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Her pains

Vee has never thought she'll find herself in the prison of marriage ,she has always had the dream of becoming a powerful woman one day and make her family proud ,even tho she comes from a very poor background, what happen when her mother suddenly fell sick and needed millions of dollars to get operated on ,what happen when she has to sacrifice her happiness and dream just to save her mother's life,,?

Chapter 1 Her nightmare

Vee was in her room ,thinking about how messed up her life has become ,she was in her thought when she hear a faint sound of shoe coming to her direction,In fear she balled herself on her bed before the nightmare begins ,this has always been her life for the past 2 years ,she already in tears when the door was flung open ,and she saw the face of the handsome devil that has been taunting her, solo was starring at her with a wicked grin, he saw her in tears and he could read the fear in her eyes, he strode into the room towards her direction, was driving her crazy, all he want at that moment was

to rape the hell out of her life and make her cry the more ,he rushed towards her and gave her a deafening slap smashed her on the bed ,rip her clothes and bounced on her ,he was banging her like his life depended on it, he groaned out loud when he pour his semen all inside her ,and stood up ,he stare at her for few seconds before he says to her in an indifferent tone "I've sent some money" go freshen up and pay a visit to your wretched family" he strode off immediately after saying that ,Vee couldn't stop her tears at that moment, this has always been her life routine, getting raped by the man who's supposed to be her husband, and getting paid for the service like she's a whore, she couldn't stop her tears when she forced herself to clean up in the bathroom....

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