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Making The Alpha My King

Making The Alpha My King



If she was ever born into the family she had she would have been different, Raine a beautiful princess flees her palace to live an independent life only to one night feel a spark with the man she finds hot... "I feel safe with you" after a shocking incident she finds he is a fucking werewolf with a blood feud with the palace she once lived in. This shocking revelation would actually bring out a reality. Raine a smart badass girl and Tolvar a cold and cruel Alpha, what is she to do to tame the cold Alpha who later flinches from her touch..... "we would get through this" when things seemed to go as planned, Trials and enemies seemed to come along. what would this love story lead to? would she return to her kingdom? Been loved by an Alpha really puts her on edge to make him her

Chapter 1 The Palace

“When will the day come?”

The Break of Noon came blazing down on the girl who sat by the window, the hot sun shone on her bright face making her squint her Round shape Amber eyes, she held her hands under her chins as her farsighted eyes kept giving off a fiery light, she was waiting for someone and she knew the person was near, her wavy reddish-blonde hair cascaded down her back, suddenly someone rushed into the princess-like bedroom before bowing her head.

"Your highness, the King asks for you and the Royal firstborn of the family at the grand hall" Without saying anything Raine stood up and approached the door as the timid maid followed behind, she didn't have any servant except the girl behind her, as she never associated with anyone and been the most needed princess in the palace anything she wanted was giving to her without any complaint, the maid grew up with her and pretty much understand her, and she was the only one Raine could converse with. As they walked on the cold floors of the path that leads to the grand hall, Raine ignored many people who stopped to greet her as her hollow eyes only stared at the Big door that was showing its magnificent glory at the other end of the pathway, when she reached the main door they opened the door without even knocking as someone announced her presence.

"Princess Raine Alexander of Triberius Arrives" she never really liked been announced Raine walked toward the King and Queen, as she stared at their grinning faces, this was how they raised her to be, their show-off, their jewelry, showing off what they never got, it was today that she finally found out that she had been the jewelry of the Family that never loved that, she would find out but it would be soon.

"Greetings Father, I, Princess Raine Alexander greets you" she bowed then lifted her chin waiting for her to arise.

"Arise, princess, we have been waiting for you, take your seat" she arose and made way to her seat with a grim expression, no one knew what she was thinking and they didn't want to know, she crossed eyes with her glaring older sister, who was nudged by her mother who she sat with, being the first daughter she was given the seat of honor which was beside the Queen and she was given the seat that stood out before ministers, the first daughter Sophie composed herself and looked elsewhere, Raine no longer looked at her as she stared at the Young and handsome man who strode towards the King and showed his respect, Raine could see the burning gazes the maids who were sneaking to look gave him, she snickered silently.

"All the servants should be out" and as the king commands they all rushed out of the halls, head bow and in cue leaving only the royal family and minister in the Grand hall.

The Young man who was in his prime, below the age of her older sister, stated his intention and waited for his reply, Raine who hated boring subjects closed her eyes and leaned her elbow and the seat armrest, and to everyone she was asleep and to them, it was an insult but seeing as she was always needed to make wise opinions no one ever said anything unknown to them she was wide awake she didn't want to be part of the discussion, but she couldn't run from it.

"Princess Raine, what do you think?" Raine abruptly opened her eyes before staring at the young man intently.

'Prince Egon is a prince of Tridentum, the most well-resourced kingdom in the four lands, he is known for his kind heart and brilliant thoughts as he as always made wise decisions for his father, which rewarded him the privilege of selecting his own wife if Sophie was to marry into this kingdom it would bring many privileges to our kingdom, and help the old man, there is no chance that she won't be loved because a glimmer of love is within his eyes, he is a strong man too' Everywhere was silent as Raine accessed the young man in her thoughts, who only held Sophie in his eyes, then Raine turned her neck to look at Sophie who glared at her with a warning that she shouldn't say what she likes, Raine grinned and then began to speak while she stared at the young man.

"I think it's a wise decision to accept this marriage father, not only because he is a fine man and he is brilliant but because marrying into the kingdom of Tridentum would benefit more into the kingdom of triberius, I hope you don't mind been allied with us, Prince Egon?" Finally, the prince snapped his head to look at the younger princess, as his fine Hazel eyes met her amber ones, as he grinned seductively.

"I actually don't mind because I could do anything for Princess hazel, even if it is to join hands with her own kingdom, But I pray thee, your Majesty, to grant me this request to marry your daughter" he bowed elegantly, 'and my work here is done.

"Prince Egon of Tridentum, I agree to give my daughter to you only if you look unto her with love and care and you protect her all the days of her life, I hope we can work together to see the glory of our four kingdoms" blah blah, Raine yawned and closed her eyes again, ignoring the confused look of her older sister, who didn't understand why she agreed but anywhere liked that she accepted, Raine then checked the watch in her hand before standing up and bowing to her father.

"Father, I would like to be excused now, if you permit me, I have some business to attend to" she announced and waited to be granted permission and didn't see the cold gaze her father shot at her.

"You shall stay behind Princess, the Queen and I wish to speak to you, after this meeting" Raine wasn't pleased with that as her lips formed a frown and her brows were knitted together. She gritted her teeth, as a discerning rage flicked in her eyes.

"I will gladly oblige your majesty" Raine could feel the smirk that her sister let out, Raine didn't care about this sister of hers but she was more concerned on why they wanted her to wait behind, but she had no choice but to continue the meeting with the court and witness the stares Sophie always threw at her.

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