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When Cassandra Justine, saw someone, that live like she do, being a loner. though in a different dimension , she suddenly started liking him . But the like, brought more harm ,than good ,when she fell in love with him . After many years, of , separation fate brought them back. but this time I think fate made a mistake because lying secrets were unfolded . Love turning to hatred .Desperation never letting some do the right thing as they feel they can never let other have what they want . With another in the line for both, separation seems to be knocking And reunite far away.

Chapter 1 A dream after all

I was so bored,so I decided to walk to the school garden, so ,I could receive some fresh air . And maybe ,I would see something ,that will keep me busy ,as I had no friend not to talk of friends.

Sometimes ,I just get tired of my boring life maybe I was curse because what else would make people hate me ,so much to the extent of not talking to me but some other times I realize something “no one wants to befriend an ugly bitch like me “you see I even hate myself Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I got to the school garden and met people in pairs discussing ,some laughing I guess to some jokes only known to them .so I retreated my steps back ,because the atmosphere I saw ,wasn’t what I expected. I was expecting to see a quiet garden or just the noise ,from, the chirping birds not human noise . At least, singing along the chirping bird would help the boredom. I stumbled on something or………. So I thought but no it was someone.closing my eyes ,expecting to fall,but I didn’t instead I felt a strong arms pulling me close .curious to know ,who didn’t freak out due to my ugliness, I opened my eyes and saw him. THE MASK GUY that doesn’t associate himself with anyone.he likes been alone just like me but the difference is that he hates people associating with him he usually shun them to stay away from him but me ,no one wants to come close to where I am . sad right but am used to it anyways . He was the one, holding me ,from falling I was Surprise ,by his kindness and Struck by his dazzling cuteness even without seeing his full face that I kept staring at him maybe to steal some cuteness for my self. how could the creator bless a man with so much cuteness yet give me who happens to be a girl ,this ugly face .really, I thought girls were cuter than boys but today I found out that ,that was a big fat lie I was so lost staring at him ,until his deep masculine voice jotted me back to reality. “Are you okay “he asked in the most caring voice “Ermmmmmmmm……….y..e…ah “I stammered getting hold of my self He helped me stand to my feet and went his way . After he left,I turn to see some crowd of students staring at me with surprise written on their faces well who wouldn’t be surprised seeing beauty and the beast together but in a different dimension the boy the beauty while the girl the beast lol I didn’t realize they have been watching “Did he just held her “ “Aww he hasn’t even touched a guy like me but touched that ugly girl wow just wow “ “It was a mistake didn’t you see it ?that guy couldn’t have done it on purpose he hasn’t hold a beautiful girl like me on purpose is it that ugly jerk he will hold purposely?Such an ugly bitch “ I heard students whispering as I walk out of the garden well it’s their mouth they can say whatever they feel like I don’t give a damn Arhhhhhhhhhhhhh I screamed in annoyance due to the continuous buzzing of the alarm .I stretched my hand and switch it off .I felt so tired that I kept Stretching my body, to relieve stress .i keep tossing around until I fell and landed on the hard floor “What the fuck I was in school a moment a go what am I doing at home or …… was it a dream ?“I asked my self getting annoyed I thought the mask guy ,soft and masculine arms, was wrapped around me . well just that thought alone made my lip curve in a sweet smile But I kept wondering, how it will feel ,being in his arms as I drag my self up from the floor I look up at the wall and my eyes caught the time on the wall clock what !it was 6:43 its almost Seven am going to be late to school. I quickly dragged my self into the bathroom Ohhh what’s all this I forgot my towel I had to run back to my room to take it from my wardrobe. After a rushed bath ,I brushed and searched for cloth to wear After selecting different cloths,I finally settled for a pink gown and a black pair of sandals . I tied my hair into a ponytail , applied a little makeup and lipgloss because I can’t do without makeup took my bag and ran to the mirror to look at my appearance. Satisfied,I dashed out of my room into the sitting room . I saw my mum setting the table for breakfast at the dinning . “Good morning mum”I greeted kissing her cheek “Good morning darling hope you had a good night rest “she asked caressing my palm “Yeah “I nodded and sat down to eat breakfast. Breakfast was toasted bread,with scrumbled egg and tea . I quickly ate ,kiss my mum and ran out to catch a bus to school . Luckily for me I saw a bus earlier than usual I guess heaven is on my side today because normally I stand close to thirty minutes or more than, before seeing a bus . I stopped the bus then sat at the back seat breathing hard due to the running. Well now,let me introduce myself. My names are “Cassandra Justine “am 17 still schooling erm……I stay with my mum,my dad is late and am very ugly don’t even have the imagination of a beautiful girl when you hear the name “CASSANDRA “.hey don’t get me wrong every other Cassandra might be beautiful but am not . I have a crush on this new guy in my class whose name is Fredrick and he is always on mask am kind of always dreaming about him I guess it’s because he is always the only one I think about before going to bed . there is a saying that whatever you have in mind before sleeping you are likely going to dream about it . “Hey miss are these not your school mates?” A young woman asked tapping me “Oh my! Yes they are Thank you ma” I said rushing down to my school “ The royals “ I almost passed my school due to my introduction to you . Now I won’t be the one talking let someone continue from where I stopped . Cassandra ran to her first class . Getting there, lesson have started . “Good morning ma “Cassandra greeted her English teacher miss Sarah going to an empty seat at the back of the class to sit. “Good morning Cassy why are you late to my class “miss Sarah asked “Erm………I …… “ Cassy stammered “Can’t you talk again “miss Sarah asked angrily “I guess her ugliness has gotten to her brain and also tied her tongue “Mandy one of the school’s prettiest said Making the whole class burst into a provocative laughter . Well don’t be surprise that’s how Mandy is she is always attacking Cassandra.Cassandra have never had a misunderstanding with her but she just hates Cassy because she is ugly “Enough all of you be quiet “miss sarah shouted making everyone put on a serious face The class was so quiet that if a pin drops , it will be heard “Now Cassy go look for somewhere to sit “miss sarah commanded before turning around to continue her teaching . Cassy walked to an empty seat She sighted before . But as she was about to sit,Laura place her bag there “It’s been taken “she said nonchalantly before facing the teacher as if nothing happened . Laura and Mandy are best friends and they happens to be among the school prettiest making them have fling of friends . “Hey come over “a girl who Cassy was seeing in the class for the first time signaled her to an empty seat close to hers . “Thank you”Cassy said sitting down “You are welcome “she said jotting down something from what miss Sarah was teaching .

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