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She Will Be Mine

She Will Be Mine



*Trigger warnings of rape and abuse in this story.* Violet is a small-town girl from Ohio. Little does she know her father is a well-known Capo in the Mafia world. He has kept her hidden from his enemies and only those in his inner circle know about her. That is why he moved to such a small town to keep from being found. Her best friend and secret crush, Mike, has grown up with her and was tasked by her father to be by her side once they were old enough. As a teen, Mike began to learn the inner workings of the Mafia world and business. When a business opportunity opens up in Florida, Mike is sent to oversee it. With his right-hand man, Alex, by his side, they take Violet and Nicole with them to keep them both close. Little do they know: danger is lurking nearby. Another Capo, Ted DiBiase, has his eyes set on Violet when he sees her in a club one night, a club owned by her father and Ted's rival. Ted has no idea Violet is his rivals daughter. He wants her and he will stop at nothing to have her. What will happen when Ted puts his plan into action and takes Violet? Will Mike be able to save her in time? How will Violet react to the fact that her father is a well-known Capo?

Chapter 1 One: The Attack


I was having a good time with my friends Shauna, her boyfriend Alex, Charity, and Mike. Mike and I have been friends forever. We grew up together and I supported him through everything. My life was not perfect, but he made everything better. When he got into wrestling and got the chance to go to Florida, he asked me to go. Why not? Being from a small town, I had to get out and live a little. So I moved to Florida with Mike 6 years ago and became friends with Shauna and Charity. We were celebrating my birthday and Mike's acceptance into the WWE. We were all having a good time until I looked over and saw HIM, the guy that had been pretty much stalking me for months. I shrugged it off and focused on having fun.


I was watching her dance and have a good time. I should be the one over there dancing with her and not that other prick. He had his hands around her as they danced. She moved her hair away from her face as she was laughing at something.

I let out a frustrated sigh.

"When are you going to go for it?" My friend, Cody, asked.

"Soon. I think tonight is the night." I said, not taking my eyes off her.

"You need to do it soon, before someone else makes a move." Cody said, coolly.

"If they do, then they will pay!" I seethed at the thought. "She is mine!" I added in a cocky tone.

"Good luck." Cody shrugged. "I will get the car ready." He said, standing up to leave.

I watched as he disappeared out the door and turned my attention back to Violet.


I was having a good time with my friend Mike, when he leaned down to say something.

"It is getting late and I should get going." Mike said, a bit sad he had to leave early.

"Alright. Call you later." My voice was sad.

He walked off the dance floor and headed out. I danced for a bit more, then took a seat to rest.

"I am so happy he made it!" I beamed at the thought of Mike's dream coming true.

"So am I!" Shauna smiled, sitting with her boyfriend Alex, of about 2 years.

"Tonight is very special!" Alex said, raising his beer.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

They all giggled.

"Your birthday silly." Shauna giggled.

"Oh." I laughed.

Alex then made a toast and we sat and talked for a bit. It was getting late and I was getting tired.

"Well, I am going to go. See you all tomorrow." I said as I stood up.

They all looked at me and frowned but said their goodbyes. As I was walking to my car, I could sense that I was being followed. When I turned around, I saw no one.

Hurrying to my car, I fumbled with my keys. Dropping them on the ground, I cursed under my breath. I bent down to pick them up and as I stood someone wrapped an arm around my waist from behind and covered my mouth with their other. I tried to struggle but they were stronger than I. My screams were muffled by their hand. I felt something cool and wet come to my face and then blackness.


As I was following Violet out of the club, I made sure no one was around. As she bent down to reach for her keys, I made my move. Wrapping my arms around her, I made sure to hold her tightly. I got a towel out of my pocket and placed it on her face.

After a few moments, she stopped struggling and went limp in my arms. Making sure no one was watching, I threw her in the back of the car as Cody pulled up. Getting in the front, I looked back at her sleeping peacefully. "About time." Cody mumbled as he started to drive away.

"Shut up!" I hissed.

"What?!" Cody shot back. "Took you 3 months to finally get her." He added, voice annoyed.

"Had to wait for the perfect time to put my plan into action. She was never alone." I said, feeling relieved and accomplished.

Cody began the long drive to my mansion in West Palm Beach. The drive to Tampa was finally over. She was finally with me and that is how it is going to stay. After pulling up to my place, I got out and walked to the back, getting Violet out. I lifted her up and she leaned onto my chest. I then began to walk to my place and carried her up to my room. Cody went to his as I walked into mine. I gently placed her on the bed and began to strip her of her dress, leaving her in only her bra and panties. A gin appeared on my face as I looked down at the petite body that was now all mine. I stripped my clothes down to my boxers and climbed in next to her. I put my arm around her and pulled her on my chest. Looking down at her and rubbing her back, gave me a sense of triumph. Her soft breath was soothing and soon I closed my eyes and went to sleep holding her in my arms.

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