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Hot In Bed

“I’m going to tell you what I have in mind,” he murmured. “First you’re going to strip down until you’re completely naked,” he whispered against her ear. “Then I’m going to tie you up so you’re completely powerless and subject to my every whim.” “Mmm, sounds good so far,” she murmured. “Then I’m going to insert a plug to prepare you for me. After that I’m going to spank that sweet ass of yours until it’s rosy with my marks.” She shivered uncontrollably, her mind exploding with the images he evoked. She let out a small whimper as he sucked the lobe of her ear into his mouth. God, she could cum with just his words. She was already aching with need. Her nipples tingled and hardened to painful points. Her clit pulsed and twitched between her legs until she clamped her thighs together to alleviate the burn. “And then I’m going to f**k your mouth. But I won’t cum. Not yet. When I’m close, I’ll flog you again until your ass is burning and you’re on fire with the need for relief. And then I’m going to f**k that ass. I’m going to take you hard and rough, to the very limits of what you can withstand. I won’t be gentle. Not tonight. I’m going to take you as roughly as you can stand. And then I’m going to cum all over your ass. Are you ready to be completely and utterly dominated?"

Chapter 1 First meeting is not a good one

Leonard is a man who enjoys power and money.

Of course he also enjoys a good sex life.

He especially likes that has a beautiful, and enchanting body in bed sexy girl.

This woman, she can not be too boring in bed, she needs to be like a beast, will take the initiative. Also want to be like a beast, will enjoy the hunt after the food.

He was the first man for every woman he slept with. Because he only slept with a virgin woman and never looked back after finished.Patricia was the exception this time, an 18-year-old Thai-American attending a college in Boston, and he met her in Chicago, the city where he lived. He was infected by her youthful energy and he liked the vividness of her body.

Two months which was considered the longest period that Leonard had been dating a woman, he only rented this luxurious room temporary, didn’t bother to buy the permanent one because he didn’t know when he would get bored of Patricia. Women for him, it’s only for sex, and sex only, nothing else.

More importantly, he never loved anyone and didn’t care much about the word love.

Men like him, if you know how to be interesting and can please him, you can ask him for expensive luxury goods, luxury sports cars, and even ordinary people can not afford to buy a lifetime of luxury homes, he is willing to spend money for you.

Because what he bought is happy.

But don't ask him for love.

This will only accelerate the speed at which he abandoned you.


in a private apartment

After Leonard had the first round of hot sex with her, he came out of the bathroom. He was wrapped in a towel, and there were still some water stains on his naked upper body. He looked very sexy.

“Who’s living in that small room?”Leonard passed the corridor and saw the words "Do Not Disturb, Working" hanging on the door next to him. Leonard asked.

Stepped up to sit on the bed, his back’s against the bed head. He had just been here for the first time since he had rented the woman this three-bedroom apartment. The Duncans Enterprise that his ancestors had established had the Headquarters in Boston so it was handy for him to have a place and a woman to release his sex drive when needed.

Leonard can be generous to the woman he is enjoying.

He can also be stingy, after all, he is not a philanthropist, and he doesn't need to be generous for people who have nothing to do with him.

And his background does not allow his private address to be exposed to more people.

"I remember I set the rules? This is not a charity, any cats and dogs can be brought in.Remember your own identity."

Leonard turned around, his face immediately changed into a cold mask, and he squeezed Patricia's cheek with his hands.

Patricia moved to sit on his lap, there was a slight pain in the face. It's her sugar daddy, and she can't sail on this one. She knows how to please the man in front of her. She started moving back and forth and moaned a little.

“Ah … only a Thai student, not important darling. Oh, yes, please honey, I want you again.” She moaned loudly when the hard shaft under the towel rubbed between her legs.

“You know well I don’t want guests in this apartment.Let her go as soon as possible, or you will go.”Leonard said non-negotiable.

“I know honey, um, it’s only temporally…Ohhh, yes…ahhh.”

She replied and moaned, she was getting hotter and hotter by moving on him.

“Ah, fuck,Lie on the bed, face down, immediately.” The low husky voice ordered. Patricia took his order immediately and reached to grip a pack of condoms on the table by the bedside, put it on him then got up on his lap and took the whole thick and long length into her completely.

“Ah! Yes!” Leonard moaned, moved his lower body up and down, faster and faster until Patricia cried out. It was loud enough to wake the next-door neighbors and Leonard himself moaned with a rough voice in his throat, released to fill up the condom.

Patricia knew well how to please him best. She removed the condom, threw it into the bin at the side of the bed, moved down his legs bent her head down, opened her mouth wide to let the beautiful length in. He swore with pleasure again and again. She sucked him hard and fast. The smart mouth and tongue moved and licked until he moaned out loud.


Stella used the key card to open the door and walked quietly into the luxury apartment of her senior friend, Patricia. The slender figure of sixteen-year-old young lady moved fast to the small room at the far corner.

She released her breath which was held without realizing. The noise from the master bedroom was telling her that Patricia was not alone in there. The sound that made her flushed, knowing well what kind of activity was going on in there. In the middle of daylight like this, with the sun still bright out there! Some people had no shame at all! Stella was thinking with disgust.

Not my classmate, of course...

"He's a super rich guy, a billionaire from Chicago! He rented this place for me, and I have to say, he's very generous. I was very flattered, Stella. Of course, that's just what I know . Other than that, I have no right to ask ."

In her ears, she vaguely remembered what her best friend had said.

She couldn't judge other people’s life. Everyone's pursuits were different, and if she was just happy.

Funny enough, Stella was from Chicago, too. Her mother was Thai. She divorced her father and married an American man,John, since Stella was ten years old. John owned a pub in Chicago. Stella’s mother ran a Thai restaurant there, the business was so far so good.

However, when Stella finished secondary school, her mother didn’t want her to live in Chicago.

The night before she left Chicago, her mother gave her a sum of money and admonished her,

"I don't trust your stepfather, John. He is addicted to gambling and even his pub is making a lot of money, but for a gambling addict like him, it is never enough. I'm worried that one day John will lose his pub and possibly cause trouble for me and you. Until that happens, get out of Chicago, baby. Detach yourself from this family.”

"Mom, I will work hard to earn money, and when the time comes, we will rendezvous, and there will always be a place for us in this place. We can stand on the ground without relying on anyone."

So, that was the reason why she was here, in Boston, studying at a high school not far from this apartment.

When she had spare time, Stella liked going to book shop, bought new books because she couldn’t resist a new release of her favorite author.

The small table by the windows had stacks of studying books on top of it, which reminded her that homework needed to be done. She put the dark brown leather bag on the table, thinking of a cup of coffee to boost her mood for the homework.

She sneaked out of her small bedroom to the kitchen zone. It had a black granite counter in the middle to separate that section from the sitting room. The kitchen was small but modern. She liked cooking as her mother owned a restaurant. That’s one of the reasons Patricia agreed to share this apartment with her because she cooked for her.

Saving money is one of her most important tasks.

The kettle made noise when it started to boil. Stella reached for a mug in the cabinet on the wall, stood and waited, praying for it to be fast, hoping that the two people in the master bedroom didn’t know that she had returned already.

She was glad when the kettle signaled that it’s done.

She hurried to pour black coffee into a large mug and turned back.

"Snap," was the sound of the door lock being unlocked.

It was the same time when the master bedroom door opened.

A dark tall and handsome man with the face like the lord of the underworld was standing there. He had good dark blue eyes somehow it must be the light of the day to help her to see his eyes’ color quite clear.

He was staring at her!

He clasped his hands to his chest. A look of looking down on all beings, unbeatable.

She could see a hint of the dangerous devil flashing in those deep blue eyes It made her stood still. Stella could sense that he was not pleased to see her here!

Stella, who was bewildered by the handsomeness of the face, couldn't help but move her eyes down.

He had a white towel wrapped around his waist.

The top part of his body was not too bad to look at.

His chest had a tattoo, Stella could not tell what that colorful tattoo was about, because she didn’t dare to stare at it.

Also, both of his arms had tattoos as well.

That, I have to admit... That's... kind of cool.

'Just an objective appreciation. ' Stella said to herself silently in her mind.

That pair of sharp blue eyes continued to look at her quietly. She stood still with a shock, but when realizing that she was staring at him with no blinking, she then blinked to recall her posture and quickly walked straight to her room and closing the door immediately.

Leonard was surprised to see a young girl with short hair at shoulder level. She had big glasses on her small face. She seemed shocked to see him, he could tell from her huge black eyes wide opened and her nice full lips were parted.

Leonard turned back into the room and put on his clothes.

“Listen, Patricia. Next time when I come, you must make sure nobody’s here apart from you.”

He said, put money on the table and walked out of the room.

One thing he hated very much was, being interfered in his private space.

This woman looked delicious .

Although she was different from the women he usually dated.

However, he did not have the idea of changing for the time being.

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