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In love with Mythical beasts.

In love with Mythical beasts.



Leslie is an introvert that have no friends but her parents but all changes when her parents relocate to a new city. Her whole life changed when she met a new friend but little did she know that he was a werewolf and a future leader of his pack that was trying to protect his city from blood thirsty vampires. She eventually gets saved by a vampire who was an illegitimate child of Dracula. The battle for the city gets intense between the vampires and the werewolves with Leslie stuck in between. Follow the love triangle of Leslie and the the two mystical beasts.

Chapter 1 Leslie Summers.

“Life has never been fair, it always throws two options at you. It leaves you with the option of choosing what’s right and what’s not. The path you decide to take can either makes you or it marr you. So, whatever decision you make in life there is always a repercussion that follows. Because each decision you make will affect negatively or positively”. The philosophy lecturer kept on talking to the students in the class who did not seem to be interested in his lectures. Some of the students were asleep while the class was going on.

While others were busy with their smart phones waiting for the lecturer’s time to be exhausted so they could run home. The lecturer was a middle aged man with a very low voice that lacks authority. One could say the man has no charisma. And none of the students paid attention to the lecturer, except Leslie Summers, a new student. Leslie Summers was a very young and beautiful lady that just moved into town recently with her family because her father was drafted to a new location due to a promotion he received after 20 years of working with a pharmaceutical company. Leslie Summers was quite a character that judged life with similarities to the novel she constantly reads to kill time. This is because she would rather keep to herself than make friends. So she had no friends in the city they used to live in before moving down to Luton town. And Leslie was the only child of Roger and Brenda Summers, they did their possible best to get their daughter to socialize but she just did not seem to fit in with the crowd. Therefore, moving to a new city was quite a good thing for her parents because they believed she might change and that she would probably get to blend in with people. They hoped she does not get stuck in her world of novels forever. Leslie had quite the thinking for a 19 years old teenager and she knew more than what people of her age would normally know. It was her first day in school in Luton town and she was the only one that seemed interested with the ongoing philosophy lecturer while others murmured, “when the fuck is he going to stop talking and leave the class already” “My time is almost up. Who has any question to ask regarding today’s lecture?” The lecturer asked hoping that one student was attentive at least. Everyone in the class but one person echoed “we have no questions sir”. Leslie held up her hand. “Over here Sir, I have a question to ask”. she said. It was her first day in school and she noticed that most of the students avoided the front seat and so she had taken the front seat, she saw nothing wrong with sitting at the front. One of the students sitting behind said, “Well the new girl is also a dweeb” and that cracked up most of the students as they laughed out really loud. “ Let’s be quiet class, you seem new because I don’t remember seeing your face in the last class so stand up and give a little introduction about yourself before you ask your question”. The lecturer addressed Leslie as he quickly pushed back his glasses that was falling down to his nose. Leslie was the typical shy type and she already gave the wrong impression to her new classmates who saw her as a kill joy that was holding them from going back home by raising her hands up. She slowly stood up from her seat and it was quite obvious that she was really anxious, she began to sweat even before saying anything. She had this fear of speaking in public and she was generally scared of people apart from her mum and dad. She finally summoned up courage to talk. “My name is Leslie Summers and I just moved into town with my family. It’s nice to meet you all”. She made quite a short speech. “Okay! You are welcome to Luton college! Now, let’s hear your question”. The lecturer replied to her as he leaned on his table. “You said that each decision we make in life had a two sided effect, negative and positive. Well, I wanted to know if the two sided effect only affects the decision maker or it might end up affecting the people around the decision maker too?” Leslie asked quite a confusing question that left her classmates speechless. Amongst all the student was a boy that didn’t pay any attention to what was going on in the class room but as soon as Leslie asked the question he quickly stopped looking through the window he was sitting close to and he turned to look at the person that asked the question. He had quite a very long curly hair for a boy and he was very hairy with very thick eyebrows. “Well...” the bell suddenly rang before the lecturer was able to answer Leslie. The lecturer quickly picked up his stuffs and he told Leslie to remind him to give her an answer in his next class as he left the class. The students quickly followed him up behind as they were already tired and extremely bored up with his philosophy lectures. Leslie was packing up her books into her backpack as she prepared to head home when her pen suddenly rolled over her table and fell on the floor. She stretched out her hands to pick it up from the floor and she suddenly saw another hand stretching out to pick up the pen too. It was quite a very hairy hand with very long nails that ended up picking up the pencil. “I believe this is yours”. Derek said to Leslie as he stretched out his hands to give her the pen. Leslie who was scared of people immediately stood up from her chair and she was too shy that she couldn’t even look at the person that was giving her the pencil, her eyes was just focused on the hairy hand and long nails that was holding her pencil.

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