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The mafia's possession: The war begins, a battle for his possession

The mafia's possession: The war begins, a battle for his possession

Ashi writes


Allison Ragner, the first and only daughter of Slade Ragner the prime minister of North America is a very skilled General surgeon in harvard medical hospital. She is not your usual type of girl but a crazy and sassy one instead. Someone who you can't mess with and go Scott free. But her life turned into hell when she got kidnapped by someone she had no idea about. Everyday felt like torture for her and that was when it drawned to her that she was no longer the rich daughter of the minister but a pauper. She would pray every single day for someone to take her away from the hell of a place she was staying. And like her prayer has been answered she met Dante Donovan due to a circumstance and he claimed her as his, his possession before taking her away. Little did she know that she was getting herself in a bigger mess as she stepped into his world. A world not for the weakling. How would she survive in his brutal world? Find out!

Chapter 1 Emergency





The sounds of sirens coming from an ambulance as it entered the hospital premises caught the attention of the nurses who were passing by.

Immediately the ambulances came to a halt . A man pushed it open and jumped out, his whole body was stained with blood and it triggered the sight of the patients who were taking a stroll around the hospital.

He held the edge of the stretcher and the doctor inside the ambulance helped him to push down the stroller. Just looking at him one could hardly tell if he was a doctor or not, because part of his coat was also covered in blood.

Immediately the stretcher dropped on the floor three nurses and a doctor ran to the scene with another stretcher and transferred the body on it.

The doctor quickly raised the shirt of the unconscious patient. He looked briefly at the wound and noticed it was so deep and so much blood was oozing out of it.

"What happened to him?" The doctor asked hastily and covered the patient's stomach before averting his gaze to the anesthesiologist that stood in front of him.

"He got involved in a minor truck accident." the doctor who came with the ambulance said and he furrowed his brow.

"Minor?" the doctor asked again as though he didn't understand what the anesthesiologist had said at first.

"Yes we thought it was a minor issue but it resulted in something big..." he was explaining when the doctor interrupted him.

"And you didn't bother to stop the bleeding?"

"I am sorry doctor Mike but I forgot to carry my tools along with me." the anesthesiologist bowed in guilt, his body shaking slightly.

"Even though you could have applied a material on it!, What is wrong with you...are you this inexperienced?!" The doctor yelled and the anesthesiologist stepped back a little.

"We need to operate on him right away...Go inform doctor Allison and get the operation room ready." Doctor Mike said to a nurse and she ran off immediately, while the others assisted him in pushing the stretcher into the hospital.

"I am so sorry Doctor Mike!" the young doctor yelled after Doctor Mike before dragging his hair frustratingly.

"I am so dead." he mumbled.


A young doctor was seen coming out from the room of a patient she just checked on. She looked briefly at the patient before closing the door. Hastily, she walked over to the nurse in charge of the patient.

"Can I see the Medical chart for Mr kingsley?" The doctor asked dryly.

"Yes Doctor" the nurse said with a smile before turning a computer towards the doctor on the counter.

The doctor took hold of the mouse and started scrolling through the medical chart for the patient.

"Did anything unusual happen to the patient?Something I should know of?" the doctor asked, still scrolling through the Medical chart of the patient.

The nurse said nothing for a while but after two to three minutes, she tapped on her cheek and snapped her fingers, which caught the attention of the doctor and she looked her way.

"He has been having shock and his blood pressure has been reducing lately." the nurse explained and instantly bowed down her head. She already knows the doctor was going to lash out on her.

"The patient has been having shock and blood pressure issues and you never told me about it huh?" the doctor asked but the nurse said nothing.

"How many times has the shock occurred?" the doctor asked and the nurse slowly uttered a *Three times* which made the doctor clench her teeth.

"What do you think you are?!" the doctor yelled, attracting the attention of the other nurses working.

"I don't understand Doctor." the nurse replied flatly and pursed her lips, still staring at the doctor.

"What is your purpose in this hospital?" the doctor asked, stating it more clearly and the nurse knitted her brows but straightened it immediately.

"I am a nurse in this hospital." She replied.

"No you are not." The doctor defended, shaking her head. "You are a quack who's going to be a murderer soon because you neglected your duty." the doctor said, glaring daggers at the nurse whose head was bowed.

"Am sorry Doctor." the nurse said, her eyes blurry with tears and her voice trembling slightly.

"What do you think this place is? A Playground?" The doctor asked and shook her head side to side. "No, this place is a hospital where people troops in and out, entrusting us with their life. And one mistake can end that life in an instant. I told you before, you are not in medical school anymore. The patients aren't here so you could practice on them..." she trailed off her words and pushed her hair backwards.

"This is really frustrating." she muttered.

"If you really don't know anything about being a nurse, you should go back to school." the doctor concluded.

"I am really sorry Doctor, please forgive me. I will try harder next time." the nurse pleaded and when the doctor opened her mouth to say something, there was an interruption.

"Doctor Allison!" A nurse yelled, running towards her.

"What is it?" Doctor Allison answered, staring at the nurse who was breathing heavily in front of her.

"There is a patient in the operating room waiting for you. He is really in a bad condition, please we need to go now." the nurse said, breathing so loud.

"How do you expect me to operate on a patient when I wasn't planning for it. I don't have any surgery to perform today, ask someone else to do it." Doctor Allison declined blatantly and started to walk away.

"Doctor Mike ordered me to come get you. He is operating...`` Before the doctor could Complete the statement, Doctor Allison ran off.

"What is with her and Doctor Mike?" the nurse muttered before running after her.

Doctor Allison ran inside a dressing room and within a few minutes she changed into her surgical scrub and had a nose mask tied on her neck as it fell loose on her chest. She reached for her surgical cap and wrapped her hair in it before walking out of the dressing room.


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The mafia's possession: The war begins, a battle for his possession

Chapter 1 Emergency



Chapter 2 Ignorance
