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Devil’s seed.

Devil’s seed.



Follow the adventure of Hakeem who is the offspring of the devil, follow this intriguing adventure as he unlocks different powers to be able to defeat his father whose aim is to wreak havoc on earth.

Chapter 1 The beginning

I always had the feeling that I was born different from others, first I thought it was just an alter ego but as time went on I started growing faster than normal kids, by the time I was four years old I was already looking like a 7 years old kid, I had advanced hearing and I could easily learn things I watch on television. I grew up in the part of the work where having such gifts is considered as witchcraft.

My parents noticed some weird characteristics I possessed at quite a young age and they would take me to various spell casters, pastors and spiritual talismen with the believe that I was possessed by an ancient demon.

I was born with initial anger issues and I would easily snap when I get annoyed, I literally bit up a kid six years older than me when I was seven and that got me a two week suspension from school. Going to school was a misery cause people saw me as a freak of nature, I had some weird unexplainable scars on my face, two different colour of eye balls ,a rapid growth rate and a deep voice. It was as if puberty was injected at birth.

I saw some movies where they castigate kids like me for how I look and end up using as sacrifice to their deity or so, so I had chills whenever I see group of people talking and staring at me. I was born into a family of 4 kids and I was the only one with such abilities. A very poor drunk was my father and my mother and siblings wished I was dead but I just can't seem to die, I don't fall sick and I easily get healed when injured. I never knew love and love never knew me so it was a win win for me, I was the last child of my parents and my name is HAKEEM.

We lived in an isolated area because my father literally spends the little penny he earns from the farm on alcohol and women and I hated him for that. He would hit me over and over for no reason and he would say I was cursed and brought badluck upon my family ,his judgement on me rubbed off on both my mum and siblings and I was hated for being different.

Hate, hate and hate was what I grew up with as a kid. I am not cursed but I am special and that is always what I say to myself to keep me going. When I sleep weird dreams and nightmares occurs to me, I always see myself soaked in a pool of blood surrounded by four men on black robes casting various spells on me. Each time I have such dreams was like an upgrade for me I wake up with a new ability, so far I can see through the dark ,I can foresee five seconds before something bad happens to me making it impossible for me to get injured cause I would easily see what's coming and I would avoid it, I had super hearing and fast healing .

I always get new abilities whenever I get that nightmare and it happens once in six months So in a year I get two special abilities added . With time things got really bad for the family financially and they had to drop one of the kids from school and guess who? At eight years of age I already dropped out of school and I was forced to go work on the farm with my Father, I was the brightest kid of my parents but due to the hate for me I obviously knew I would be the one to stop school. I was clearly happy to stop school cause I hated the treatment I get in school cause they would call me names like freak,weirdo and devil. By the time I was eight I had the man power of a five hefty weight builders, so my dad would exploit me to the fullest. I was able to clear acres of lands with short period of time.

I knew no sign of weakness cause I never got tired and I felt falm work was the only thing I was good at and it made me feel accepted by my dad On a good day I took a very long nap and then the same nightmares came again something I haven't experienced in six months and I woke up in the farm and I was surrounded by animals and I could actually understand and speak to them .A new ability discovered My father stopped coming to the farm when he realised how good I was at physical challenges and he would leave all things to me .

I never wanted him to know I could speak to animals cause I know he's willing to do everything for money. After a long day of farm work I decided to go see the famous chicken fight around our district. I saw a man and we made a deal that if I could make his chicken win he would give me a quarter of his profits made from the fight and he accepted. It was a first try for me so I tried to use my new abilities and I took the cock and spoke to it and I instructed it on how to go to take down the fellow cock and it understood all I said The bell rang and it was time for the chicken fight and in the blink of an eye the cock took my tactics and eventually won the match. He won a lot of money from the match and told me I had skills and I appreciated it a lot cause it was the first time I had a positive review from someone ,He never stuck to his part of the deal and I didn't mind at all I went home smiling it was a beautiful night for me .I was just nine years old then I got home late and as usual my food was served cold on the dirtiest plate in the house .I was already used to this treatment but I slept happy cause of the comment of the chicken trainer. I for once was looking forward to the next day.

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