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Mr CEO You're Dumped

Mr CEO You're Dumped

craezy Writer


Daniel mistook Wendy for an ordinary girl who nursed him when he had a car accident. However, he didn’t know that the nurse was actually the only heiress of the biggest enterprise. Daniel married Wendy not because of love, and then divorced her because his ex-gf came back to him. Suffered enough humiliation and grievance, Wendy didn’t love Daniel anymore, and went back to inherit all the property, and that’s when Daniel regretted divorcing her and now he wants her back. Will Wendy agree to marry him again?

Chapter 1 Prologue

The noise from the stiletto announced her presence her presence as she walked majestically towards the porch. She wore her fair hair in a bun, with a fierce look on her smooth face. Not bothering to knock, she placed her hand on the knob, opening the door in the process. Quickly, her eyes darted around the room ,looking for Daniel, finding no glimpse of him,she smirked.

"The bitch is here!" A voice spoke coldly, descending the stair two at a time. She was an older version of Daniel. The gold tail on her immaculate dress trailed behind her. A woman of good taste, that's who she is. On her face was a cold when disdainful look.

Startled, Rachel gazed towards her direction "the with is here!" The muttered quietly.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Obviously, to see Daniel, my man" Rachel sneered

"Oh, in that case, I think you've lost your way because my son can never have any thing to do with a slut like you!" Cisca retorted

Boldly, Rachel walked towards her, giving her an intense look as she spat "look here, cisten or whatever your witchy name is, I, Rachel will get married to Daniel, your son with or without your approval. read my lips" Rachel rolled her eyes at her "you can't do any shit!"

"How dare you!" CRACK!

The sound echoed in the living room just as cisca's hand made contact with Rachel's cheek.

"What? Did you just lay your witchy hands on me?" Rachel's eyes widen in utmost bewilderment. Damn it! Did this old bitch just lay a hand on her precious face? Does she know how much she spent on her face weekly to ensure she is without blemish? How dare she?

Rachel fumed as she stared at Cisca maliciously

"Well, the slap was just to reset your memory. It seems you needed it so I just helped" Cisca shrugged

Without warning, Rachel raised her hand to return the slap but stopped mid-way.

"Bitch,you raised your hands to slap me?" Cisca bellowed

"You are just lucky that I am in a good mood. Be careful, next time you might not be this lucky" Rachel warned with a wicked glint.

"Mother of Christ! Guards!!! Go ahead and slap me!"

With a mockery tone, Rachel spoke "oh, so you're calling your dog to throw me out? I am not surprised since that's....."

The presence of four hefty men interrupted her speech.

"Throw this wench out of this house and ensured she never step her feet in here anymore" she ordered "do I make myself clear?"

"Yes ma!" They chorus, making advances towards her.

"What's going on here?" A deep voice asked descending from the stairs, stopping the guards. He was tall and manly, he was shirtless, giving him the sexy look.

Rachel gulped, as she stared lustfully at him. Before anyone could say "jack ass" Rachel became hysterical when Daniel approached them.

Moved by Rachel's hysterical fit, he hugged her possessively, offering same comfort. Stunned, Cisca stared dumbfounded.

What just happened? She thought staring at Rachel in Daniel's arm.

Did that bitch just broke into an hysterical fit as a cover up?

"Mother, what's wrong with my fiancee?"

Rachel's heart accelerated when she heard 'fiancee'. She increased the volume of her cry while sticking out her tongue at Cisca, giving the guards her middle finger.

Cisca fumed. "Your bitch dared raised her filthy hands to slap me. She insulted me so I asked the guards to accompany her out of here"

Turning to Rachel, he asked "is that true?"

"Baby, that's not true. I came here, looking for you but she stopped me as usual. She slapped me and asked the guard to show me the exit. I was pleading with her but she called me a slut" Rachel hiccuped with a pathetic look, she continued "your mother said I can never marry you. I can't continue in this relationship when your mother does not approved of our relationship. Baby please let's break off this engagement"

Softly, Daniel trailed his hands on her cheeks, wiping the tears. "No, we won't call it off.with time my mother will accept you"

Glaring at Cisca "I don't like this! Stop treating my woman as a foot mat. Stop it!" With a look, he dismissed the guards. Pulling Rachel out of the living room.

"Geez! That slutty girl won't kill me before my time!" She exclaimed.

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