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Rose Sam


In order to pay the arrogant billionaire who saved her life, Bella have to marry him for one year and after that she was free to go. Bella was to be his wife to the world just like the contract stated and there will be no intimate relationship because according to Mr Dylan, Bella did not belong to the caliber of ladies who he moves with. To Bella, it was best for her, just for her to pretend to be his wife, which was not going to be hard to do. Accidentally, Mr Dylan got drunk one night and forced his way with her thereby breeching the terms in the contract and things took another direction, She accidentally became his permanent bride when after two weeks, she found out she was pregnant with his child. Will there be a HAPPY EVER AFTER with enemies within on her tails or there is more to Bella the world doesn't know yet?

Chapter 1 Prologue

The heavy rain could not stop pouring and the air was really getting icy. Bella was shivering from the impact of the cold as she stood under the shady licking roof of the old building at the center of the town. For a while now, she has been standing hopelessly not knowing when the rain would stop.

She can't risk her health and go under the rain yet she was anxious about getting home because of her body. Her mother would be really worried by now.

She was in a dilemma; going under the rain will mean another fever and that will be an added expense but if she chooses to wait for the rain then her mom will be extremely worried by the time she gets home and she doesn't want that and then, she doesn't know when the rain would be stopping. If there is anything she doesn't want to do right now, it is to add to the problem they have already. She can't afford to fall sick, where would her mama get money for her medical bills?

Her tears were threatening to fall but she was determined not to cry at all cost.

She sniffed back her tears and clenched her fist.

"Oh mom, I am so sorry"

She mumbled shivering, the clutching of her teeth could be heard, her lips were quivering so bad.

Bella was getting so worried for her dear mother, she did not want the poor woman to start thinking something bad has happened to her, she is not even with a phone to at least call home and tell her mother that she is alright.

When Bell could not bear it anymore, she thought it is better to fall sick than for her mother to get a heart attack. So she decided to go home under the rain, whatever the outcome would be, she would endure it.

She pulled her half torn shoe off, raised her worn out skirt and zoomed off. She went running with all her might under the heavy rain. Getting home early depends on how fast she is willing to run.

Her name is Bella Andrew and she is seventeen years old,fresh out from high school. She will do anything to keep the smile on her mother's face, her mom is the reason she takes risks daily, she is her weakness. People said she is a sweet young lady, maybe because she can't wait to offer her little help when needed. She was raised with love and kindness and her mom taught her the act of being good,she always says it's good to be kind. That a little touch of kindness will always go a long way in someone else's life and that she should never hesitate to lend a helping hand when needed.

Losing her father at a young age has left Bella with her Mom and with no other sibling. It just has to be both of them against all odds. Her Mom is one woman Bella would lay her life down for. Her Mom has always got her back and has seen her through school. Yes they don't have much but that never stopped them from giving the little they have and because of that,their daily needs were never far fetched from them. At some point, those that her mom helps turn to help them and that has made the journey less tougher.

One can't say for sure what life has in store for them, life has taught her so many lessons and those lessons will see her through time.

Everyday she lives,she is grateful to God for giving her new chances at life and she could never in her entire life have regrets. Her journey of life has been quite unique and for her name, she lives everyday for it because it means beauty and her life has been beautiful so far despite the odds.

Bella has been running for about twenty minutes, her strength is withering yet she is not close to home. Her clothes were drenched and she was shivering at the same time. But she kept on going with all the energy she had in her body. The cold air stung and burned in her lungs as it was getting more and more hard to breathe. The streets were busy and lonely because of the rain. Her asthma was catching up with her and she was running out of breath. She stopped to get some air into her lungs but next second she collapsed and went down slowly on the floor, with blackness surrending her


Dylan Davonn was running late for his meeting which is in an hour and to worsen the situation, it started to rain and that has made his journey slow. He constantly checked his wrist watch and he was ten minutes behind schedule.

"I do not know what to make out of the situation at hand and my driver was being a bit slow in maneuvering the car. I don't know if it's because of the rain or if he just wants to be lousy."

He cursed loudly. If looks could kill, his driver Chris might have been a dead man by now

"Chris don't try my patience this morning"

He growled and Chris shivered under the steering and that got him more angry.

"I don't want to repeat myself, do all you can as get me to my meeting venue this minute"

"Yes Boss"

The driver said bowing his head and Dylan felt bad. It's not his intention anyway to be harsh but this guy needs to be shown who is the boss here.

Chris increased the speed and Dylan prayed that he would be able to get to his meeting in no time.


The rain has continued to water the earth while the young man in the car kept cursing. He has seen that it's not his driver's fault that he has not gotten to his meeting avenue rather the fault of nature. And Nature is dealing with him at the moment. There was no light on his face, Chris who has been observing his boss through the rear mirror knows better to keep to himself than to say anything. He knows that in times like this, the best thing to do is to ignore his boss and when he gets tired of bickering like a child, he will calm down.

He has sped past something that caught his attention but for him, he kept blind eyes to it. The fact that the boss has forgotten about him being in the car gives peace and he is not ready to lose that peace for anything in the world.

"Stop the damn car you son of a bitch!"

Dylan yelled, Chris' attention was caught into two. He did not understand if his boss was talking to him or someone on the phone but he saw he had no phone so he was definitely talking to him but why would he want to stop now when he is running late for his meeting?.

" Sometimes I wonder if your ears are fancy. Do me a favor and stop the damn car, Mr chris."

Dylan said and Chris knew that definitely he had been referred to but why does his boss want him to stop the car.

"Boss you are late for your……"

Chris could not get to finish up his statement when a resounding slap landed on his cheeks and the car came to halt instantly. For a moment he could not hear anything and when he realized what was happening, he saw his boss stepping out of the car and Chris knew his job as Mr Davonn's driver had come to an end. Maybe if he ever gets a decent job, he will listen.

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