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My Luna Snatched by the Demon

My Luna Snatched by the Demon

Arie Dashvie


"Tell me what he did to you." I let out more pheromones to seduce her. "He... He..." she stuttered. "C'mon Syanaya. This is Aldy, your Alpha. You don't need to be afraid anymore. I'm back from Limbo." She finally hold me tight while I rubbed her folds gently. She needed to be comforted from the nightmares she just had. ********************** 35 years after the first wave of Covid-19 hit, the world didn't have humans anymore because Demon Mammon broke loose from hell and brought the root of darkness and chaos to humankind. It was Demon Lucifer who tried to restore balance by spreading the werewolf virus so that humans could fight demons. Alpha Alisdair or Aldy was back from Limbo, he was mad because his Luna, Syanaya was snatched by Demon Leviathan who deceived him. Find out the story of Luna Divandriya and Alpha Alisdair ...

Chapter 1 Chasing Ghost


It had been 15 years, and it still felt like yesterday when he hug me from behind and landed his kiss on my right temple. When my hair brushed my neck from behind, I could still feel the warmth of his arm trailing the length of my collarbone.

It was when he was 10 years old and he was just turned into a wolf. He said that he saw me in his dreams. That I was supposed to be his Luna.

I had been chasing a ghost since the day he told me that he went to Limbo to look for Demon Lucifer to pay for his family's debt to Demon Leviathan.

Demon Lucifer said to be able to grant any request asked by the werewolves as an exchange for something.

He just got back from hell. Strangely, he got married to a young woman I didn't know who. Indeed, she was rich but was that necessary?

If his matter with Demon Leviathan was settled, then why he had to marry another she-wolf? Wasn't I his Luna?

He was there, alive. But he wasn't the one who used to comfort me.

His body, his face, his smile, and his voice were his, but his soul wasn't. My most beautiful protector had been already long gone.

He was just a shell, he was somebody else. If he wasn't in the shell, then who was it?

I had been questioning the reasons he didn't give me sufficient explanation after he got back from Limbo. Why he chose another instead of me? That he married another but not me who he had proposed to before he went to Limbo.

I didn't know, his soul was eaten by the demon in exchange for glory brought by his dead father to his family. He sacrificed his soul to Demon Leviathan, for the sake of his family's wealth.

I was lost looking for his soul when the demon came to offer me a pact to conquer those who wronged me.

He said,

"Alisdair was madly in love with you. He asked me to take care of you. In exchange for his family's wealth and forever guarding you, he gave me his pure soul who was willing to pay for two. I was amazed by the way he wanted to be the double sacrifice, his soul for helping you to revenge your enemies. He'll be waiting for you at the end of your last enemy's murder, as long as you're willing to mate with your 14 previous lovers whom I ate as well."

I knew the higher demons from Limbo that could do such things exist. It wasn't his looks that I was afraid of because he was using Alisdair's body all the time, but the shape of a rotten corrupted vengeance he brought as I never intended to take revenge on those who tortured me. I knew they needed me, thus I helped them. But for the sake of his soul, I was obliged…


It was windy and bright on the small road in front of my rented room apartment building. The wind whispered to me that I was about to meet my long-lost protector or even my nightmare.

A nightmare that I had been through for 3 years of hell. He was supposed to marry me as he promised me three years ago. But he chose another after he went back from Limbo.

Stood there Alpha Alisdair of Alistair clan in his glory of six feet and three inches tall with his broad shoulders above I believed used to be a chiseled eight packs stomach.

He was beautiful inside and outside. He was the protector of my lost soul, where I felt like there was no hope for me to gain happiness, his marriage proposal was like the finally came light at the end of my long dark tunnel.

He knew I had suffered all my life, living in a family that seemed like hell for me.

I hadn’t died yet but I lived in hell.

Alisdair was there all along since I was four. He had been a best friend of mine since we were neighbors next door. He was also there when I shifted for the first time as a she-wolf during my early teenage years. While he was already shifted when he was 10 because he was an alpha.

I always hated my life, but the only thing that I liked was, that there was Alisdair next to my door.

Whenever I felt sad, I'd sneak outside and find myself sneaking into his house.

It was the first time I sneaked into his house when I was five. When my stepmom tortured me in the bathroom. She turned off the light knowing that I was afraid of the dark, and she locked me in the bathroom before that, she showered me with cold water.

She said I was a stubborn kid but was there any 4 or 5 years old girl who wasn’t stubborn?! We were born stubborn at that age, even my stepmom was the same at the exact age, I believed.

After she unlocked the bathroom door because my dad had just come home, she put dry clothes on me like she never threw a bucket of cold water on me and then left me for hours in the bathroom with wet clothes.

After my stepmom and my dad went to bed, I sneaked out to Alisdair's house and hid in his blanket. He was a year younger than me, but he was so brave trying to make me calm, he said,

“Come Syanaya, no one will hurt you here under my blanket. I am the mighty Alpha Alisdair from the Alistair clan. But you can always call me Aldy'. You'll always be the Moon Goddess in my heart.”

Though I knew he was just trying to make me calm, I always believed that I was a Moon Goddess to him. Me. This worthless woman could dream for a while, that she became precious in the eyes of a 4 years old boy.

Well, I was 5, and no adult would blame that unless they were my stepmom and my dad.

But now Aldy was there…

-to be continued-

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