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He's a Sweet Mafia

He's a Sweet Mafia



Anna, who feels revenge for the death of her parents, does not know the real secret about them. Richard, a Mafia who forced Anna to come with him when Anna was 15 years old, fell in love with the girl when she was 22 years old. Anna always blames Richard for the death of her parents, but one thing Anna doesn't know is that the death of her parents is not Richard's fault.

Chapter 1 1. A not pathetic victim, named Mike Mcdonald

''Hmmp… hmmp.. hmmp''

Seen a man in his 50's trying to untie the rope that tied his hands. His mouth was taped, unable to make any sound. If he could, he would have shouted earlier. Cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and his eyes glanced left & right looking for a woman who had been with him.

His breath hitched, out of fear. He knew he might be finished right now. His eyes went back to looking around the room, which looked like a room in an old house that had almost collapsed. Even sunlight can enter through the cracks in the ceiling of the room. His body trembled even more on the chair he was sitting on, the bonds in his legs & hands fused with the back & legs of the chair. The knot in his chest made him feel tighter.




There was the sound of footsteps approaching the door.

The man's heartbeat quickened as the footsteps drew closer.


The sound of the door opening, made the man staring intently at the door which was slowly opening.

A woman's head was sticking out from behind the door, a wide smile graced her face, and her long black hair was seen hanging down, as she tilted her head. The flat bangs make the woman's face look cute. Her teeth look smaller than her gums, that makes her look like a child.

The woman walked slowly towards the middle-aged man.

''Hmmmpp… hmmmpp…''

The man groaned louder, hoping that the woman would help him untie all the bonds that bound him.

Instead, the woman sat on the man's lap and wrapped her arms around the man's neck. The man looked down at the woman who was much shorter than him.

The look of astonishment mixed with fear was visible from the corner of the man's eye when looked at the woman who was playing with the buttons of the man's shirt.

''You should have listened to your wife's words''


The woman stopped her sentence.

‘’You want to spend the weekend with me instead''

The woman looked up and found the man staring at her with wide eyes. The man began to understand the situation he was in right now, he knew he might die soon after being killed by the cute woman sitting on his lap right now.

''Why are you looking at me like that?

"Gosh hahaha, apparently you don't understand, do you?"

The woman stood up from the man's lap with a slight jump. She looked at the man with a slight bow, with her hands resting on her knees. The woman's eyes stared straight into the man's face, her hand moving slowly to touch the man's hair. But the man quickly turned his face away, which moved to the woman's hand stop.

“Why dodge?”

“Don’t you like it when I stroke your hair? You say, it reminds you of your mother when you were little?”

“But, isn't your wife a mother too? What kind of touch should I make, so you can remember your wife at home, hm? Mr. Mike McDonald''

The woman's finger caressed the middle-aged man's cheek affectionately.

“Is this what kind of touch that you want?”

The woman took something out from under the black blazer she was wearing and aimed it right at the man's forehead. It was made, Mike McDonald struggled even more in his chair.

''Hmmmmpph hmmmmppphhh''

A gun with a silencer on the tip was already stuck to Mike McDonald's forehead.

''I'll give you a chance to speak one last time''

The woman, removing the duct tape, stuck to Mike McDonald's mouth.

“Hah hah hah”

The sound of gasping breaths was heard coming out of Mike McDonald's mouth.

“You bitch, what did you do to me? Aren't you satisfied with everything that I gave you?''


The woman slapped MIke, the slap was hard enough to make the woman's palm turn red.

''You call me a bitch again, then I'll kill you right now''

MIke gulped in fear, as the woman pressed her chin with a gun.

"Do you understand?"

The woman whispered right in MIke's ear and put her face right in front of MIke's face.

MIke nodded, confirming the woman's words. This made the woman feel satisfied with the response given by MIke.

''Good. And now listen to me old man, the clothes & jewelry you have given me are worth nothing''

''I feel sorry for your wife & children, who have to suffer because of having a male figure like you, as their support Mr. MIke''

"Your attitude that is easily infatuated with the seduction of women, in the end, will only make your family & small company suffer"

"So you have to borrow money here and there for the revival of your small company, including borrowing money from Richard"


MIke's heart skipped a beat when she heard Richard's name come out of the woman's mouth.

''Why? Are you surprised?''

The woman dragged another chair behind MIke and sat herself down on it.

''Don't worry, he'll be here soon''

The woman, Anna Kim Perto, took out her cell phone from her blazer pocket & started playing with it. Her head kept looking down & her face looked serious while playing the game on his cellphone. Sometimes swear words come out of her mouth.

''How much''

Anna stopped her finger on the phone she was playing with when she heard MIke speak. Anna lifted her head & looked at MIke who was sitting across from her.

“How much did Richard pay you to do all this?”

“I… I'll pay you more than Richard gave you.”

With a trembling voice, MIke expressed her wish. He didn't want to die right now. In his heart, MIke apologized to his wife, for wasting the woman who had accompanied him & gave birth to his children. MIke also apologized to his children, for not being a good father to them.

Anna smiled sarcastically when she heard the words that came out of MIke's mouth. Anna stepped closer to MIke, and without further ado, Anna stabbed MIke's thigh with the small knife she was carrying.


MIke screamed in pain, his eyes staring at Anna full of fear. Fresh blood started flowing from MIke's thigh & Anna's small knife was still stuck in her thigh.

''I told you, don't say weird things, Mr. MIke''

Anna looked at MIke's face in pain flatly, there was no hesitation in Anna's eyes as she stabbed MIke's thigh with her small knife.

''Shit, you're a fuckin whore, you bitch. I'll kill you, I'll kill you''

MIke screamed cursing Anna with all her might, but Anna just didn't budge & her eyes focused on the drop by drop of blood that came out of the stab wound he gave MIke's thigh.

Anna then took off the Black Blazer she was wearing and revealed the long white shirt she was wearing. Anna tore the sleeve of the white shirt she was wearing & bandaged MIke's stab wound with the cloth of her shirt. His cold gaze at MIke turned to worry.

MIke looks surprised by Anna's actions. It was Anna who stabbed him but Anna was the one who bandaged the wound. MIke was horrified by Anna's rapid emotional changes, Anna who looked cheerful then turned cold and suddenly turned into a worried person.

''I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing this for your wife & kids''

''But, if you don't survive here, it's not my fault''

Anna patted MIke on the cheek, before finally walking towards the door & leaving MIke alone in the building.

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