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When Things Fade

When Things Fade



The say is, there's a fine line between love and lust. Cordelia a 24-year-old lady, the daughter of Emilio Montgomery, a flourishing business tycoon fell in love with a ghost guy after much pain her ex-lovers had caused her in the past. What will happen when Cordelia was deeply in love with her ghost lover and he suddenly disappears into the thin air without a trace. Surely her love life was an EERIE.

Chapter 1 Who's that guy

Subtitle: who’s that guy?




Cordelia adjusted her gorgeous gown and placed a light knock on the door. Her face beamed with a beautiful smile as she looked down at the lovely cake in her hand.

She released her hand from the door and clutched tight at the cake in her hand.

“Oh, why is he not opening the door?” she groaned and pushed open the door and got inside the apartment.

“Happy birthday Sweetheart!” she beamed and the cake fell freely from her hand at the sight before her.

“Vlad! Ashley!” she screamed.

‘Vlad’ her supposed boyfriend, pushed Ashley off him as his sights laid on Cordelias’.

“I can assure you that it's not what you're thinking.” he confided, and he instantly picked up his short from the couch and put it on. Ashley stood up angrily and crossed her hands over her chest not minding she's standing naked before her dear friend.

“Ashley how could you?” Cordelia shrieked, pointing her middle finger at Ashley, who rolled her eyes at her.

“Don’t be a baby! your boyfriend, oops sorry! I mean our boyfriend...” she smirk and grabbed Vlad by his short and traced her fingers on his chest and he responded to her touch by grabbing her enormous butt.

Codelia felt her heart skipped a beat.

“...Our boyfriend here craved for my body, so who am I not to oblige?” she winked with a roll of her tongue.

Cordelia moved closer to her and slapped her hard across the face. Ashley hold her cheeks as she fumed with anger.

Cordelia faced vlad and raised her left hand up she removed the promise ring and threw it right at him but he didn't bother to catch it.

“I thought you deserve my love but I can see you're not different from my ex. Y'all guys are heartless being who doesn't deserve to be loved.” she yelled angrily and he scoffed.

“Who would want to date a brainless nuisance like you huh? What else can you offer than money and I've gotten tons of ‘em. You suck in bed, damn you're so useless.” he sneered.

Cordelia felt her moment stopped. She strumbled and feel to the ground. She landed right on the cake, and it gurgled on her dress.

“I don't want to break it for you this way, but you don't deserve my attention anymore. It's over!” He said and Cordelia bowed in sorrow.

She wasn't sorry for herself because of the love she just lost, she felt sorry for her innocent heart that kept getting shattered.

Ashley moved to the couch, she grabbed a glass of wine that was placed on the glassy table. She patted her legs widely, exposing her clit. She raised one leg above her head and moved her head back a bit, she lifted the glass of wine and started pouring the wine on her face. It poured on her face and gently rolled down to her boobs.

The moment the wine streamed down her ‘already erected nipples’ it rolled down to her pussy, giving her a glittering sensation. Ashley moaned out, signalling for Vlad to suck on her honeypot by opening her legs widely a little bit more on the couch.

“If you'll excuse us we have unfinished business here, and of course you can watch if you want. It's not bad if you learn from us, right babe?” he mocked and Ashley gave an evil grin.

“You’re not being fair to your guest babe, let entertain her a little” she smirked and pulled him closer to herself.

He positioned himself between her legs and slowly he moved his face closer and place his mouth on her clitoral and a gasp escape her mouth.

Cordelia promptly looked up, she saw what Vlad was about to do and she let her scream too over.

“No!” Cordelia cried and ran out of the house, leaving her car behind.



That's her, she's Cordelia Emilio, a 23years old wealthy lady who work so hard to achieve her goal, but she’s never lucky when it comes to courtship.

she has been heartbroken multiple times in the past and vowed not to fall in love again. She was doing a good job coping with her life not until she met Vlad.

He successfully made her fell in love with him because of her wealth his plans is to dupe her with the support of her best friend “Ashly” after getting all he had wanted from her, here she's at again, getting dump when she's beginning to put all her trust in him.



“Watch where you're going to, you fool!” she yelled on top of her voice when a random guy in grey hoodie bumped into her and he kept walking without sparing her a glance.

“That fool! He couldn't even say a simple ‘sorry’ huh?” she grumbled and cursed him with her mind, before continued her walk back home.

Weeks After

Cordelia sat in-between her parents as they had their breakfast quietly. no one of them says anything only the sounds of their spoons lightly hitting on the crystals plate could be heard.

Mr Montgomery took a mug from the table and gulped down some quantity of water.

He spoke up “Darling! Your mom and I are having a business deal in New Zealand tomorrow and we'll be leaving this morning” Mr Montgomery breathed out, Cordelia said nothing she only nodded her head and continue eating.

“We’ll be back even before you know we're already gone.” Mr Montenegro said and picked up a napkin and wiped his brims.

Cordelia scoffed “I ain't a kid, not like your absence will make any changes so don't baby quote me. You can stay there for as long as you like, I won't bog over it.” she spat which made Mrs Montgomery to sighed sadly.

“What’s with the cold attitude Delia?” She asked and Cordelia shoot her a deadly glare. “I’ve told you I hate you calling me that, It was only Vlad that used to call me that. Addressing me with that name will only reminds me of him, so please stop!” she spat angrily and stood up from her seat.

“What trespass between you too?” Mr Montgomery asked innocently Cordelia looked at him and fake a smile.

“I’m not in for the talk, I'll be at my place till you both gets back from your business trip.” She spoke, emphasising the last words.

Cordelia walked upstairs, to her room and strolled down the stairs some minutes after.

she got to the living room and met her parents seated on the couch, watching the their favourite TV show. Cordelia got to them and peek them both on their cheeks, with that she made her way to the parking lot she got in her car and drove out of the mansion.



That night

Cordelia sat on the single sofa in her apartment living room, she was watching a movie on her laptop, it was placed on her laps, she scooped a handful of popcorn From the bowl that was besides her and shoved it in her mouth at one go.

She munched on the popcorn aggressively and starred kenly at the screen.

“Davina is such a silly girl!” she laughed wholeheartedly before shouting the laptop.

“I wish to have a crazy housemate like cade.” she chuckled and got up from the sofa she stretched her body lazily and made her way to her room.




She got inside her room and switched off the light, she first sat on the bed and after a couple of minutes she tumbled on the bed and yawned loudly.

“Ion feel like going to work tomorrow.” she groaned and picked up her phone to check her mails before going to bed.

She replied to some and ignore some she was about to lock her phone screen when a particular message caught her attention. It was a picture of Vlad and Ashley snuggling at the beach, she scoffed and reply to the pic sent to her by Ashley 💬 Enjoy my leftover?💬 she texted and shut down her phone angrily.

“Why am I so ill luck?” she sobbed and laid her head on the buffer.

“Why am I been treated like a piece of shit?” she cursed herself before rolling over to a side on the bed.

“I have to use the restroom.” she mumbled to herself and got up from the bed she slide her feet in the flip-flop and deliberately drag her feet to the bathroom.




She off her panties ready to pee when her eyes caught the red stained on her pant. “Dang it I'm on my flows.” she cursed and stood up she walked to her closet and found no pad.

“Shit. I have to get myself some before it get too late.” she rushed out of the bathroom to her room she picked her phone and ran out of her apartment not before locking the front door.


“Thank you.” Cordelia she said to the store attendant as she received what she bought from her.

“Alright, all good.” the store attendant said handling her back her credit card. Cordelia took it from her and walked out of the store.

Walking a few miles away from the store, she started feeling a little tired from the hike.

“I should have taken my car.” she groaned and kept walking in the lonesome Street. She was still walking when she saw a guy in grey hoodie walking toward her direction and she felt calmed knowing she wasn't the only one walking at that late hour.

Judging by how fast he moves his legs, she could swear she had saw him somewhere else before. She shrugged off her shoulder letting the thought off her mind.

She was expecting the person to passed by but to her surprised she couldn't find the person anymore.

“How did it happened?” She gasped looking around for the hoodie guy.

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