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Disguise of Love

Disguise of Love



Oceana Horriston—a student nerd at a private university who doubles as a part-time waitress at a restaurant. Her life is not easy because on campus, the girl becomes a victim of abuse by other students and is often used to do their assignments. Oceana is known to be clever. Thanks to the passion he has a young lecturer named Finley Matteo finally falls in love with him. On the other hand, when the conflict starts to get complicated, Oceana meets Clark Alinsky—a geeky man who is the son of an orphanage donor—where she used to live. Oceana was suspicious of the man because he didn't seem so foreign to the next leader at the place where he worked. Many questions crossed Oceana's mind. Who exactly is Clark? And who will be Oceana's anchor?

Chapter 1 Bullying


A girl's body hit the toilet door. The girl kept looking down in fear. His body was shaking, he was on the verge of crying.

Another girl wearing a cream colored tote bag gave her bag to her friend. He quickly approached the girl. His hand gripped the chin of the girl in front of him.

“You want to get us punished, huh?! How dare you!” A hard slap landed on the bespectacled girl's right cheek.

One of her long-haired friends came over and threw the egg right at the girl's shirt. "Because of you we are all punished not to be in class. In fact, the class is very important to boost our grades!”

“You don't know yourself! You make us uncomfortable!”

Test… tess

The bespectacled girl's tears fell down her cheeks. He didn't dare to look up or look at the three girls standing in front of him. Enough, he just suppressed all the pain. Even if he dared, of course it would cause other problems. And he didn't want it.

"Don't cry! We should be the ones crying, not you!”

“B-but i-I really don't know. Y-you also didn't tell me to finish all the work today," he stuttered out of fear. His body even shook violently.

Another slap sounded so loud that it made the girl's left cheek burn. He was really scared, his chest even felt tight. Everything hurts. It was very difficult to breathe. He didn't know why.

“You dare argue with Oceana Harisston?!”

When her full name was called, Oceana resigned herself to what would happen to her. He didn't want to hope for more. Because in fact all hope is just in vain.

"Li, let's just take it off!" chirps Diana—a girl with shoulder-length hair who becomes a member of a bully gang on campus. The girl is actually pretty and sweet because her chubby face makes her look cute.

Emilia, the girl called Diana then turned her head. "I'm not done yet. There's still a lot to be done to teach this flea a lesson!” Emilia is the leader of a bully gang who is known for being beautiful and sexy. Many other college students liked her but were rejected outright because she only wanted a man who was rich, handsome, and influential.

"It's true, if this child is not given a lesson. He's going to jump even more!” Ranty said, the girl with long hair who is best known for her spicy speech by most students on campus.

Emilia told Diana to get some water. After getting it, he immediately splashed it right all over Oceana's body.

"Listen, fleas! If you make another mistake. We'll make it worse than this!"

After that, the three of them left Oceana weeping bitterly. The three of them laughed cheerfully while gesturing for Oceana not to tell anyone about their behavior. Oceana, the girl who had often gotten into trouble could only stare in disbelief.

He actually wanted to curse and scream right in the faces of the three of them. However, the power of everything is only in the mind and never comes out to be vented. It was as if all of his plans disappeared when the three girls tortured him.

She's just a nerd girl, a girl with glasses and a girl with two braids who don't have any power.

Oceana Harisston is a nerd student who was kidnapped by another student. She is a student at a private university in her city. Thanks to his intelligence, he managed to get a scholarship to continue his education to a bachelor's degree at the campus. Even though it is private, its academic achievements and awards should be compared with other state universities. It's just that the cost there is very expensive for someone like Oceana.

The girl smiled sarcastically, laughing at her own life. “God, did you see it? I know you exist, but why are you always hiding when I'm dying like this. It's impossible for you to close your eyes right? Even if you are above a thousand galaxies I'm sure you can see me clearly beyond the clearest eyes in the world."

He was used to this treatment. Torture and threats are words of love that Oceana considers a form of gathering of fans. Very sad isn't it?

It's not that she doesn't know, Oceana is just lazy to reveal the truth about what happened to her. After all, if he told the lecturer or the dean, no one would believe him. Never mind, it's not appropriate to complain about unimportant things to them. He said, their business is far more important than the mental health of the students.

Oceana reached for the toilet doorknob. With a broad smile like a madman he continued to clean himself up. When he was done, he walked out of there.

It is late. Because the class schedule is in the afternoon, the girl is already used to the campus atmosphere. There is no fear of horror characters like in the film that is owned by Koh Amin—his boarding house neighbour.

"It's great that no one will see me in this pitiful state."

Oceana walked to the bus stop on the right side of the campus. He was sitting there alone, probably a lot of students were staying over or had even gone home long ago. Oceana doesn't care.

When the bus arrived in front of her, the girl hurriedly got on. He paid no heed to the stares the other passengers looked at him with disgust. Some of them even sarcastically blatantly.

“Hey, didn't you shower for a week?! Your body stinks!” Oceana looked at the person. He wore blue jeans with a white shirt and black jacket. His tousled hair made Oceana disgusted himself.

"Sorry," he answered softly.

A woman in her forties next to Oceana also covered her nose because she couldn't stand it. “You, really rotten. Just move back. I am not strong!" He said sarcastically.

Oceana complied. He moved to the back seat. Even though it was far from the entrance, he could at least feel calmer. Because that way, he could enjoy his trip leisurely.

The distance between the boarding house and the campus is about twenty minutes, but sometimes it can take more than forty minutes when there is traffic. Luckily, that night the streets looked deserted. So, Oceana came home on time.

Approaching the next stop, a little girl approached him. Oceana just glanced not intending to say hello first.

The girl looked cute in two pigtails and a purple hairpin. This contrasts with her dark brown skin.

“Brother, are you alone?” she asked. The question was only heard by Oceana. None of the other passengers cared. Maybe because they were tired they chose to rest.

"You saw me with someone else?" Oceana didn't answer, instead turning the question upside down. Every tone he spoke seemed friendly, not sarcastic like the mothers earlier.

The little girl shook her head. "You're alone."

"Of course. I'm always alone. In fact, as long as I live I've always been alone," Oceana chuckled. "Just call me Sea, my friends call me that."

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