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Angelica's Obsession

Angelica's Obsession

Mina Igho


Angelica and Delia were best friends until Simon comes to unintentionally rip them apart. But then nothing is as it seems.. only God could save them now.

Chapter 1 Prologue

The girl hung tightly to the stone at the edge of the cliff. She looked up towards the figure clad in black all through and a feeling of dread and fright filled her. She began to beg the figure, the howling wind turning her screams to whispers. The figure bent and she saw clearly who it was, the shock hit her like a bolt of lightening. She began begging again as the figure began plucking her fingers off the rock, one.. two... And now she knew what was going to happen.

Below her was a body of water a thousand feet from where she hung. All of a sudden, she was falling, she screamed in horror as she fell rapidly downwards.

The figure turned back towards the woods without waiting for the girl to hit the water. The figure a sound very faint as though a small stone hit a big body of water, but she knew it was not a stone, it was a girl she hated beyond imagination. A feeling of ecstasy burst through her veins because she knew she would never see that girl again. She laughed, a sound alien to the woods, it was an ugly sound.

The night was beautiful, the moon hung bright and full on the dark grey clouds and a soft breeze blew. So beautiful for one so fair to loose her life, so beautiful... Not quite.

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Angelica's Obsession

Chapter 1 Prologue
