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The love circle

The love circle

Mathews Omondi


Things had changed, I had never imagined being loved by my fellow coursemate. Sandra was from a wealthy family so I didn't know if she can forge forward with me. The lady loved me. I felt like I was the most blessed because she provided me with whatever I liked or anything I needed. She now catered for all my necessities. It was the second year of my Campus life when our love started to grow and flourish when we never knew where it will lead us. We allowed it to flourish and it continued to be perfect. Sandra was caring and loving she often took me to the shopping centers and buy new stuff for me.  My lifestyle was as if we were from the same family.

Chapter 1 1

A very calm day had just started, students were situated in the main lecture hall when Sandra came in, she was among the most beautiful ladies on campus. She was popularly known as Sandra the Actress. She was tall brown skin and an adorable girl. That day I came in early in the morning and occupied the front left sit where Sandra used to sit, I was to break out all my homework and assignment that our Financial accounting lecturer had given to us.

"Good morning Seth have you finished your homework, can I have a look"I was among the top students who understood well the balancing of books of account and I was doing well in accounting. She came near me and I was least expecting her to come to me because of all I was just a freshman student at the university, Sandra had a pleasant aura which made my mind roll-roll in thoughts. I gave her my exercise book and she started what we termed as the act of copying and pasting I wish she knew how fast our chemistry was building up. She occupied my mind. I adored her and if wishes were I would make her my girlfriend despite how short we had known each other. I started explaining to her how I managed to work and I was quite sure I was right. All the steps were at my fingertips and I was very careful not to mess up in the process. After 45minutes Sandra had done everything and she thanked me for helping her, she went back to her desk as the lecture time was just approaching, it was our Financial accounting lecturer who had a lesson that morning. In an hour, the classroom was full and the class representative collected the exercise books, as we waited for the lecture to commence. When the lecturer arrived he asked the class representative to take the books to his office and we started working out the given assignment. After he was done, I had nothing to worry about since I had passed everything unexceptional to Sandra who had also passed everything. When our lecturer just stepped out of the classroom the excited Sandra dashed to my desk looking happier, she whispered to me "Am grateful, Seth, today I have something small to gift you." And she dashed out. She left me wondering what kind of gift she was going to give me. I thought of an exercise book, I thought of coffee at the famous food joint bread, I thought of every kind of gift that she was going to give me but all were just assumptions. Finally, break time came and I went out at least to break the monotony of sitting in the lecture. The moment I stepped out of the four walls Sandra was before me holding a juice in her hand, I was surprised and perplexed to see her giving me juice, I said thank you and she finally gave me a hug which raised the attention of two other students around us. Hugs were not prone to freshmen.

After giving me a hug she left and went back to the lecture room. I stood there not knowing what to do but just gazing as if my eyes will pop out of their sockets. One of my friends came and started to caution what was happening between me and Sandra, "Seth are you having a secret liaison with Sandra?" I said no as he chopped a piece of avocado from my gift and headed under the shadow of the villas around, we opened the whole thing and started to enjoy ourselves, as we were having talks. My mind never stopped thinking about Sandra, she tickled my heart, and I wanted to tell her how I was feeling about her but I was quite not sure if she will accept my request.

Things had changed, I had never imagined being loved by my fellow coursemate to be loved whom I never thought could love me. She was from a wealthy family so I didn't know if she can forge forward with me. The lady loved me. I felt like I was the most blessed because she provided me with whatever I liked or anything I needed. She now catered for all my necessities. It was the second year of my Campus life when our love started to grow and flourish when we never knew where it will lead us. We allowed it to flourish and it continued to be perfect. I managed to pass my examinations with good grades semester in and semester out. Sandra's family's financial capabilities enabled her to perform somehow well and so she was not forced to repeat most of the semesters. Sandra was caring and loving, she oftentimes took me to the shopping centers and buy new stuff for me. My lifestyle was as if we were from the same family.

Towards the end of my second year, Sandra's actions changed. I did not comprehend what was happening with her but I wished she doesn't stop loving me. Not too long, I found out that she had fallen for someone and it was not me. It hurt me and I didn't know what to do. It was my first heartbreak ever and I had never experienced it before. Weeks and months passed, and I tried begging her to come back but she never eavesdrops on me. I gave up on loving this gender though I never failed to work hard in class. The real campus love and life had overtaken my loving Sandra and now I was not on her priority list.

Days passed, months and then years. As we all know time is a healer and the pain receded away. I managed to pass my higher education level with first-class Horners and I got a good-paying job in the city. Sandra on the other hand also got a job and it was a coincidence that we met while working in the same organization. Memories used to haunt me not knowing that she was also kind of tormented by the same, what I can say is a miracle we met while on our daily routine. Planned to catch up in one of the restaurants in the city. We met and reconciled by forgiving each other. We got into a relationship again. Love had rekindled and we promised to love each other.

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