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Owned By My Mortal Enemy

Owned By My Mortal Enemy

Anaise Silverstri


"How does it feel to belong to the federal dog you hated so much?" Lauren's life takes a downward spiral when a risky deal leads to her being shackled and sold to the black market to repay an immense debt incurred by the private company she worked under. She is handed to the highest bidder, a ruthless billionaire who she has crossed a time too many, and he is eager for revenge... just not in the way she ever expected.

Chapter 1 The Underground Market

"Unhand me!" My hands were bound, but I snatched myself away from the rough, nasty grip on my arm, smacking away the brute that was manhandling me.

The heavy-set man stumbled back, the bright light of the white passage we were in illuminating every crease of the frown on his scarred face.

He raised his hand to hit me and I stepped back, alarm bells ringing in my head. Oh, now was he going to hit me? "You bi—"

The white screen door at the end of the passage slid open and a lanky bespectacled man in a dark well-pressed suit stood with a welcoming smile, his hands clasped behind his back.

"Now, now. I would have to stop you there," he addressed the brute beside me and the fool lowered his hand, a grumpy expression on his tight face. The suited man continued speaking, "She is very high-quality goods."

I stormed towards him, fuming. "I am an agent of the secret service! You cannot do this to me!"

He chuckled, unmoving even as I stopped right in front of him.

"Well, miss Sole." He stepped closer, his smile spreading as he looked into my eyes. "You should be grateful. As far as I'm concerned, we gave you a neat place to stay where you were well fed, dressed, cleaned and rested… while other people we will be having on display had to make do with wet towels for cleaning, a dirty cage, and sleeping on the cold, hard floor. Don't you feel so sorry for them?"

I gritted my teeth, fighting the urge to spit in his face. "They're criminals. Don't you dare compare me to them!" I snapped at him.

The city had a strict criminal law whereby those who committed grave offences like consecutive murders, rape, and numerous others, would have their human rights stripped from them and then handed over to the black market.

That was their death sentence.

So why and how the fuck could I be among?!

It was all thanks to that shitty boss of mine! And I was going to rip out his face when next I saw him!

I had told him. I had told that bastard Silas not to secure the contract with those scumbags, and he did it anyway!

With me as collateral!

I had ties to the state government. He couldn't just throw me away like this to the federal dogs. Even if I was bought off by some pervert or contractor, the amount wouldn't be enough to pay for the damages failed on his end.

And here I was, bound, basically on the same level as that of a criminal. My basic human rights were still intact—for the most part—but I was a possession now, and it was so demeaning. It made me so infuriated.

I had built my way up the ladder only to have it ripped out from beneath me. All thanks to my agency's inability to fulfil one stupid contract.

Not once did I think I would be someone's scapegoat.

His smile slipped to a gloating grin. "Same thing. You're all for sale."

I stiffened, offended, and almost jarred to hear that word. Just like that.

I came back to my sense and opened my mouth to speak, but he turned away from me, directing his attention to other people in the room and speaking to them as if I wasn't even there.

"Here." He beckoned to them and stepped away from the entrance. Before the brute behind me could push me forward, I already helped myself into the spacious white room, empty except for Mr. four-eyes and the two vested bodyguards at the other end of the room.

The man continued, nodding at them. "She will have to be taken to the last block. She is quite known in many circles and we don't want inquiries into why she's is on display in the underground."

"We'll take it from here," one of them mumbled with a subtle nod and the two approached me.

I frowned, standing still. "Don't touch me. I'll walk!"

They stopped, their faces empty masks that lacked any emotion, but then one of them shifted, angling his heavy frame towards the other sliding door in the room, different from the glassy white I had just come in through.

I made my way to the black door, both men at my sides watching my every move.

The scrutinisation was unnecessary. It wasn't like I could escape from my position deep down in this monolith. They would be able to lose me when I get outside. With some trusted help, I would have gotten new passports, changed my identity, and left for another district.

But the window for that opportunity had gone, and the brief period I could have used to escape was spent seething from Silas's reckless behaviour.

Darn it!

The black glass door slid open and I cast one last look at Mr Four-eyes before making my way into another passage.

It was cooler in here, and the smooth cold floor bit into my bare feet. They had probably taken that off me for the fear that it was a potential hiding spot for all sorts of small items.

The dark walls, floor, and flat ceiling only added to the gloomy atmosphere, and the fluorescent lamps embedded into the ceiling only gave the place an antique look. That of the old technology.

There was silence between us and I was trapped with walls closed in on both sides, and the two guards, one in front and the other behind me. If I were unbound, I would at least scale through the small space and slip past them. I was slender and fit enough to accomplish that. And I was confident in my grip strength.

I should be contemplating escape when I've been purchased, not here. With me gone, Silas would have to pay for his error himself if they are unable to hunt me down.

We got to another entrance and the guards stopped.

The one in front of me stepped aside. "The waiting room for the auction. Your owner will arrive for you after you've been purchased."

Wait. What?

He then grabbed me by the arm, simultaneously opened the door with his other arm, and shoved me inside.

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