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Your Justice Or My Love

Your Justice Or My Love



Getting Revenge on someone is going to be a very hard thing to deal with, it's like going on a journey you have never went before.. Mary Tyler who killed her childhood friend JESSICA AUSTIN On the same date, same Month her husband was killed. Unfortunately for the wicked woman in POWER, She never knew that someone was watching, She never knew that someone would haunt her down, She never knew that someone would FIGHT for POOR Jessica, She never knew that right from the time she pulled the trigger at JESSICA , She drew the battle line... IT was someone whom had wanted JUSTICE to be taken which later on lead to PEOPLE.

Chapter 1 The Bully

"Mum, don't leave us, Mum..."

" I don't have a choice darling, Make sure you take care of yourself and Alex okay??" Mum said crying and then I heard a gun shot!! Mum fell to the ground lying down on the floor in the pool of her blood .... Mum died in front of I and Alex...

" Fuck!!!" I said awakening from my night mere.

"I have been having these silly night mere for the past few weeks now " Amelia said as she stood up from her bed

My name is Amelia Austin, a Lady in her 20s... Occupied with a younger brother named Alex who is just 17 . I love my brother so much, I mean who wouldn't?? I promised my self that I would make HELL on EARTH on whosoever that makes him cry..

My father is late while my mom takes care of us. She owns a restaurant not too far from home so we don't have any problem with food... I'm still in search of job and ofcourse I have a PhD in Business Administrator but for the main time I occupy my self into training , I'm a taekwondo fighter..

Wondering why I get occupied with training and not been serious with me looking for job?? Maybe because I love fighting and also for self defense.. That's my lifestyle . I'm Amelia...

Going down the stairs sighting my mom and Alex setting up the dinning table with different dishes placed on it

"Good morning mum", I greeted

" How are you angel ??"

"I'm good "

" Good morning sis ", Alex greeted

" Morning dear, your night??"

" Fine ", he answered

After greetings we all ate quietly, and when we were done eating I cleared the table (dinning ) while Alex went to his room to get ready for school. After few minutes, I was done so I joined momma in the sitting room watching TV

" Mum, aren't you going to work today??", I asked starting a conversation

" I'm going in the evening, I wanna rest a little ", she replied not taking her eyes of the TV

" And you?? Aren't you going for training ??", She asked

" I'm going but that is if you grant my request ", I said and she finally faced me

" Which is??", She asked curious to ear

" Well, I need a power bike ", I spat

" Huh.. do you have any idea how much that thing costs??" She said almost in a yell and I nodded my head

" You know what Lia, I still have bills to pay, maybe later but for now it's a NO", she said and faced the TV back

" Mum please it's not easy trekking and it will also help Alex going to school early, please.." I begged

" Amount??" She asks.... " 1.5m" I replied closing my eyes not wanting to see her reaction

"Please...." I begged and I heard her sigh

" Lia that amount is too much, but I will give it to you", she said and I opened my eyes happily

"Awwwn ,thanks mum"

" You are the best", I praised hugging her..... " I really appreciate"I said and disengage from the hug

" You are welcome dear, quickly go freshen up so you can take Alex to school ", she said and faced the TV back

"Yeah, I will leave you to enjoy your movie",I said standing up, heading upstairs to my room...


"Fuck"! .. I'm really late for school' , I said wearing my shoes. I Know teachers don't pick students for late coming but what Diego and his gang would do is more worst..

Diego is so found of bullying me reason which i don't know, I know he hates me so much because he thinks I might have something to do with his so called girlfriend.. I mean, just because you saw me with her doesn't mean anything right?? Besides it was a coincidence. I apologized to him but then his girlfriend won't stop seeing me also, I tried moving away but she wouldn't listen. Diego noticed this again and since then he always finds something to always pick on me and will give me the beating of my life, he won't punish his girlfriend but me which isn't fair enough..

I ran down stairs with my packbag with me.. " Amelia isn't done yet" I thought..

" Hmmm, mum tell Lia I have gone already" , I said and pecked her

" Okay son, take good care of yourself " she said and waved a "good bye" to me

I trekked to school and within 5minutes I got to school, I walked pass the hallway, got to my locker and open it , dropped my bag inside and brought out the books I needed closing it back...

I went to my class room and by the time I pushed the door open, my enemies welcomed me... Diego and his Gangs.. I sigh and ignored them going to my seat,there I found Diego seating on my chair pressing his phone...

" Hmm excuse me Diego, you are on my seat", I said politely

" And so.. you were with my girlfriend yesterday remember", he said and stood up facing me

" Yeah, I was with Cassy because she needed my help with my home work, any problem with that??"

" Oh really, you were assisting her with her home work and I caught you staring at her", he blurted and I chuckled cause I knew that was a lie

" Well I wasn't, she was actually, not me'

" Are you kidding me"

" What the Fuck do you mean by that??", Diego said now boiling in anger and the rest surrounded me

" I really don't want bruises on my face" , I thought

" Diego we are in the classroom for Christ sake and it's too early for us to start this", I said hoping he would listen

" Oh really, you didn't think of that when you were trying to steal my girlfriend" he barked and I scoff

"Yeah, your girlfriend is pretty but she isn't my type", I spat on him and all the students gasp and I wondered why?? And then I recalled what I said which made me gasp covering my mouth, I moved back..

" What did I hear you say??" Diego said moving towards me with his hands fisted ready to punch me anytime soon

" I'm sorry, it was a slip of tongue" I plead

" Get him", he commands to his Gangs and one of them moved near me grabbing me by the collar of my shirt, about giving me a punch on the face.. The teacher walked in

" Let's begin lecture students", the teacher said and everyone went to their seats, I was left by the collar while Diego stared at me giving me that " you are a dead meat" Look

" Be prepared during closing cause imma remove one of your teeth" , he mutter to my ears..

"Jeez... What have I gotten my self into".. I mumbled thinking of how I'm going to escape..

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