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Married for his Business

Married for his Business

Gabie Adebanji


She walked to him looking awfully angry "you did this right" she yelled "I'll love to know what you are doing in my office, Miss Lorraine" Dylan said trying to be nice this time "You got me fired!" She snarled. "I'm trying to make your life better" he said simply. "Really! I don't have a house again thanks to you" she scowled. He expected her boss to make her come to him but not to send her packing. "I'll be sincere I didn't mean for that to happen I just need you and clearly you need me too" "What part of I won't marry you don't you understand!" she yelled He walked close to her "I really need this contract between us If you want me to get on my knees I will but I'll warn you I'm not a man to beg" "I'm not going to marry you for money" she shook her head. "if not for money would you at least do it for your mom?" He paused "It's going to be a job that will cost you a little lie and would pay you a great deal of money" "What do you know about my mom" she asked, surprised. "I know she doesn't have enough money to live the life she deserves" he replied simply. "And that's not your problem... So stay away from me!" She yelled, one last time before turning around to leave when he stopped her. "but you have to do this" he said, softly this time. "why me? You have a lot of lovers just pick one of them" "I don't want any one of them" he said, sternly. She shrugged her shoulders "I don't care about that" His face that was cool and gentle when she scolded him turned to its normal stern look when she was done. She went ahead and walked to the door and exited the door. As she walked towards the elevator she heard his voice It was so clear and audible because he was the only one talking at this point. He was on the phone, and with the look of it he wasn't sounding   so pleased... ~~~ Dylan Walker is one of New York city's richest business men. He has the reputation of being a ruthless business man, and as hot as he is so is he arrogant, proud and a full time Casanova but not heartless though... His whole business carrier is at stake and the only thing that can save it is something he doesn't see himself doing. Getting married... Dylan turns to Lorraine, who isn't the regular woman he'll go for, she's  beautiful and feisty with a voice men call 1-900 numbers to hear. Dylan offers her ten million dollars for a one-year contract. And there's nothing indecent about this proposal. The money will really help with her family's bills. All Lorraine will need to do is keep her attraction to her new husband to herself and avoid his bed. But Dylan's toe-curling kisses and sexy charm prove too difficult for Lorraine to resist. It was a marriage contract that planned for everything...except falling in love.

Chapter 1 Introduction

Friday end of May. Seven thirty In the evening.


Lorraine sighed as a guy came and ordered for a drink. "vodka rocks" He said with a gruffy voice.

She dropped 2 cubes of ice in the vodka glass and poured his drink.

Placing a serviette on the table and the glass on top of it she saw the man lustfully looking at her boobs

Maybe if he wasn't so old she wouldn't have wanted to puke so badly

She wrinkled her nose and just pushed his drink forward.

He dropped the money on the bar table and drank his cup of Vodka

Lorraine is seriously tired of this life and also of her boss who just happens to her landlord too.

She's lucky that he let her be a bar tender though, because other girls in the bar work as hookers. She served people drinks for two more hours and started to pack up her stuff.

And when she was ready to leave, she went to her boss's office to get her daily payment and she hit the road in no time.

She got out of the taxi and walked a few steps to where she lived it was a building field with flats

The elevator stopped functioning a while ago so she had to take the stairs

Her apartment was on the third floor out of five floors.

She cursed under her breath as she walked up the stairs.

She was getting blisters little by little.

All she needed was a shower.

As she got out of the shower she heard a knock on her door.

She dried up her body quickly and wore her robe

All she wanted was to get some rest after her bath and someone came to interrupt her.

She walked to the door with her hair still dripping with water.

She opened the door finally and saw who it was.

It was her landlord, he was at her apartment again, and he was grumpy as usual.

"and how may I help you sir" she said, trying to sound as polite as possible even though her face was saying something different

"You are being really bad to the customers, Lorraine" he explained "you should be nicer to them, You know why?"

She shook her head in confusion

"well you are running late on the rent." He eyed her body "I think it's time for you to make use of that hot body of yours, uh?" He smirked lustfully

Lorraine frowned and said "as long as I live here I won't take you talking to me as you like, okay?" She glared at him "And for the rent I promise I'll find a way to pay it I promise" she pleaded.

"fine as you wish, but I'll still advice you to take the other alternative though" he smirked

"I already told you I'm not going to" she huffed.

He raised his hands in surrender as he walked away

She slammed the door out of anger and walked to her room.

"I need another job" those were her last word before she slept.



The stupid alarm buzzed making Lorraine hit it with her pillow so it could shut up

But instead it fell off the lamp stand and stopped buzzing

At least it got what it deserved

I guess no more alarm for me then

She thought as she got off her bed to check the alarm clock

She popped in it's batteries that came out back in place and it worked

Well the alarm lives

She dropped it on the lamp stand and walked to her dressing table

Gosh she was a mess

She thought looking at her self in the mirror

She gently raked her hair backwards with her hand. She then sighed as she stopped looking at herself in the mirror before walking into the bathroom.


"What do you mean the board of directors didn't sign the go ahead for me to be the CEO" The sound of Dylan's angry voice was heard all over his mansion.

"like you heard Dylan they need a guarantee" Xander, Dylan's personal Lawyer and friend told him

"what guarantee is that" Dylan managed to ask.

"for them to sign the go ahead they must be sure that you are responsible, your father's lawyers are also involved in this" Xander explained.

Dylan's father died 3 Years ago and before he did he screwed his son first.

Chris Walker knew his son would never want to get married and he knew it was his fault for having a lover. And making his mother suffer.

The only way he was to make him be the CEO of his company and take his place was to make him get married in return

"responsible in what way" Dylan asked.

"you need to get married Dylan" Xander paused before continuing his explanation "The only way for you to be the CEO of Walker enterprises is for you to get married" Xander added.

Dylan gave a fake laugh "you are joking right" he asked "this is all a joke right?" He requested again.

"I'm afraid it's not Dylan" Xander sighed.

Dylan sighed heavily "that bastard screwed me up" he shook his head "I need a wife Xander" he looked up at him.

"yeah I know, but who?" Xander asked "just pick one of your lovers and marry her" he adviced.

"that would be so simple if I trust any of them" Dylan paused "If I must get married at all I don't want to be emotionally attached to anyone, what I need is someone who will marry me in agreement" he explained.

"like a marriage agreement!" Xander announced

That's exactly what Dylan wanted a marriage agreement.

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