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The Billionaire Charm

The Billionaire Charm



Things came crashing down for Maria Jones when her lover was kidnapped. On her quest to get him, she is asked to pay a ransom for his release. She spends everything in her possession to release him. She later learns that she had been duped by her lover. After the trauma and heartbreak, she tries to get back on her feet. She gets a job in a multi-billionaire company. It is owned by a young CEO named Michael Coleman. Their love story begins, she forms an unusual bond with him and he's ready to do anything for her. Weeks into their relationship, Dare Mulan, her estranged ex-boyfriend, is back for her and he is ready to do anything to get her back. Will Dare succeed in getting her back or will her love journey with Michael Coleman be fulfilled?

Chapter 1 Never respond to the unknown text

I glance at my phone yet again for what seems like the thousandth time in the span of a few minutes. I empty my glass which had been full to the brim with Castillo Grande red wine and place it on the table with a thump and a dejected sigh. A second disappointment wouldn't hurt as much and I knew it. I would rather take brutal honesty where my partner admits he doesn't love me anymore than be treated less than what I'm worth. Deep down in my heart, however, I dreaded the moment I would lose myself and my hard-headedness to love.

I stare at my reflection in the empty wine glass. My lips were as red as strawberries and afro buns as black as night. I imagine my lips on Dare's like an artistic painting. I look around the fancy restaurant I'm seated in. The ambience is beautiful with some classical music playing in the background.


I quickly pick up my phone. It isn't a message from Dare as I expect. It's a message from an unsaved number. The content of the message is suspicious as it's only an address, "Royals Hotel off Ajasco Avenue". Who sent me this message and why I wonder. My mind races from one extreme to the other as I try to establish a possible connection between the hotel and all the people I know. I decide to call the unknown number to get some clarification but that seems abortive as it was unreachable. I try calling Dare but he too is unreachable. After trying to decode the strange message and its link to me, a thought comes to mind and provokes a half smile in me. I conclude after being in a relationship for five years, Dare probably wants to surprise me with a proposal. After all, he had avoided every discussion that had to do with marriage with his catchphrase, "Babe we already have that settled". My eyes light up with excitement which sweeps out the worry and disappointment I was already beginning to feel after waiting.

I stand up to leave. At least, the glass of wine I ordered had entertained me for a while. I walk out of the restaurant with my head held high. I don't let any pessimistic thoughts invade the happy bubble I'm already encased in. I board a cab and arrive at the address in less than fifteen minutes. While I'm trying to navigate my way to where the potential surprise is waiting, I feel a heavy hand on my shoulder and a handkerchief being held over my nose.

I presume that I lost consciousness for a while. It's already late evening. I can make out silhouettes of what seem to be two hefty men standing a distance away from me and staring pointedly in my direction. A thin man sits with his legs crossed, smoking in a corner. His shabby appearance makes him look like someone who had just escaped from a rehabilitation centre. Soon enough, I realize that I'm in a place which looks like a garage and the stench of alcohol, weed and dampness permeates my nostrils. I realize that I've been kidnapped

"What do you want from me?" I ask with a shaky voice

"Dare" the thin man replies

"Dare? What happened to Dare? What did you do to him?" I ask almost shouting

"Shh. Calm down princess, your man is fine, he's doing very well" He replies again with his tiny voice

He looks at the two hefty men in the corner and they burst into laughter. He stands, walks to a chair at the opposite end of the room and ruffles through a bag. I feel shivers running up my spine as I imagine him bringing out a gun to kill me.

"What do you want from me?' I ask, already shaking in my seat.

He brings out a phone and I feel relieved. He crouches in front of me and shows me a picture. It's Dare. He looks tortured and bruised. He had on the suit he promised to wear to our date and the gold watch I got him on his last birthday. I look at the thin man with tears already streaming down my face

"Simple! Bring ten million nairas to us within forty-eight hours and Dare will be all yours" he says smiling creepily showing off his yellowed teeth

"Don't try to be a smart lady and involve the police. If you do, Dare's head will be delivered to you in a box" he says again.

He inclines his head towards me and the hefty men walk closer to me. I shrunk back in my seat, scared for my life. They roughly undo the ropes tying me down to the seat. They blindfold me and drive me back to the place they had picked me up. It is quite late at this time so shops are closed and the road is deserted. I limp home, soaking my pretty dress with tears.

I had the longest night of my life filled with tears and fears of never seeing Dare again. I feel as though my life is falling apart right before my eyes. The next morning, I woke up with a splitting headache and the pungent smell of alcohol in the air. I recall the events of the previous day and how I had drunk in the early hours of the morning to escape the harsh reality I was faced with.

I made up my mind to get Dare back even if it means selling the properties my father left behind at his passing, which were worth about six million.

"Dare and I will work hard to replace them" I assure myself. Later that evening, I made arrangements for them to be sold in as little time as possible.

Trying to raise the remainder, I empty the last of my savings. I sat on the floor in my room with the money I had withdrawn from the bank and the other cooperative societies I had kept some money in and started counting. It all sums up to two million.

"Where would I get the rest of the money?" I ask out loud to no one in particular.

At night, I call Tessy, my best friend since my nappy days and in tears, I tell her about the predicament I found myself in.

"It's going to be alright, you have cried enough. She said in a monotone. "I'm so sorry" she sighs and continues in a tough tone, "Thank God you're fine and they didn't hurt you. But don't you think we should inform the police?"

"No no," I say hurriedly as I sniff. "I'm surprised that you are saying this, Tessy. We both know that they'll arrive after the deed has been done"

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