the quarrel between yeji and Walter, they were always like that teasing and teasing each other, sometimes I think maybe they are really the ones for each other hahaha.

we arrived at the university and we saw Yuna

waving at us with her boyfriend Mark.

"You're late!" Yuna complained

"do you think you didn't enjoy your boyfriend's quality time tch!" that's Yeji again who is very bitter

"don't pay attention to yeji, she just broken hahaha" Walter teased her again

"Let's enroll" I greeted them, they nodded and we walked together to the registration area.

Yuna and Mark were walking holding hand s, while yeji and Walter were fighting again while Daniel and I were walking quietly, we laughed at the same time when our eyes met.

"their loud too much" I was referring to yeji and walter

"It's like you're not used to those two" we both laughed again

after we registered we took a picture for id this school year, the three of us, yeji and Daniel have black on the side and our position in ssg is listed there under our names, me as a vice president, Daniel as a Auditor and Yeji as a treasurer.

"I'm hungry for the length of our queue, let's eat" Walter said

"You're always hungry, is there a dinosaur in your stomach?"

"stop me yeji I don't have the strength to fight the ugly duckling now, I'm so hungry"

"What's that ugly duckling ?!"

there and they start again, before the two fight again I intervened and held both their arms, "don't make any noise, we're going to eat hmm?"

Walter hugged my arm even more while yeji snorted "you sided with Walter again"

"I'm not on his side, I'm hungry too and I'm sure you're hungry too"

"I'm not hungry" yeji still growled

"hahaha don't think of them, let's eat" Daniel's reassurance to yeji.

sometimes for us as parents in our friendship, me as a mother and Daniel as a father, people around us also often notice how we handle them yeji, yuna and walter.

Yuna, on the other hand, is an introvert she just talk once in awhile, it's good that she has a boyfriend who can tell about her problem if ever she can't tell us

Yeji and Walter, on the other hand, are like middle children, the ones for twins and then hate each other are like that, love and hate relationship it seems.

Daniel's car stopped in front of the restaurant near the university, yuna and mark were also just behind our car,

we went in and sat at a big table that will fit six of us, Mark and Daniel ordered for us while we waited at the table.

"Sebby, our ssg president will be replaced, won't she?" Yeji asked

"oum yes, Karina will be replaced because she already graduated"

"So who is our next president now?"

"The university hasn't said anything yet, maybe they'll be finding again"

"So we will be replaced too?"

"no weren't, we're just going to vote for the next ssg president, we're not included"

"ahhh, so who will be our ssg president?

or candidate?"

"Actually I have no idea, but I hope that person as good as Sister Karina and sensible."

"Walter also has a taste for women" Yeji whispered but Walter heard her

"of course I am? you're the only one who doesn't have a taste, kenji? tsh bwuah!" Walter even acted nauseous "ahh!"

he received a strong punch to the head from Yeji "sister Karina also has a taste for men because she didn't choose you"

"Hey that's a foul!"

"You're the first, I've already praised you and then you'r teasing me? ha!"

"shhh your voice is too loud we're in the restaurant" Yuna scolded them, the two immediately fell silent.

I also thanked Daniel and Mark who arrived with the waiter who also brought our order

"Don't fight anymore, we're in front of the food" I scolded the two when I saw that they were getting quarrel again.

we started eating quietly and without noise because even the two next to me were also eating quietly.

after we ate, Yuna went home first because she said she had a meeting with her parents, mark took her.

while Walter and Yeji were also delivered, Daniel and I were the only ones left in his car

"Are you going home too? Do you still want to go somewhere?" Daniel asks

I smiled at him because he could really read what inside my mind again "am I that obvious?"

"yes you are"

"I want to go to the art museum"

he squeezed my cheek before returning to the steering wheel "then let's go to art museum!"

we both laughed weakly, me and Daniel have been friends for five years so maybe he already knows me, from the food, and the things I like and don't want to do, my phobia and all.

after awhile we were in the parking lot of the art museum, "let's go?" we entered the art museum together, we circled around somewhere before stopping at the greek methodology section, "say that and this is what you're looking for" laughing Daniel added

"It's only time i have, that I went to the art museum again, my college life was so busy last year" I scolded, we were really too busy last year because many events took place, after the preparation of school events and printing in the ssg office were demolished.

"if ever you want to go anywhere you can call, I will come"

"Really? Sure?"

"yes im sure, promise"

"All right, you said that!"

we talked about Greek mythology that we knew, "what's your favorite paint?"

"me? hmm here" I pointed to Michaelangelo's work

"the creation of Adam?"

"yes, the message behind that painting is very beautiful even though the painting is beautiful too, it's not boring to look at"

we talked for a while before we came out in the art museum "oh shit" I was suddenly surprised to see that the sky was dark "it's already night?"

"Maybe we've been inside for too long so we didn't realize the time" Daniel explained

"let's get in the car you might catch a cold if we stay out here more longer"

I got in his car, it's very cold tonight, maybe Daniel noticed that I was getting cold so he gave me the sweater that was in the backseat earlier.

"here, Put it on you might get sick "

"thank you"

"let's eat first before i send you home"

"hmm, let's sip a soup, i want soup" i pouted to him

he messed up my hair and looked back at the road "yes we will"

we passed a cafeteria earlier where we were going to eat, the car stopped at the cafeteria and we got off.

Daniel ordered two soups, and dry ramen, he also ordered two beers and water.

"eat first before drinking beer, maybe you shouldn't prioritize that beer"

"ahh!" after a few sips of soup I drank beer "the taste of beer is good"

"hays! I'm just telling you to eat first before drinking beer, you're really stubborn"

"you said it late, i already sipping a beer hahaha"

he messed up my hair again and ate, He really like to mess up my hair, I even made it more beautiful earlier, i even put a wax tsk!

after we ate, he took me to my condo

"Here it is, change your clothes before going to sleep bye" he ordered

"yes, bye, be careful, be careful when driving!" I also said to him

I got out of his car and waited for his car to leave before entering the hotel.

when the elevator opened I entered, I hit the 7th floor, the elevator gradually closed but it reopened because someone hand's is blocking the way

a tall man came in, he was in a black suit and carrying a suitcase, the elevator wasn't that small but I felt like I was suffocating.

he hit the 7th floor too, I took a deep breath and moved a little away from him, he was too tall.

we're already at the 4th floor when it suddenly stopped and the light went out "shit!" I immediately said and hugged the man close to me "i-i am sorry" I apologize to him my knees are shaking and I'm also short of breath, shit its bad! "l-let me hug you f-for awhile" I said asking for permission to him and tightened my hug with him even more, my face was buried in his chest, he didn't speak and he just let me hug him.

I felt the elevator work again but I didn't have the strength to separate from him, my knee was weakening too much I hugged him for a few more seconds and I heard the * ting * signal that the elevator was opening, we were on the 7th floor

We both got out of the elevator, he held my arm and helped me to stand up "are you alright?"

I took a deep breath a few times then faced him, his handsome, tall maybe a 6foot and dazzling eyes "y-yes, im sorry again" I apologize to him again

"it's okay, can you walk?"

"i-i think yes" i still can't breathe properly my knees are still shaking

I let go of him and tried to walk but I just fell down, it's a good thing he was behind me and he caught me "what's your room number?"


"You're just facing my friend room he's 314, let me bring you there"

"n-no wag na baka may pupuntahan kapa"

"no no, I'm also going to my friend which is just in front of your room so let's walk together"

"s-thank you"

We walked quietly to my room, the one that happened earlier so my reaction was like that because I was afraid of the dark so my body reacted lthat way, I've been suffering from this phobia since I was a child.

we got my room number and his friend's room number which is just in front of my room, I opened the door I faced him and bowed and thanked him "thankyou"

"you owe me"he said and winked at me before entering his friend's condo,

I was left gaping, I just entered as well "y-yeah, thankyou" I bowed to him once before finally going inside, I immediately drank some water and adjusted my breathing

"maybe I owe him, but how can I make up for him, I don't even know his name even he's number or is he here, hays!" I talk to myself

I dropped my body on the sofa and recalled what had happened earlier in the elevator "embarrassing!" I shouted sharply, "but what's his name?"

I didn't follow what Daniel told me because I also fell asleep on the sofa, our day was very tiring and a lot of things happened.

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I'm a bait of my lover

Chapter 1 Mr. Elevator Guy



Chapter 2 Room 312



Chapter 3 are we a thing now



Chapter 4 Madam Angel



Chapter 5 Ethan is jealous



Chapter 6 A witch



Chapter 7 safe and secure



Chapter 8 small details



Chapter 9 A day of heat cycle



Chapter 10 A hard day comes



Chapter 11 Steady Day



Chapter 12 Vampire and Lycan



Chapter 13 Lycan and Werewolf



Chapter 14 falling in love



Chapter 15 what about sebby



Chapter 16 Vampire or Werewolf



Chapter 17 Cloudy thoughts



Chapter 18 Guilty Sebastian



Chapter 19 used to each other



Chapter 20 Rosé and Atlas



Chapter 21 FU page



Chapter 22 A thing between Sebastian and Ethan



Chapter 23 Foundation Day



Chapter 24 Foundation Day 1.2



Chapter 25 Foundation Day 1



Chapter 26 Foundation Day 2



Chapter 27 Where is Sebastian



Chapter 28 Is Sebastian fine



Chapter 29 I will be at mess if you disappear again.



Chapter 30 I'm scared



Chapter 31 Angus and Reagan



Chapter 32 Missing Angus 'Dos' Ferrer



Chapter 33 How Angus and Reagan met



Chapter 34 How Angus and Reagan met 2.2



Chapter 35 just don't bid you're goodbye yet



Chapter 36 a life of a lycan



Chapter 37 Bunch of flowers



Chapter 38 two lines



Chapter 39 first



Chapter 40 first love
