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Aila's writing career has been stagnant since she moved to the city, so when her editor comes to her with a project unlike any other, she hopes this will be her big break. The assignment? An expose on a bachelor billionaire tycoon that everyone in the city is talking about. The goal is to uncover something unseemly about his background and ruin his reputation. Aila feels bad about it, but if this is the price for success, she decides that she is willing to pay it. Besides, the public deserves the truth, right? What will happen when Aila poses as a high end estate agent and finds out more than why she was there? Will she complete the assignment or drive into the past that keeps calling her? Who are the dead innocent souls and how did everything begin?

Chapter 1 Ocean Of Sadness


Sadness was an ocean. Olivia drowned. Every day, she had no choice than to swim.

The way sadness worked in Olivia is one of the strange riddles of the world.

She was stricken with a great sadness, she felt as if she had been set aflame, not only because of the enormous pain, but also because the sadness spread over her life, like smoke from an enormous fire, and because of that, there had always been something called revenge in her soul.

Yes. Revenge for the lost innocent souls!

No matter how much Olivia thought about what happened to her people years ago, she always arrived at the same conclusion, telling herself, "happiness is no longer for me!"

"I can't and will not live a normal life till I take revenge!"

To make taking revenge easier, and to enable her to deal with more lookalike crimes in the future, so she could be the voice of the voiceless, Olivia made up her mind to become a lawyer and had been walking toward it before she considered being a prosecutor the best. Thinking that would make her go deep into investigations as much as she wished, since there was no limit for prosecutors to investigate, unlike lawyers.

But just when it remained a step to step in and take the prosecutor's entrance examination, Olivia didn't care about her sweat, effort and money she put in; once her usual second thought popped into her mind, thinking, "to grow wings in the legal way might be difficult or even impossible,"

"Those that are behind the incident are people of high status. Will they sit down and watch me destroy them easily?"

"If they find out about my background, I may not be able to get a promotion, talkless of becoming what I want."

Finally, Olivia made up her mind, following James' suggestions. It would be the best, "Join the black shadow, connect myself with the needed people, and create my realm of justice shall reign empire,"

"And then, the real final saga will begin!"

Concluding on what to do, Olivia spent last night meeting the people she was expected to meet in order to be a member of the black shadow.

With what she saw inside the shadow empire, in addition to what she passed through on her way home, she finally confirmed that happiness was no longer for her.

Last night, she made a decision she never thought she could make. She became more cruel and ruthless due to lessons she received within a short period of time. She was made to know that in life, you don't wait for what is yours, you root for what you want and snatch it from who it was.

To take revenge, Olivia witnessed a lot she never witnessed in her twenty-three years of existence in just a single night.

Now, Olivia was ready to give it everything within her reach, and everything outside her reach. She was willing to give it all it cost just to take revenge on the dead innocent souls, and become an avenger for the living innocent souls in the cloudy future. Even though she herself doubted her existence till then.

What she was about to do was dangerous, but she didn't care.

Revenge is a must since it's all that it requires.


With the transparent of pains in Olivia's eyes, she laid her left hand on the apartment's door, and made sure she quickly locked the door and confirmed it was locked before she took some steps more, and arriving at the center of the sitting room, she laid helplessly on the floor.

Thinking about everything in the past, a little smile, without Olivia's knowledge, was kind of displayed in her eyes even though it wasn't noticeable or bright.

Getting to the middle toward the ending of the memory, where every tragedy began, and darkness aroused in her life, her family's life, and the people around her, hot hidden tears from five years ago began pumping out of her eyes. Lining horizontally on her cheek, before some passed through her shoulder before landing on the floor, and some landed straight on the floor.

Olivia wiped away her tears, wanting to force herself to stop crying. But then, she remembered the master's words from last night.

"If you have anything that you want to cry about, do it before you come back here tomorrow. Make sure to shed every drop of tears out of your eyes,"

"Before this time tomorrow, make sure to cry the hell out of your eyes, because from that time onward, no more tears. You will become fearless, brave, smarter than before, more cruel and become one of the most ruthless people on the surface of earth."

Olivia let the tears be, for some minutes, she let her eyes do as they wanted; pumping out tears.

'Why am I doing something I stopped doing a long time ago!?' Olivia thought within her mind.

"Mercy is no longer for me, I need to accept and get used to my eyes being always thirsty of tears, and always make my soul dry and not give it what it wants."

Olivia groaned in pain, holding the wounded part of her stomach. She stood up on her feet and stood for some minutes before she turned to the stairs.

Slowly, Olivia managed to walk to the stairs, and as she took up her left leg to climb up the stairs, she heard a familiar voice from behind. Calling, "Olivia."

Olivia landed her leg on the front stairs, and the person called again, "Olivia."

Olivia continued turning a deaf ear, thinking it was Aila. But laying her leg on the second, third, fourth, and then the fifth stairs, she remembered she locked the door after entering. And also, the voice didn't belong to Aila but someone familiar and close.

"Mother!" Olivia shouted, forgetting the pain she had passed through, the one she was currently going through, and the ready-made ones in the future.

She let go of the wounded area, running to her mother, she continued shouting, Mom!

"Mummy! Mother!"

Arriving at her mother's front, Olivia hugged her deeply in a way that denoted mutuality, love and long sought.

"Where have you been, mother? I miss you." Olivia asked a question with a long-seeking tone.

"Don't tell me you are still crying?" Mrs. Caterina, Olivia's mother asked, adding, "why are you doing something you promise yourself not to ever do again?"

"You should have gotten used to it already." Mrs. Caterina teased.

"Mama, I wish I had gotten used to it already. I just can't." Olivia said with an increase of tears.

Mrs. Caterina let go of her body from Olivia's arms, saying, "it's okay like this, there is a limit to how much you can hug me."

Because of the happiness flowing into Olivia's soul, she didn't mind asking why. She quickly freed her mother, asking, "why did you leave me alone to tackle the tragedy all by myself?"

Mrs. Carolina caged Olivia's head in her hand and lifted it up a little. Mrs. Carolina looked straight into those tearful eyes of Olivia.

"I did not leave you, I never did. You are not left alone to face the dilemma yourself, there she is," Mrs. Carolina said and pointed to Aila's picture on the wall.

"Always for you." Mrs. Carolina added.

Mrs. Carolina walked Olivia dumbly in her hand to the chairs and sat her down.

"No matter how dark the world turns, you're one of those humans that, even if it remains the light of a grasshopper, you should walk with it and don't fall into the pit of the enemy," Mrs. Carolina talked about the past.

"You are the one who shields light in another's lives, while you are in darkness,"

"Your priority used to be seeing everyone around you happy,"

"You are the innocent, kind, hearted lady that lighted other lives with your cute, appeasing smile,"

"Seeing others in darkness, you made your eyes teary,"

"The sweet voice of you put an end to the war,"

"To make other's lives filled with joy, you don't care to do anything within and outside your reach,"

"So what happened?"

"Why the sudden change in and out of you? Mrs. Carolina asked a question.

"Muuuum." Olivia called to her mother while stammering in pain.

"Don't worry Olivia,"

"Put your mind at rest, and everything will be fine," Mrs. Carolina consoled, drawing Olivia's head slowly to her shoulder to lean on.

"Close your eyes and allow everything to fade away into the air. And once you open it, live the great life you deserve,"

"For the meantime, you should lean on my shoulder and cry to your satisfaction,"

"No matter what happens Olivia, live a normal life you deserve. Remember you are love because you love," Mrs. Carolina continued, rubbing Olivia's head down to her back.

"But Olivia, how sure are you that the innocent souls you are destroying yourself for were truly innocent from the beginning till the end?" Mrs. Carolina threw a question.

Olivia slowly raised her head from her mother's shoulder, she shook her head, hit her ear lightly, thinking she wasn't hearing right. And maybe she would hear right if she did so.

"You hear me right." Mrs. Carolina smiled, knowing what Olivia was thinking.

"W do you mean!?" Confusion took over in Olivia.

"I will answer that, but answer the person that is calling you,"

"Someone is knocking." Mrs. Carolina said with a smile, pointing to the door.

Olivia looked at the door, and confirmed someone. She stood up and was walking to the door to check who it was.

Olivia felt a little cold when two steps remained for her to reach the door, and she looked back only to see her mother vanishing from toe to head into the air with a smile on her face, waving her hands.

"Motherrrrrrrrrr!" Olivia shouted, running to her mother to hold her back. But it was too late and all that was left in her hand was sand.

Olivia slowly, weakly kneeled down on the floor and the sound of her knees landing on the floor was heard.

Olivia began hitting her chest slowly, and as she continued, she increased. Shedding tears.

"Olivia! Olivia!" Olivia heard someone's voice, calling her from afar.

"Are you okay!?" The person calling her seemed to worry.

Olivia managed to open her eyes, and seeing Aila standing beside her, she quickly stood up with anger and hissed.

"Have you lost your mind already?" Olivia asked with the transparency of rudeness and hatred.

"Do I ever look okay to you?" Olivia's voice seemed to be a little low and nice.

Olivia stood up on her feet and headed to the bathroom. She remembered being in the sitting room earlier and paused.

"I remember lying down on the floor in the sitting room, how am I here?" Olivia asked a question, turning to Olivia.

Before Aila could open her mouth to answer, Olivia remembered seeing her mother and she quickly ran out of the bedroom, shouting, "Mum!"

"What's going on?!"

"Why is she calling Mum?!"

"Where did she see her?!" Aila was in darkness.

"What's wrong with her?!" Aila asked herself numerous rhetorical questions.

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