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Handling The Billionaire Bad Boy

Handling The Billionaire Bad Boy

Empress Des


Alyssa Kingston’s life moves from grace to grass so quickly, the moment that her entire family was assassinated and she becomes the only survivor. She is left with no other choice than to start a new life in another city for her own safety, there she gets a job of a personal assistant to the CEO of Castillo Real Estate, one of the largest companies in Los Angeles. Her boss turned out to be none other than Alec Castillo, the guy who shattered her heart many years ago. He's rude, arrogant, the king of nonchalance with a sprinkle of one night stands.. The man that every lady would kill to have… A player who doesn’t care about their emotions… Love is not in his dictionary but this time around, it might be different but she is not willing to let her guard down for the second time… The memories from the beautiful facade that he created for her made it worse for her to ever feel something for him other than hatred… Will old feelings be rekindled or the wounds from the past prevail?

Chapter 1 Losing It All


My eyes slowly opened and I had to blink twice due to my blurry vision just to know where I was, the scent only informed me that I was at the hospital with so many tubes connected to my body, my head was banging severely as I tried to remember how I got here.

The moment that I did, a tear escaped my eyes, I did not want to lose hope yet, I wanted to believe that they made it alive just like I did, the only voice in my head made my heart throb with fear, the accident was so fatal that the flashbacks shattered my tiny heart even more.

Whoever had set that bomb wanted to take the Kingston family all at once, it had to be one of my father’s rivals who was jealous of his success.

One minute, we were a happy family enjoying dinner and the next, I heard the sound of an ambulance before passing out.

To be honest, I was not safe here at all, if one of them had survived, somebody would be in my room, waiting for me to wake up but nobody was present at the moment. I just had to find the rest of my family to know if they were dead or alive, the assassin could easily come into my room and cause some complications considering that my bodyguards were still not here.

I was all alone now, good thing that my case was not so severe, I started removing the tubes and managed to get out of my bed with agitation.

As soon as I stood up, I began drowsy and had to sit down for a minute just to gain some strength, I had to move quick before the doctor or a nurse would come and pin me back to the bed, I knew that my actions might affect my health but what was the point of staying in a room where the killer was still moving around especially when he finds out that some of us made it alive.

‘’Dear Lord, please let them still be alive. I do not want be an orphan, it will be too much to bear.’’ I pleaded as I staggered out of the room.

‘’Miss Kingston, where are you going to?’’ The tiny voice of the nurse halted me in my steps, I shut my eyes out of frustration that I was already busted.

‘’Stretching my legs.’’ I replied without turning back.

‘’More like stressing them, you need to rest, please go back to your room.’’ She ordered me in a polite manner.

This was the time to ask her the big question, maybe then I would be able to rest properly.

‘’Uh, what about my family members? Are they alright? What’s their room number? Can I see them?’’

The manner in which her face fell informed me of my horrible reality, they were dead.

I moved closer to her, hoping that her vocal response would prove me wrong, ‘’Nurse, please answer me.’’

‘’Tell me that I am overthinking the whole situation.’’ I cried as I gripped her arm.

‘’Miss Kingston, please. You have not recovered fully.’’

She was diverting the topic and avoiding eye contact with me, she did not want me to have any form of shock but she was making the situation worse for me.

I needed to know the truth or else, my heart would not stop racing fast.

The doctor came to join her with a frown on his face, ‘’What is she doing outside?’’

Before she could answer him, I beat her to it with my numerous questions, ‘’Doctor, where’s my dad? I am sure that you know him, the multi-billionaire, Mr. James Kingston.’’

‘’Please, get her back inside and tighten the security.’’ he commanded the nurse, totally ignoring me.

‘’I am not going anywhere until one of you answers me! Tell me the truth, where are they? Stop being cowards and look me in the eyes.’’ At this point, I could not even see them because tears had blurred my vision.

He hesitated before responding to me, ‘’I am sorry, Miss Kingston. He is in the morgue as well as your mother, siblings and bodyguards. It took everybody present, it is a miracle that you are even alive and that is why as my last respect to Mr. Kingston, I will have to attend to you properly…’’

He had not completed his statement before my head hit the floor and I blacked out.


‘’She’s the one.’’

‘’Well, what are you waiting for?! Take her off!’’ Another thug ordered.

The moment that I saw the hand signal that he gave the other to cut my head off, I instantly took off without warning, once again, I had escaped from my room but this time around, I was glad that I did.

Just like I had assumed that they would be after me, these people did not even give me time to grief, they just wanted me to have a family reunion up in Heaven or in Hell.

I ran into the changing room for nurses and quickly wore their uniform and a mask. Just so I could hide my identity, I had to get out of the hospital and head to God knows where.

I was basically fidgeting as my breathing became heavy, my palms sweaty and my blood pressure at this point…

I would not want to.

The only thing in my head was how my life turned out to be this way, so fast, I was running for my dear life and it would not stop because they wanted me dead.

What exactly did my father do to make them that mad?!

For about fifteen minutes, I was safe as a nurse until I missed a step and my mask dropped down a bit to reveal my face.

‘’There she is!’’

My eyes widened in shock and my heart almost jumped out of my chest, I abandoned everything that I was carrying and bolted off as fast as my legs could carry me.

My head was so messed up that as soon as I came out of the hospital, I ran into the streets and the screeching sound of a car made me almost faint.

My life had become a game for death row, from surviving a bomb blast to being chased by thugs to almost getting hit by a GLE 350 Benz.

It got even worse when a man who was 6 ft tall that wore sunglasses stepped out with so much elegance dressed in a red luxurious tuxedo, I completely forgot that I was not supposed to stop running.

The whole little moment of admiration ended rather quickly when he took off his shades and I met a pair of silver gray eyes that had caused me so much pain, many years ago.

My blood boiled with anger and I had no reason to stay back unless I might want to punch his face, the only thing that I still felt for him was nothing but hatred.

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