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Dreams Of Us

A boy and girl try to recall where they have met before, they later find out something very shocking about each other.

Chapter 1 Familiar Face


Leo was walking in the halls on a typical boring school day, it was just after recess and he was heading back to class when his eye caught the sight of a very familiar face, a girl, she looked so familiar as if he had saw her the day before or some hours ago, but the strange thing was, Leo just couldnt remember where he had seen her before, he thought and thought, but he just couldnt recall, he found himself staring at her for quite a long time, that she eventually noticed him, she had thesame look on her face as if she had seen someone familiar, leo wondered if the feeling was mutual so he decided to walk up to her to ask if they had met before, but just then leo's bestfriend jake ran towards him grabbed his hand and dragged him straight to class yelling "we're gonna be late for class leo!".

Jake and leo were now in maths class leo was bored out of his mind but jake was quite fascinated with their new topic, the maths teacher was teaching the class "probability", leo couldnt care less all he could think of was the girl he saw earlier, he decided to ask jake about it, he tried explaining to jake but jake was to invested in the class, eventually leo gave up and took an excuse to go to the bathroom, the teacher allowed him and he dashed out of the class, deepdown leo was also hoping he could run into the girl again although he knew it wasnt likely since everyone was in class, he got to the bathroom washed his face and as he was about to leave, he decided he was just going to skip class since he had no interest in it, he would just wait until everyone was done with class then he'd look for the girl, a while later everything went as planned he skipped class and was now looking for the girl he saw earlier, after a tiresome search through the whole school he just couldnt find her, he then stood in the middle of the hallway disappointed with his headdown, just then he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder he lifted up his head and it was the girl he was looking for, she then said "sorry, umm... you look very familiar, have we met before?", leo was releived but at the same time confused he then replied "i was just about to ask you thesame thing", he then said "we've probably met somewhere before but we probably both forgot".

Leo suggests place where the couldve met but she denies all of them as he continues talking she interrupts and says, "so sorry, but i have to go somewhere", leo replies "oh ok then, so whats your-", he tries to ask for her name but she had already gone and didnt hear him, he thinks to himself "well, that was a little rude". Its already closing time and leo heads home, at home he tells his sister about what happened at school she thinks its hilarious but doesnt say much, his mum prepares dinner and as usual his dad is working late, the family eat their dinner and not soon after leo heads to his room to sleep, his room is filled with a bunch of quirky anime posters and his bed is a mess filled with clothes and books which he pushed to one side so he could sleep, he laid on his bed staring at the ceiling till he fell asleep, he dreams of non other than the girl he met in school earlier, he dreamt they had a similar conversation to the one they had in school only this time when he asks for her name she says, "My name's Olive", he wakes up and thinks to himself "huh,what a weird dream".

The Next morning leo heads to school as usual with jake, on the way they talk about the girl leo met, jake says he doesnt know her and isnt of much help to leo, during hoomeroom leo sees the girl again and decides to talk to her after, which he does, he approached her and said "hey olive", she has a very confused look on her face upon hearing this, he then realized that that wasnt her real name it was the name he dreamt about, on realising this he quickly apologises and said "sorry i didnt-", she interrupts and says "how do you know my name?", Leo now looks even more confused and is too shocked to even say anything, they both just stare at each other in utter confusion.

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