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Mysterious Love

Mysterious Love



Bella slowly took her bag and saw Andrew is shutting his laptop. The moment Bella thought to join her next class Andrew said.. "Miss Simonds, is everything clear today?" Bella nodded in agreement. "Great then. If you need any help you can ask me.... This is your first day, so just a caution.. Be alert always." This is really odd!!! Alert!! From what? But before Bella could ask anything, Professor Andrew Larsen left the classroom. 2. In the forest Bella after a long search found a green shrubs perfect for the little bird, she recovered from the mouth of the forest dog. It's somewhat cold here. She placed the bird on a safe branch and a cold breeze blew almost touching here every part of her body... She felt goosebumps! It was like someone breaths near her ear lobe... Bella turned around and searched every sides but no, no one is seen! Without thinking anything more, Bella runs towards the main road... But she is far inside the forest. She could feel the cold breeze around her. 3. After completing the home work, Bella came near the window. The out skirt forest is seen through heavy glass. Slowly she comes to her bed and pulled the quilt covering her body. This day was full of tensions, now only sleep captured. Suddenly, she feels a hand

Chapter 1 First day

"Hey Babe...!"

The first day at seniour grade school.

And the first word so much irritating.

Bella turned around and saw a girl with a peculiar look. Her golden hair pinned with various hair pins, red lipstick, very short school skirt exposing slander legs, the upper buttons are not done showing cleavage.. A school bag is hanging from the side.

Bella looked with a question mark.. "Are you calling me?"

That girl smiled.. "Are you dumb little Chick ... Is there anybody else?"

Bella shrugs her shoulder and said "Whatever!"

She turned around and with a damn walked towards the Principal's office.


Bella Simonds, always studious, always teachers pet.

But she left her previous school for some unknown reason. And joined here for seniour grades studies. She is beautiful but alone.

She is adorable but there is some unknown mystery around her. There is an aura around her.

She lives alone in a house away from the town. One and half kilometer away from her school.

No one knew anything about her parents. So automatically, she is all alone.

Bella took her class schedule from the office clerk and started for her classroom. It is in the first floor. As per school map, her class is at the first floor, at the right side.

Bella reached the 1st floor. The lobby is empty which means classes already started.

She got her class room number 301.

Bella pushed the door open and saw a very ordinary form of classroom consisting of desks, benches, three moving ceiling fans, a male suited teacher writing something on the board, few boring students listening with boredom.

"If you want to come in, you can..."

Laughter of the students brought her back in reality.

The teacher said those words, is waiting for her entrance.

Bella immediately entered the classroom.

She greeted the teacher in a formal way and handed him some document.

The teacher smiles.. "Good..!! Your previous results are always star ranked... Very good.. Welcome here."

Bella nodded.

She knows her reasults.

The teacher again introduces himself.. "I am Andrew Larsen..! Your present English teacher.. Now, you introduce yourself with the class."

Another irritating part she dislikes most is the introduction part.

But rules are Rules!

Bella raises her spinal cord straight and says - "Hello everyone present here, I am Bella - Bella Simonds... A new student here. I donot have any special quality to say or disclose. Thank you."

Whole class welcomed her with clap.

Andrew says with dominance... "Sit down at the first bench"

A boy is already sitting there.

Bella sighed and occupied her seat. That boy silently moved little away keeping some distance.

The first class was nothing but a comparative study about the writing skills of various official letters. It was not that much boring. Andrew is a good teacher, she could guess.

When the alarm rang, the whole class rushed out.

Bella slowly took her bag and saw Andrew is shutting his laptop.

The moment Bella thought to join her next class Andrew said.. "Miss Simonds, is everything clear today?"

Bella nodded in agreement.

"Great then. If you need any help you can ask me.... This is your first day, so just a caution.. Be alert always."

This is really odd!!!

Alert!! From what?

But before Bella could ask anything, Professor Andrew Larsen left the classroom.

Bella one last time saw the time table.

It is a off period and next class of sociology is scheduled in this classroom only.

So, she preferred to sit alone. Alone time is the best time. She always love and prefers silence.

It's a bit weird.

She knows!

But silence always warms her. So, she pulled her copy and starts writing the class notes. Whatever Professor Andrew Larson said in class lecture, Bella tries to remember every details and writes the important points.

Gradually some students starts to come in. Everyone is curious about the new student Bella, but her gesture and posture creates an unseen barrier in between them.

Bella ignores them.

But suddenly someone throws a chalk towards her which directly hits her right shoulder.

Bella raised her eyes immediately, a cold aura radiates from her...

It's that girl she encountered today morning.

That girl smiling like a stupid bimbo..

"What the f....." Bella cursed in her breath.

"You little chick... So you are in my class!"..

Three more girls joined the bimbo with mocking smile.

Bella just looked at them.

This is her first day and she does not want to create a scene.

That girl walks step by step towards Bella with a disgusting smile and then pressed her elbows on the desk supporting her face with palm.. and said... "Listen Chick.. I forgive you for the first time, next time I will not tolerate any nonsense. Remember me - I am Susan the queen of this school..... Got it?"

Bella nodded in silence.

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