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Shark hunting. Spartacus

Shark hunting. Spartacus



A country guy with the sonorous name of Spartacus, was as brave and fearless as the hero of the historical epic after whom he was named. He was drawn to martial arts and beautiful women, though with all that, he had not so distant and lofty goals. All his soul required was happiness and prosperity of people dear to him. Completely unprepared, for an important fight in his life, when Fate itself decides to go out with him on the duel, he was caught unawares. But knocking Spartacus out wasn't that easy. He barely had time to dodge strong and painful blows, thinking through his crushing and deadly.

Chapter 1 Part 1. Chapter 1

- Spartacus to the ring! – was heard the voice of the «announcer».

On the trampled field, surrounded by the public, stretching his muscles stood a man about two meters tall. He looked about thirty or thirty-five years old. He looked very big and powerful, with a fashionably trimmed beard. Crunching his bones, the fighter stared intently into the eyes of his approaching opponent. Everything about the man was that of a ruthless predator, lacking only a tiger's growl.

Spartacus, on the other hand, seemed noticeably smaller in build, though he had a muscular and also quite sturdy body. He shook his hands, balled his fingers into fists, and stood in front of them. They ducked slightly and prepared to fight.

The night ring, far away from the city on a vacant lot, was lit by the headlights of the cars surrounding the spectacle site. And with them a crowd of people, mostly men, who were betting.

It was already beginning to dawn, and it was time for the final round. The previous defeated fighters also joined the fans.

- The cast-iron against Spartacus! Place your bets, gentlemen! – announced the announcer, also the referee in one person. After some quick comments about the competitors, he says there are no rules in this match!

- Spartacus is good! – Someone from the audience shouted out, - my money's on you, brother, don't let me down!

Then Spartacus' opponent, the one nicknamed Chugun, growled in displeasure, staring at him point-blank.

Spartacus, with his fists clenched at his head, began to move slowly in a circle preparing to defend himself. His opponent followed. And after a minute, he lunged forward, delivering a straight long blow to the head. Spartacus swayed sideways. He felt a sharp pain not only pierce his eye, but also swell up, blocking his view. No sooner had he regained consciousness than he was thrown to the ground. Chugun with a sharp kick to the inside of his knee. And Spartacus settled down. After that, the latter tried to grab his neck from behind, jamming it into his elbow. But Spartacus turned his head to the side and didn't let him squeeze his trachea. With his free hand from behind, he grabbed Chugun by the chin. And with all his might, he pushed his head back. Chugun involuntarily relaxed his grip, and at that moment Spartacus made an effort and jerked out. At the same time, he gave him a powerful punch to the liver. Chugun jerked back, finally letting his opponent out of his grasp. Without wasting a second, Spartacus turned around and kicked him in the jaw with his knee. Chugun went down. Knockout.

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