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The Kingdom’s Maiden

The Kingdom's Maiden



At a ball in the house of Rodriguez Castillo, one out of the three blonde maidens are to be chosen for the sacred rituals. The rites the Castillo pays every season. One of their daughters are to be married out to either of the four families from the coastline of the outskirt of Britain. Anna has been chosen, the most prettiest of the blondes, the most precious pearl of her father. The youngest. What then happens. When Anna prefers to be home than to be sold off as the rites and rituals presumes.

Chapter 1 Missing Princess

Please note; whatever location, place, time or people used in this novel are not related to the real world, It's just fiction. The Great walls and cities of Castillo's mansion stood tall from all the greatest kingdoms of Britain. For generations now cities or kingdoms have never stood beside theirs. The kingdom has been left behind with no successor. Aloe Rodriguez has been the most fervent king so far and yet his wife didn't have a son to succeed his throne. 'What if I died soon?' That was what Aloe thought as his eye stared at his three grown maiden daughters.

His wife Abigal the daughter of Baronet, the man who never lived to tell the tales of his fortune, rather than his knowledge to marry his daughters through the rites as quickly as possible. With her brown-skinned body, she smiled holding the hands of her husband, Aloe. He turned to his concerned wife and she just chuckled a little. She wanted him to smile. But he discouraged her with a smirk. He was the only child of his bloodline and the rest of his relatives and forefathers had been whipped off the surface of the earth. He couldn't end his succession life yet. It couldn't happen. He didn't want to agree to the fact that he was the last and the end of The Rodriguez bloodline. "Everything would be okay," Abigal whispered to his small shaped ear that was covered by his gray long hair. He turned to her and just nodded. The door opened with a glamorous sound. "Your majesty, The king. They are here." One of the king's servants announced with his head bent low. Before this time, Aloe had prepared a very big ball for one of his daughters to be chosen. His idea was to marry one of his daughters off and expect a son to be his next successor, but instead, his wife disapproved. His wife made mention of the facts that would happen if his plans eventually succeeds. She knew that the kingdom would be torn apart far from what he expected and that the family one of his daughters would be chosen from would want the kingdom and all its fortune to be theirs. What she feared most was to be tormented even on her death bed, she didn't want to die earlier than expected. Aloe's eagerness to find a son to succeed his throne bothered her and she wanted to be more careful in how their dealings would go about. Their kingdom was the strongest and the wealthiest for how history could tell and what brought a little spaced thorn was the most unfortunate. The greatest kingdom without a successor. Today he invited the ten greatest kingdoms that lurked behind his to a big coronation of his next successor, with their noblest princes he invited them all. What he planned in mind was more huge than what anyone could expect. The big hall started to get filled with people of different ways, attires, knowledge, princes, Nobelists, and even charm. From the greatest Castello, the strongest Iron wing, the ferret's baronet, and the bravest with good archery skills, Northumbria, etc. On their names lined with titles. Aloe stared at his wife and she looked back at him with a smile. "Get the girls," Aloe ordered. The whole hall suddenly became noisy with chuckles, cup clips, laughter, and different gossip. "What do you think king Aloe has to say?" One made man from the rear end dipped through the transparent glass. "Mm, who knows." One of the young maidens tilted her head to spot Aloe at the top stairs waiting impatiently for who knows. "Anyway, I care less about that...By the way, the meat here is nice." "Could he be planning a new successor?" Another dark-skinned girl chipped in from the rear. The way she said the word proved that she was well aware of the whole situation. The young maiden paused with the meat she chew and the made man choked his drink. Whoever said those words, they found her hard to find as their heads wavered. "Did you hear what I heard?" The young maiden lowered the pitch of her voice again and the well-made man nodded. Now, Aloe was about to raise his transparent glass and dangle his spoon on the lips of the cup. He paused when his wife gave another kind of scared look. He was well informed by the way she stared as she walked along in her long graceful thick gown. "I can't find Anna." Aloe's face frowned. "What do you mean you can't find Anna? All this is for her. I have planned all this for her to be my next successor."

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The Kingdom’s Maiden

Chapter 1 Missing Princess
