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Her Babies' Daddy

Her Babies' Daddy



Brenda Charles dreams are completely shattered when she found out she was pregnant from the one night stand she had with a stranger. Her family already prefers her elder sister to her, claiming she's perfect and now she had to make this huge mistake. Dylan Roger is the stranger that had a one night stand with Brenda. He mistook drunk Brenda for someone else because it was dark and both of them made out. He realized the mistake he made but let it slide since he didn't even see the face of the woman. Five years later, he came across a woman who had triplets that looked just like him.

Chapter 1 Her Daily Life

Brenda laid on her bed, a novel in her hand, she was done with all her chores, and she decided to rest for a while, her family weren't home, so she'll get some breathing space, even if it was just for a little while.

Her phone began to ring, distracting her from the novel she was reading.

She groaned, then she dropped the novel and she sat up, she grabbed her phone from the bedside table, and she smiled brightly when she saw it was her boyfriend calling.

She hurriedly picked up the call.

"Hello." She said shyly.

He wasn't there, but she couldn't help but feel shy, she loves Frank so much, he's the best thing that's ever happened to her, he's so loving and caring, he's everything she wished for and even more.

"Brenda." Frank voice boomed from the other end.

Brenda couldn't help but frown in confusion, he had call her by her name, not the pet name.

"Y y yes." She stuttered, her heart was literally beating so fast at the moment, she was scared of the fact that she might have done something wrong.

"Where are you?"


"Okay, come meet me at the usual spot where we do meet." Frank said, and he hang up, not giving her the chance to say anything else.

Brenda stared at her phone screen worriedly.

"Oh my God, what could possibly be wrong now." She said inwardly.

And although it's late, she'll still need to go to him.

She got down from the bed, then she rushed downstairs, she wore her sandals, then she ran outside.


Brenda got to the place where she and Frank do meet up, it was a secluded area, but the place was very beautiful, it had lots of flowers which made it look like a garden, Frank had been the one to discover this place, and he had brought her there.

She loved the place so much, and they decided to make it their meeting spot, they were the only one who knew about it, so it made it even more awesome.

Brenda stood still, she was staring at Frank who's back was turned to her, and he was yet to notice her presence.

She cleared her throat, and Frank turned to face her, she smiled at him, but when she noticed he wasn't even smiling back, the smile vanished from her face, only to be replaced by a worried look.

And that moment, she knew that something was definitely wrong.

Brenda slowly walked to Frank.

"Hey." She muttered, but Frank heard her clearly.

Frank said nothing, he could only look at her, his face held no emotions or expressions, they were just blank, and it made it difficult for her to guess what could be going on.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?" Brenda asked.

And the next thing Frank said shocked her greatly, infact, she wasn't expecting it.

"Let's break up." Frank said, his face void of any emotions.

"Let's break up." The words rang in Brenda's ears.

"W w what?" She asked, to be sure she heard him correctly.

"W w what do you mean?"

"Let's break up Brenda, I'm tired of this relationship okay, I'm tired of you, I don't want to keep wasting my time with you, I don't want to do this anymore, so, let's end this here and now." Frank said.

Brenda felt like a bucket of ice has been poured on her body, she was shocked, surprised and speechless, she just couldn't believe her ears.

"N no, I mean, what are you saying Frank? Break up? W why should we do that? We love each other, please Frank, if I had done something wrong, then I apologize, I'm sorry for whatever it is that I've done, just please, please don't do this to me, don't end our relationship like this, w we love each other, you love me." Brenda said, then she hugged him tightly.

"Please Frank, don't do this to me." She cried.

"You're the only one who's ever loved me, you're the only one who's been nice to me, you've done so much for me Frank, please, I don't want to loose you, please Frank, don't end our relationship like this, I don't want to break up with you." Brenda cried.

Frank mentally rolled his eyes at her, it's not like he's ever loved Brenda, all he wanted from her was sex, but the bitch has refused to let him touch her, everything he's been doing was all fake, he was only pretending to love her and be nice to her.

"Please Brenda, let go of me." Frank said, then he forcefully took her hands off him and he pushed her away.

"Just stop this!!" He barked. Brenda flinched.

"I'm sure you aren't deaf Brenda, I don't want to do this anymore, so let's just end this damn charade, I'm sick and tired of you, you claim to love me but it's all a lie, you don't love me, so just stop this drama of yours, it disgust me." Frank spat.

Tears were streaming down Brenda's cheeks, she was at the verge of loosing one of the most important person in her life, and she doesn't want that, she can't let go of Frank, she loves him too much.

"Please Frank, you know that's not true, you know I love you so much, please Frank, just tell me what I've done, and I promise to correct the mistake, just don't break up with me please."

"I love you." She cried.

Fred scoffed.

"Love me you say, ha! Okay then, you claim to love me, but can you do anything for me?" Frank asked.

"Yes, yes i can." Brenda immediately replied, not even thinking twice about it.

"Can you give your body to me then? Will you finally give me that chance huh?" Frank asked.

Brenda bit her bottom lip, Frank has always been demanding for sex, but she never gives in, and that's because she wasn't ready yet, she had explained to him that he should please give her some little more time, and he had agreed to wait for her until she was ready, so she doesn't understand where this was coming from, he had told her he loved her and he would wait.

Relationships isn't based on sex alone, and Frank had told her he didn't love her because of her body, he loved her for who she is, or were those words just a lie?

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