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Living by the pack

Living by the pack



Main Audience: 16+ Synopsis: Phelan, has always lived out of her pack, She has always been possessing werewolves traits but hardly did she realize her full personality, just because she was half human. Her parents, Ozouf (god's wolf) and Viv (human) Met at an unknown 'occasion. Which was as a result of conflict of power in Ozouf's pack, he decides to live meeting with Vivian who became his mate, They therefore lived outside Ozouf's pack, and became rivals to his pack. Phelan, grows knowing she was never a wolf, until when she became 18, and she became mature, suddenly she begins to develop sense and heat towards Edon, an Alpha from her father-rival pack. Which she strongly believes is her mate.

Chapter 1 Unexpected Luna.

Its early enough that birds of the air are trying to make their sounds to let one another know that was time to leave their nests. If would be in a modern city, the clock was ticking and its hand was at the 6' o'clock mark. At a far, in the dark inside a cave : it is a dark and dreary place where the only sounds that can be heard is the, "drip drip" of water from a far stalactites. The air is thick with humidity, making it hard for anyone to breath. While as the darkness is so thick making it impossible for anyone to see through.

But from a far distant is seen a young lady, holding her forehead with her right hand so tight. Trying to make it gentle from the injuries she has. Slowly she tries to raise her head and face towards the entry of the cave. She looks so deprived and disturbed as she tries to figure out what happened and how she found herself in there.

At first, as she tried to collect ger minds, she never looked worried nor strange to the place. But suddenly after recomposing her minds she fears the place and becomes troubled. She tries as well to stretch her left hand to feel the walls of the cave, her fingures fidgeting in the cold as she tries to get up after a whole hour of re- composure and recollection of her minds.

Nothing is seen possible to her as she finally gets to her feet. She tries to remember what happened and as to why she found herself in the middle of the cave. Her left cheek still bleeds despite the cold she has experienced the whole night. She looks no more safe neither okay, as she persists in holding his forehead with a lot of energy as well her lower chick. She suddenly allows her mind to flow back and try to remember the whole game; she looks deep in pain, for her head was spun and filled with pain. She then holds and supports herself on the cold walls of the cave with her left hand as her right hand holds her lowe side of her waist.



"The daughter of a werewolf will be turning eighteen today, and all should rejoice for that!" Ozouf said as his eyes turned from pale to blue with the excitement on them. As he hugged and kissed Viv, who was at the dinning table arranging it for breakfast.

Thay lived far abit, but a walking distance from Ozouf's pack, that he is said to have abandoned due to an overturn and was overthrown by an Omega. He was strong but never strong than his Omega. Ozouf then decided to leave to the upper side of the hill as he lived with Viv, Phelan their daughter and Ziff as well.

Today was a different day to all of them, as Ozouf understood so well, and had had it in mind all the days. He has anxiously and eagerly anticipated for this for long. He was very aware that today at exactly 12' o'clock Phelan will be turning eighteen.

Phelan before then, has never demonstrated or even in a single day behaved like a werewolf, and maybe on this day through midnight, she could. All eyes of the family were on her as they awaited it to happen. Her father Ozouf had lost some energy and behaved no more like a werewolf or once an Alpha to his pack.

Vivina, Phelan's mother has never even thought of seeing her daughter grow tobecome a werewolf. All she thought was just but seeing her daughter graw like her, being a human and never to posses such super natural powers or whatsoever. But today she had to. She had to see her daughter turn to what her bloid is made of. Its a day to see her daughter mature to what her father has been anticipating to see for decades. As they knew Ziff was still young and he had a long way to go.

"Phelan? ..Phelan?...get out of your bed! Its already late to sleeo up to this hour!" Viv yelled as she tried to shout out to Phelan from a distant. Phelan grilled as she turned from sude to side in her bed. And as well try to stretch her hands abit. She was already awake but hardly had the energy to step out of her bed. She had no more friends than her bed.

She opened her eyes and left them wide for a while as she tried to remember something or figure out instead. Suddenly Zeff entered her room as he is used to. Jumped to Phelan's bed, and sat beside her.

"They are coming, he is coming to meet you, as he will be introducing her Alpha all through!" Zeff said in a low soft voice as he hold his sisters shoulder from a side with his right hand. His palms were warm that made Phelan get out of her bed. Stretching and slowly raising and then lowering her legs to the floor. She never said a word to Zeff' but just took off as she quickly moved towards the yards of their small well built house to affirm what she had from her young brother Zeff.

"Edon is coming?" She turned back in a panic but low voice as she asked. Running back to her room, picking her jewelry and putting it around her neck.

Zeff had said it to her, but she rarely listened to him for what she thought all the times that he was younger, and he couldn't control her at all. Edon was an Alpha from their father's rival pack, that then he abandoned long ago. He was visiting their place and their neighborhood as their norm to introduce his mate. A Luna whom he believed and strongly spotted to be his mate.

Edon is mature enough and was spotted by his mate, the then to be, Alpha of their pack. Edon was, therefore, going to these homesteads to introduce her, an occasion which made everyone anxious as they anticipated to see Edon's mate. It was something that barely and rarely happens, and which left everyone excited and in real full excitements.

Before the neighbors assembled, and before they were beaten with time, Viv arranged their table, and they quickly sat for breakfast. Ozouf was never happy because Edon was coming, but was only happy to see and watch her daughter grow to eighteen. His happiness was none other than see that happen. His wide eyes opened as they rolled in their small sockets pointing different directions as he tried to keep off from the direct reflections of the lights that came from the pens of their advanced window.

He sat beside her wife Viv who was next to Zeff, and far from Phelan whom everyone feared already for the threat Ozouf had given earlier concerning possible changes on Phelan. Although it was still early, but all kept their eyes on her, so keenly to see her change and become one of them from the old packs.


“Yes! Yes! That is the right Luna for you!” A crowd shouted from outside Ozouf's homestead. Panic arose among them as they held different views concerning going out and witness the introduction of a rival Luna to the Edon Alpha. “No one goes out except me!” Ozouf said in a high, sharp and arrogant voice as he commanded his wife Viv not to let Phelan neither Zeff get out of the house. Who then instructed the two to go to their rooms until their father's return.

Quickly, Ozouf moved out of his house as he leaked to the outside and tried to get into the crowd, hiding his face from Edon. Whom he never wanted to make contact with. Everyone was excited as they all shouted the perfectness of Edon's mate. None, neither did the Alpha on Ozouf's pack resist to cheer for Edon for they all believed he is more powerful and that their pack was powerful as well as on theirs. Ozouf had no choice but to cheer up as well as he entered deeper int the crowd to avoid any form of contact with Edon's eye.

Sooner than later, Phelan felt unsafe being held up in their house, she whispered to her small brother bot to bother her as she made her way out. “I feel so insecure, and I feel overwhelmed with abnormal powers, so let no one know that I left the house!” She said to Zeff knowing that Zeff was aware that she was turning eighteen and was then the time to become more powerful.

She used the trick to make his brother let her go. In a second, she was wrapped up in a scarf that made her hide her face and quickly went out without her mother noticing of the same. She walked through the crowd and quickly went near Edon. Although some meters away, she stood with courage as she celebrated watching Edon's mate. She was overwhelmed with joy. Which barely made her understand what was really happening and what to do thereafter.

“Freedom is here, Phelan!” A deep voice in her arose as she listened to it so keenly. She suddenly thought of minimizing the little chance she had to walk out and explore the world that she has always been in deny of. “I will use the shortest time possible to walk around and come back before they leave.” She said to herself as she turned away and led her way to the modern city across the hill, which was just a few miles.

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