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Kaos Maze

Kaos Maze



For thousands of years, in a world that has recognized that difference and difference is the only way to coexist, it's the easy way to be special from the human beings around you. In a world whose kingdoms were separated by its rulers, each of them just wanted to be the supreme authority over a group of human beings, turning into blocks of scattered buildings buzzing with inhabitants. In a world where dragon knights had the greatest fame and fame among people as if they were kings and princes. At a time when his strength was the strength of his dragons and the steadfastness and valor of his knights. In a world where its leaders were dispersed, its most powerful rulers created its own kingdom, scattering its lands in every direction beyond sight. A king who took the mountains of the south as the seat of his rule, and the dragons of the Azu, which are under the control of his son, as a symbol of the greatness of his kingdom, he gave his name on its territory, so that the kingdom of "Longines" becomes the greatest and most powerful kingdom of this world, no doubt in that, with its two cities, which have enjoyed the most side of everything, the city of the south, which has become the seat of government and the shrine of the king and prince, and the city of the north, which has gained the beauty of its location and terrain what it has received, becoming the shrine and land of the princess.

Chapter 1 (1)

North City

The last days of winter with its cold nights over the city of the north.

The chapter that bids farewell to her with the fall of light grains of snow with an orchid pampering on the houses and streets of the city, as a sad piece of music for which the soul groans.

Or like the fall of the tears of an old man who was weeped by the cruelty of life, he lost the passion for resistance and remained locked in his house.

Packets of sunlight that managed to stealthily creep into the earth from those gray clouds and were pierced by a locality, like a simple crack stealthily creeping into a glass slab until it took control of it, shattering it.

Golden rays that are manifested in the snow falling on top of the houses and the spray of rain suspended in the air, reflecting colors of the rainbow that are ashamed of the beauty of the eyes, like the beauty of a beautiful girl whose beauty is manifested in the presence.

Houses whose walls are made of purple crystal and are stacked next to each other in an elaborate geometric shape, separated by narrow roads brushed with falling grains of snow.

A bit of beauty and sparkle adorns the city, which has acquired a bright white color with warm sunlight, turning into a city of charm and beauty above the beauty of its location at the top of the mountains of the north.

As a new day shines, complete silence dominates its surroundings except for a few feet that got up early to begin their work, in search of their livelihoods and food for their children on their outskirts.

It is a land whose inhabitants knew nothing but happiness and pleasure without wars, without injustice, under the rule of their beloved princess to their hearts.

The calm was only the beginning of a storm of flames eating green and dry in front of it.

The calm of that morning lasted only a few minutes.

After it was over in seconds, when the sound of roars reverberated throughout the city and its people woke up rushing as if the King of Death was knocking on their doors one by one to capture their souls, they were displaced to the streets, leaving their homes, including them, trying to save their lives.

None of them understand anything about what is happening, or even specifically the direction of those snarls, whose intensity has been embraced by the foothills and valleys of the mountains.

The streets were filled with people not believing what was happening, looking at the sky and finding only flames burning everything that reached it, as if the sun had moved from its position in the sky to descend to the ground, to the city of the north in particular, burning everything in it.

A fire because of its extreme heat melted the snow turning into water that increased its ignition.

Those who have the physique run away from those fires, while those who have lost their strength fall easy fuel for them.

Flames from everywhere as if they were shedding on them, following them wherever they went, swallowing up all the human beings, animals or even inanimate objects that they reach, nothing escapes them, the sounds of houses that are eroding one by one.

The sound of the roars that resonated in the skyline, this sound that they know very well.

The sound that they almost forgot came from the passage of years and years after its absence from the city.

Indeed, huge Azo dragons are flying in the sky above them, like a dark red cloud gathered above them to rain down on fire.

A few minutes were enough to burn the city with everything that stood in the way of dragons.

The dragons' roars fell silent, and a temporary calm came for seconds before someone cut it off, shouting in his loud voice:

Everyone went to the princess's palace, they went to the palace and came to me with her body burned by the fire of Azo and everyone else with her.

Another replied with the same scream:

_Your orders are under obedience to the Lord's side.

As soon as he finished speaking, they all moved behind their commander, working on the Amiri Palace, which sits at the top of the city, inhabited by Princess Carmen.

Simple moments were enough to get into the palace within sight.

He ordered the knight to scream again, ordering them to burn him and make him a bunch of dirt.

Between the blink of an eye and the other, the palace has already been turned into the remnants of a fire to no avail.

The dragons calmed down at the behest of their commander until they quietly landed on the ground; Lord Harlan was independent of his dragon, showing his majestic height and strong, taut body, his filthy skin with his absurd face as if it were a lifeless rocky land, nearly thirty years old, speaking to his assistant with a triumphant smile:

It seems that it was easier than I imagined, no resistance or difficulty we faced in this battle, if I knew it would have ended up so easily, I would not have brought myself here.

Commander Celer smiled to answer:

Even me, sir, I expected resistance from the city's army even if they were not our equal, especially since we have the Azo dragon and I don't realize what its power is with its brutality, but I imagined that they would at least defend their land.

Lord Harlan moved in steady steps like those of kings towards the remains of the palace, standing tall with his hands in his waist and then speaking:

Although the attack was a surprise, it is from that fool who wants to throw himself into perdition in the face of a monster like this dragon!

It is the Azu, Celler, the dragon of the South Mountain, known for its unparalleled strength and enormity.

And who can face the flames that he broadcasts in the face of whoever he wants whenever his knight wants!

Celer hers speak:

In both cases, they are the worlds, sir, if they resist or not, they will inevitably die.

But anyway and in the end they have all perished.

Also you have all the right about the power of the Azo and its incendiary flames, really it is a flame storm bird no doubt about it.

Anyway, if I had the opportunity to thank Prince Kilan for something good he had done with me, I would have to thank him for making me a knight on the back of the Azu dragon, what a great honor that is unmatched by any status, and that has no ambition.

There is no greater status than being a knight of the dragon.

He was silent for a moment and then returned with his eyes to Celer to continue:

And here I am after me I have given you this honor to be one of the great knights of the Azu.

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