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Warning: Contains matured scenes.... When Ria Andrews, an ex submissive at Luminous; a BDSM house, survives a near death experience, and becomes claustrophobic, she decides to ask her cold boss for help. Hulton Stone was her dominant, and also a secret Mafia don. But... She wasn't aware of the fact that Hulton had been her crush for years. As the story progresses, it is revealed that Ria was actually the future leader of an Italian Mafia organization. Her real parents hid her to prevent their rivals from hurting her. "What if I don't do well as a leader? I don't have any experience with being ruthless you know." Ria sighed. "You have... You became ruthless the day you watched your best friend die." A voice sneered behind her. What happens when Ria discovers that Hulton was actually her parents killer? Torn between love, and revenge, Ria is stumped.... Secrets were unfolded.... Hidden dark secrets....


Walking down the hallway with one step at a step,a young lady headed towards a room.

She was scantily dressed. Her head was tilted upwards,with an air of confidence surrounding her. After walking for a while,she stopped in front of a door. Raising her head a little,she looked at the name plate,

003, Bondage avenue.

Taking a deep breath,she sauntered into the room.


She was Ria Andrews,a submissive at Luminous; a BDSM house. She was a very beautiful and yet slender lady.

A mesmerizing eyes that seemed to look deep into one's soul.

She was well known by the clients that frequented Luminous. She was an expert in the field...


She was envied by other submissives. However,she didn't care about them one bit.

They could envy her all they wanted!


"You are late." A manly voice sounded immediately she walked into the dark room.

She could hardly make out his figure...

She stood for a moment trying to adjust to the darkness.

There he was...

She slowly walked towards him. On the table adjacent the bed were different BDSM objects.

A rough night as usual...

She climbed on top of his body and with a sensual voice,asked him,

"How do you want it?" She pushed her hair back.

"Steamy and rough." With that he pushed her back.

She sighed inwardly...

A steamy night as usual...


Hulton puffed out the smoke in his mouth,and it came out in circles. He watched the strip dance taking place at the corner of the BDSM house.

Buzz and music filled the air... He felt someone's presence at that moment.

"Are you done for today?"

Without turning to see who it was, he asked.

"Yeah." Ria plopped herself on the chair beside him.

She mixed different alcoholic drinks and downed it in one gulp.

"That was fast." He calmly continued.

"What can I say? I'm an expert,you know. However,I will take that as a compliment." Ria continued observing the rowdiness in front of them.

They were both silent for a while.

"Are you serious about quitting your job?" He turned to face her.

"I've always been serious. I've been working here for eight years,I want to go out and explore the world." She joked. "If there is nothing else,I will be heading home then." Ria clutched her purse and sauntered out of the house.

Hulton stared at her departing figure with a bland look on his face. No one could tell what he was thinking...

A submissive walked over to him at that moment,

"Master Hulton, a client wants to see you. She's waiting at the submissive hall." She said in a sensual voice.

"Tell her I'm busy. Find another Master instead." He said nonchalantly.

He wasn't in the mood to do anything.

By the way,it was already 3:00am in the morning. He wanted to get some rest.

"Noted,Master Hulton." She turned and left.


Ria unlocked the door to the condominium and tiredly walked inside. She flung her bag carelessly on the couch and locked her door.

"Hah... I feel sore all over. That old jerk." She cursed loudly.

"Okay.. Food,a cold shower,then a short sleep." She ticked off what she had to do at the tip of her fingers.

She only had few hours to rest before dawn. She had some things to sort out in the morning... She had to rest...

She dragged her body to her bedroom. She turned on the lights and undressed. Grabbing a robe,she wore it and headed to the kitchen.

Food... There was no way she was going to sleep without eating...

In less than thirty minutes,a plate of pancakes was ready. She took it to the living room and comfortably sat down on the couch.

Her stomach rumbled embarrassingly.

"Shut up, can't you see I want to feed you?" She dug into the pancakes and closed her eyes savoring it's sweetness.

It was at that moment she realized how truly hungry she was...

She soon devoured everything and dragging her weak limbs back to the kitchen,she deposited the dirty dish in the sink.

'I'll wash it tomorrow.'

With that,she turned off the lights and headed to her bedroom.


While scrubbing her body,her mind wandered to Hulton's words and the expression on his face earlier on.

Was he concerned about her?

'Of course not. I'm just a submissive after all.' She chuckled.

Master Hulton was a popular dominant at Luminous. He had that rugged and handsome face which was alluring to the clients who frequented the place.

He was her dominant in fact...

But she had to leave... She had plans...

Her parents were already dead,she was a young billionaire...

Many properties were willed to her.

In fact,she could stop working for years to come without getting worried about money at all.

She wanted to fulfill her dream...

Her dream??...

Becoming an adventurist. She had always nursed the dream even while she was a child...

Staying back at Luminous might hinder her from achieving what she wanted...

She got out of the bathroom in a light-hearted mood. She could pay whatever money was required of her. But, she had to leave Luminous...

She turned off the bedside lamp and lay on the bed. She was completely naked beneath the sheets.

Ria had the weird habit of going to bed naked. She claimed sleeping with clothes on was a nuisance.

'Ring... ringggg' She jumped up and grabbed her phone almost panicking.

Who the fuck was calling her at this ungodly hour?

Glancing at the caller ID,she picked up the phone and yelled,

"Are you out of your fucking minddd??!!!!! Why are you calling me by this time?!" She was already drifting off when the call came through.

The person at the other end of the line chuckled and apologized.

"Why are you calling me Sam?" She placed the call on loud speaker,and lay down on the bed.

"Wanted to know if you were at home or not." A feminine voice said laughing.

"Really? Well congratulations, you just distracted my sleep." Ria groaned in annoyance.

"You can always go back to sle..." She was still speaking when Ria directly hung up.

She was disturbing her beauty sleep...

'Damn you Sam.'

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