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The Billionaire's Fairy Princess

The Billionaire's Fairy Princess



Kayla was a 17-year old daddy's princess when she lost her parents in a ghastly motor accident. Seven years later, she struggles as a broke fashion designer with no hope of finding love and happiness. When she meets bad boy billionaire, Jesse Bruno, she isn't sure anymore...

Chapter 1 Kayla

Kayla stared at her tired reflection in the mirror. She paused for x in donning on more makeup to hide the eye bags that had been lingering around lately.

Checking her small wall clock, she hurriedly slid into her old black leather boots. It was 7:05am in the morning, and five more minutes in the boxed-hole apartment would send her running late. Larry, her grey haired boss wouldn't appreciate that, no matter how lovely he was. He would keep a straight face while giving a short talk on how much he frowned at indiscipline. Kayla respected Larry and his work ethics. She was always sorry whenever she slept overtime and ended up being late to work. Being a retired naval officer, Larry is known to frown at any form of slacking or indiscipline. Asides that, he was a good old fashion boss.

Kayla clutched unto her matching black bag. The leather was equally as old as the boots she just wore. Few months ago, she had gotten both items at a discount price in a thrift store. Funny how they looked as tired as she was now.

Quickly, she rolled her silky blonde hair in a tight ponytail before dashing out into the streets. Her red dress had beautiful golden designs around the bra cup. On a good day, she would have lingered a moment more to swoon proudly at the fact that she made the beautiful dress. Some days she went late, that had been her reason. It was easy to get lost twirling before her mirror, spotting ways she could have done it better.

But Kayla didn't want to be late, besides, today want a good day. She raced her way through small corners and shortcuts while trying hard not to let another tear fall.

Yes, Kayla had been crying herself to sleep every night for the past few weeks, even years.

It was nearing that time of the year again.

Her birthday...

Also dad's death anniversary.

Before she could let herself wallow in deep misery, the long morning bus appeared before her. She hurriedly hopped, took a deep breath and settled at a seat in the back.

Few days away, Kayla would be celebrating her 24th birthday.

'Celebrating' seemed like a grand word, she had spent the past years mostly 'mourning' her birthdays.

It was like a jinx. The feeling of dark depression always came upon her whenever she was nearing her birthdays. It would come with an even more staggering force on the D-day. It was in total contrast to the former excitement she used to feel whenever it was her birthday. Her dad didn't help matters back then, he would make a big hype about her birthdays and grant her every of her princess wishes. Dad claimed she was his beautiful fairy princess.

It was funny and thrilling back then, so much that she wanted to laugh out loud again. But then she remembered, those laughs now came as a deep and slicing painful groan. She couldn't bear to embarrass herself in a public bus so early in the morning, neither could she afford to wash off the cheap makeup that hid her eye bags.

Hell, she would rather face Larry's anger over being late than have him get worried sick over her tearful state.

Kayla held tightly into her seat in a bid to stiffle more tears. She breathed in large mouthful of air to keep her steady. A bit calm, she sighed heavily.

"Perhaps, I should never have been born." She mumbled bitterly.

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The Billionaire's Fairy Princess

Chapter 1 Kayla
