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Sold to my fiancé

Sold to my fiancé

Blessing Young


Chen Xin Xin was sold for eighty five billion dollars to her fiancé by her step mother. Chen Xin Xin never knew it was her fiancé till after a few years into the marriage. Zhi Cheng bought Chen Xin Xin from her step mother because he did not want her to be a sex slave to Zhi Muyan who was known for buying young girls like her. He also loved her very much but he believed it was just like and he bought because she was naturally his. Come with me to find out how Chen Xin knew it was her fiancé later on.

Chapter 1 What if her mother sold her

Chen Xin Xin walked into her step mother's room in anger. She did not understand what she was just told, her brain could not even process it at all.

"Mother, you aren't serious at all, right?" Chen Xin Xin asked sounding a little bit annoyed.

Chen Xin Xin is the only child and daughter of Chen Xiyan. Chen Xin Xin is eighteen years old and a senior student at First City High. Chen Xin Xin was still a high schooler. Her father died when she was twelve years old and her mother died when she was three. Her father had remarried when she was five after finding out he could not take care of his daughter all by himself.

Chen Xiyan married Su Xuan when Chen Xin Xin was five years old. Chen Xin Xin has always been with her step mother so when her father died when she was twelve she did feel too down and she was able to pick herself up quickly.

Further more she was more attached to her step mother since she was always with her.

"Of course I am serious. Would I lie to you? I would not lie to you, I am very serious right now". Su Xuan said to her while locking eyes with her.

Chen Xin still could not understand her mother at all. She was still a kid. "This is not happening. This is not happening". Chen Xin Xin chanted to herself.

"Xin Xin it's happening. You are getting married today". Su Xuan said to her quietly. Su Xuan could not say she did not feel any thing for the young girl after living with her for so long. Both of them have lived together for more than a decade so she surely feel some thing for her but right now she must do this.

Chen Xin sat on her step mother's bed frowning. She was still so young why was she getting married, why did her step mother even agree for her to get married at this age.

Earlier, at five in the morning, Su Xuan woke Chen Xin Xin up to tell her about the marriage. Now it was past seven.

Chen Xin Xin did not know if she was angry or sad. She does not even know who she was getting married to.

As Chen Xin Xin was thinking about everything, two ladies walked into the room. One was holding a gown and the other was carrying a box.

"Madam Chen, your daughter is really beautiful". One of them complimented her to her step mother.

Chen Xin Xin did not pay attention to what they were saying any longer.

"Mother, can we reschedule it for tomorrow?" Chen Xin Xin asked out of the blue.

The two ladies looked at each other and looked at Su Xuan staring at Chen Xin Xin with wide eyes.

"Please excuse us". Su Xuan said to the ladies. Both ladies dropped what they were holding and left the room one after the other.

"Xin Xin, everything has been arranged by your husband we can not reschedule it". Su Xuan said to Xin Xin trying to persuade her gently.

Chen Xin Xin shook her head. "Mother, we are from the Chen family, can't we just repay them? Who am i even getting married to? You are not saying any thing that is understandable to me".

Chen Xin Xin really could not understand what her step mother was saying to her.

"Xin Xin, the Chen family is no longer what it used to be. Besides this man is one of the most eligible bachelors in town so you should be happy he choose you. He is even willing to hold a wedding for you. Don't be ungrateful. Go into the bathroom, take your bath and allow the ladies outside to make you beautiful". Su Xuan did not know how to explain to her. This was the only thing she could say to her.

Chen Xin Xin took the towel her step mother was handing to her and walked into the bathroom angrily. She did not see the face Su Xuan was making as she left the room.

Su Xuan shook

off the thoughts in her head and went to Chen Xin Xin's room to park her things. She called two maids to help her with the packing. Su Xuan was relieve that Chen Xin Xin was dressing up in her room because she did not know how she was going to explain why she was packing all of her clothes.

After bathing Chen Xin Xin walked into the room in her undergarments, she sat down on the chair facing the dressing mirror waiting for the ladies. Chen Xin Xin was angry but she could not vent out her anger on the ladies so she sat quietly.

Two hours later the dressing and make up were done. Su Xuan was already in the room waiting for them to finish the dressing and make up.

Chen Xin Xin turned to look at her step mother. "Mother, were you threatened to marry me off?" Chen Xin Xin asked her step mother.

"No, who can threaten your mother?" Su Xuan answered but she sounded. Where was the question coming from?

"Then, why did you agree to get me married to whoever I am getting married to?" Chen Xin Xin asked angrily.

"Well, your husband lent me some money for the family business and I could not pay back so he asked for you. You know the rest". Su Xuan could not tell her step daughter the truth she did not want the girl to see her in a bad light so she told her what came to mind.

"But..." Chen Xin Xin was about to ask her step mother another question.

"Xin Xin, do you want mummy to go to jail? Your husband gave me twenty million dollars, how am I going to pay back? Darling don't question me any more. Let's go". Su Xuan said to her calmly.

Chen Xin Xin did not know a lot about businesses but she knew what dollars was. She knew that if her mother could not pay that huge amount of money she would go to jail, she was her only family member she could not allow her go to jail.

But this was like selling her to the man she was about to marry. What if her mother had sold her?

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