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A Witch For The Hybrid

A Witch For The Hybrid



In the face of adversity, a pack of werewolves and a tribe of witches form an alliance to defeat the great enemy of vampires, hybrids and rogue werewolves who came to destroy their land and territory. For hundreds of years, the alliance remained, protecting the territory. But things begin to get out of hand when the descendants of Lance, the hybrid who had created the enemy army that came against the pack, sneaks back into the land to reclaim it and get vengeance for their Father's life. Things get even more dramatic when Ralph, the alpha of the wolf pack, and Dylan, a hybrid and the head of the gang of vampires, fall in love with the same woman. A powerless witch.

Chapter 1 Prologue

We were here first. We were here before time.

The tribe. The pack.

This city grew around us. We were here before the foundation of the city was even conceived.

The area today known as Seattle, Washington state has been our territory from time immemorial. Our roots are deeply buried here and our history is written on it's stones, in it's sand and on it's shores.

We owned and ruled this place long before man built their first boats to travel across the waters and land on our shores. The bodies of our ancestors were buried along these shores, and their souls still move over the surface of the waters, watching over us. It was on this land that our heroes died in glory, on battle fields. And it was also on these land that our enemies met their greatest nemesis and end at the sword of our heroes during the great war.

Hundreds of years ago, in the ages before the humans came to take away our land and make it theirs, a war broke out in this land.

Horace, a powerful werewolf, had gone rogue and left his pack because they had refused him as their alpha, but instead, choose his younger cousin brother to lead the pack. He left the pack and they let him be since he had chosen that path for himself. But what they did not know was that Horace harbored a grudge and let it brood in his heart until it then hatch a wicked plan to exert revenge on his pack for abandoning him.

Horace traveled faraway in search of a way to exert his vengeance on the pack, and finally, he stumbled on the perfect ally who was more than willing to work with him, as they both held a grudge against the pack.

His ally was Lance, a hybrid who had also left the pack long before Horace was born. Lance was half werewolf and half vampire. His mother, a luna, had had an affair with a vampire. Lance's mother tried to keep him a secret and raise him among the pack as the son of the alpha. But her plan was discovered after the pack got curious about all the strange traits Lance possessed.

When her secret was uncovered, the luna tried to escape with her son but sustained several injuries from the fight she had with the pack while getting away. When she finally brought Lance to safety, she died a few days later.

Lance was just a little boy and had to fend for himself out in the wild, until one day he stumbled on a small tribe of witches. They took the young child in and raised him, teaching him all their magic.

When Horace met Lance, the latter had raised an army of vampires, werewolves who had gone rogue and hybrids whom he was creating with his blood and the magic he got from his guardians, the witches.

Lance had raised a very powerful army, enabled and equipped with magic. And when they marched upon our lands, they almost ruined us. They were too powerful for the wolves, and were at the brinks of overpowering the pack.

It was in these dark times that the leader of the pack reached out to the head of the human witch tribe that also lived on the far end of the land, and an alliance was formed.

With the help of the witch tribe, the werewolves were able to defeat their enemy, slaughtering the leaders of the army, Horace and Lance and every single one of their army of hybrids on the battlefields. But the wolves and tribe had suffered immeasurable losses.

To ensure that this kind of evil never befalls our land again, the alliance remained, and together over the years, we have grown stronger.

We have protected our territory from the enemies, especially the vampires who have often come, seeking revenge for their members who died in the great war. We have made our territory a safe space and kept intruders out until the humans came and we had to lay low.

The humans didn't seem like trouble when they arrived. They were curious and friendly. They didn't understand that we were different because we look everything like them. They were not harmful either.

They brought development to the land, and we went along. We received their ways and now we are absorbed into their lifestyle. But still, we have continued to protect this territory even as we lay low and in disguise as modern men.

Our alliance remain and we remain vigilant, watching to make sure that no enemy, the vampires especially, can reside on these lands.

We shall continue to protect these lands. Our pack. Our tribe. And now the humans that dwell here.

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