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The Mafia's Sweetheart

The Mafia's Sweetheart



After the murder of her parents right before her eyes by the dreadful Mafia twin brothers Mario and Maris, the innocent Serena Romano was abducted by Mario. Her life was going to change, but was it for good? She's the daughter of the syndicate's traitor, and she's their worst enemy. Her life is left in the mercy of Mario, the heartless Mafia whose only aim was to kill and revenge what Romano, Serena's father did to his family. Serena turned from a princess to a slave, but what if another feeling starts growing in Mario instead of hatred?

Chapter 1 Angel In The Midst Of Devils


Serena watched in horror as the heartless man placed a gun on her mother's skull. Even if they weren't holding her down, what could she possibly do to the two handsome demons standing in front of her, accompanied by the other crew?

All she could do was to cry helplessly. No one would be able to save them from these heartless beasts.

"You bastard! What the f*** were you thinking? You thought that you could hide from us but running to Germany? You're such an asshole" Maris yelled, and Serena almost peed in her panties panicking.

Maris shot her mother, and she dropped dead right in front of the traumatized Serena who was just nineteen years old.

He turned to her father, and glared hard at him. If the eyes could kill, Romano, Serena's father would have died first before Maris could kill him.

"Where the f*** is that damn accomplice of yours? Where is Blade?" Mario grabbed Romano's neck, and he coughed helplessly.

"You think I'll tell you that. What's the f****** point of telling you that when you're still going to kill me?" Romano smirked mischievously, and Mario pushed him to the ground fuming with anger.

Without any hesitation, Mario grabbed the gun from Maris, and shot it straight into Romano's skull.

"He's of no use anyway. There's no f****** way he'll reveal to us where to find that bastard Blade" Mario roughed his hair with his fingers.

"No.... Mom? Dad?" Serena wailed in pains as she saw blood gushing out of her parents head. She struggled to free herself from the grip of the mafia crew at the sight of her parents lifeless body. Hot tears welled down her cheeks.

Maris corked the gun, and pointed it to Romano's daughter Serena, but Mario stopped him from pulling the trigger which got him surprised.

"Don't waste the b****" Mario raised his left hand, and Maris turned to him with wrinkled eyebrows.

"What are you talking about, Mario? What's the use of keeping that traitor Romano's daughter alive? She can't be any better than her worthless father. Why the f*** do you want to spare her?" Maris freaked out.

"We're taking her with us to Italy. Bring her out now" Mario ordered the crew, and they dragged weeping Serena along, but not without her kicking her legs on the air.

"Lord Mario, why do we need to take this stinking b**** alongside with us? We have enough slaves in the empire, why don't we just waste her already" Goddess spat at wailing Serena.

"Are you the boss or am I the boss? You don't have any f****** right to tell me what I'd do. Take her with us" Mario spoke with a cold voice, and Serena continued struggling and crying on top of her voice.

"Shut that f****** b**** up!" Maris growled, and Athena quickly grabbed her arm. She injected her with the syringe she was holding, and Serena passed out.


The helicopter landed in front of the large empire, and they all got down from it.

Goddess, who was fuming with anger walked into the empire immediately.

Serena was still fast asleep as a result of the injection she was given earlier, so Athena helped her out in her arms.

"What do we do with her, Lord Mario?" Athena asked with arched eyebrows, and Mario exhaled deeply signalling the guard to take Serena from Athena. The guard took The Sleeping Beauty Serena from Athena.

"Take her to the inner room" Mario ordered, and Maris turned sharply at him with arched eyebrows.

"Yes Lord Mario" The guard bowed slightly, and turned to walk away.

"Did you say inner room? She's just a betrayer's daughter, why should she be kept in the inner room? Drop her in the ice cell, she's a slave and a traitor, why should she be in the inner room?" Maris freaked out.

"No" Mario snapped, and Maris hit his chest with his two hands furiously.

"What the hell has come over you, Mario? What do you think you're doing?" Maris was already boiling in rage.

"We have better things to do Maris, we still have to find that treacherous Blade"Mario said before walking into the mansion.

"Damn! Incredibile" Maris cursed in an Italian accent before following.


"Oh... Yes... Yes"

"F*** me harder. Give me that dick"

"Oh Lord! Yes... F***"

"Right there... Yeah! That spot..."

"Oh mine.... F*** that cu*t"

Moans and growls rented all over the room as Scorpion rode on Echo harder and harder.

Scorpion happened to be the one of the syndicate member of the vipers and same as Echo, his s*x doll.

Scorpion took out his cock, and tapped it on her c*nt before shoving it back into her opening. A gasp escaped Echo's lips as Scorpion inserted the cock inside her.

Echo was currently on her fours on the bed, and her @ss getting f***ed. At every thrust he made, he spanked her ass with the horsewhip he was holding.

Right now, her ass and her body has different colors. His hands went straight to her nipples on which she wore rings on. He pinched her nipples stylishly, and she moaned softly.

Pains mixed with pleasure just the way she wanted it. He slammed into her roughly.

"F*** me harder baby..."

"Yeah... Yeah... Baby"

"Oh f*** me Scorpion..."

"Just like that... Yeah."

"Gawd dammit... I'm gonna die on that cock"

He pressed his fingers against the nipple rings, and she laughed like a lunatic.

"I love you fleshy clit*ris b****" Scorpion spanked her @ss again, and she licked her lips seductively. Beads of sweats rolled down her face.

"Dammit!" They heard someone curse, and throw the door open. Scorpion pulled out of Echo, and poured out his white sticky c*m on her ass.

He quickly picked up his shirt sitting on the bed heavily as Goddess walked in still wearing a long face.

"Hey b*tch! What's with that face?" Scorpion snapped, and Goddess sat heavily on the rocking chair. She picked up the pack on cigarette on the table and brought out of it a stick.

Placing the stick of cigarette in between her lips, she lit it on. Smokes emanated her nostrils and mouth.

"Was it unsuccessful? Weren't the Lords able to find that treacherous traitor Romano? F*** that bastard!" Echo who had just cleaned up walked towards Goddess.

"Lord Mario spared the traitor's daughter. He just brought her back to the empire" Goddess spoke up with smoke coming right out of her nostrils.

"What? He didn't kill the damn girl?" They chorused, and Goddess shook her head in disagreement.

"I've got to clear my f****** head. I just don't want that slut anywhere close to my Maris because I'm going to kill her" Goddess spat out before walking into the inner room.

"Lord Maris wants you to bring Romano's daughter to the basement" A guard's voice was heard inside the room, and Scorpion snorted before the guard left.

Scorpion marched out of the room, and headed straight to the inner room. On getting in, he found out that Serena was still fast asleep.

"Hey @sshole! You think this is some sort of vacation?" Scorpion kicked her, and she gradually opened her eyes. Staring around, she jerked up from the ground in fear.

"Where... Where am I?" Serena's tiny voice was almost inaudible. Scorpion dragged her out of the room, and she continued wailing helplessly. Not like she had a choice because everyone saw her like an enemy.

She was dragged into the basement, and she fell on her face. Raising her injured face up, she saw about six men and some women staring at her with disgust. The place was filled with smoke as a result of the cigarettes they were all smoking.

She recognized one of the men to be one of mafia brothers who killed her parents. She started trembling even more on seeing him.

He kicked her, and blood gushed out of her mouth immediately. She could see the tattoo he drew on his chest because he was putting on a singlet.

"Come on traitor's daughter, it's high time you get a taste of d*ck" Blitz, one of the ladies in the basement grabbed her arm.

"Oh, no please...."

"Please don't... Help me"

"Jesus... Oh my God!"

Serena wailed helplessly even if she knew no one would even come to her rescue here.

"She looks rather so innocent. I think this is going to be so much fun" Scorpion laughed, and the others joined them.

Serena stared at them with tears in her eyes. What do they mean by her getting a taste of d*ck? She was trembling in fear.

"Goddess must know about this. On no account should anyone tell her about this. Am I understood?" Maris glared at them all with fierce eyes.

"As you wish, Master" They chorused, and he smirked mischievously.

"Tear her dress. I'll f*** her with her legs and hands chained, and then you all can get a taste of her in group" Maris scoffed, and they cheered happily.

"Christ! No, please... Don't" Serena cried as Scorpion walked closer to her. Her legs were shaking in fear, and tears didn't stop welling down her cheeks.

"What did she say? Christ?" One of them said, and they burst into laughter.

Blitz threw a pair of scissors at Scorpion, and he caught it.

Scorpion grabbed her, and tore her dress into pieces with the scissors.

Serena cried loudly as he tore her dress with the scissors. She got some many cuts as a result of the struggle.

A chilly air blew on her nakedness, and they all stared at her with lusts in their eyes. She felt as cheap or even more cheap than a prostitute.

"I'm going to f*** you until you drop dead, that's the only way I can get revenge for what your God damn father did to us. Then, Mario will get back to his senses" Maris grabbed her two hands, and threw her on the bed.

Even though she was struggling, she was just a piece of cake for him. Hot tears rolled down Serena's glassy eyes as Maris chained her to the bed slapping her round attractive boobs.

Everyone was watching her, and cheering the beast who was standing in front of her staring at her like she was an s*x doll.

Maris brought out his long vein dick, and a gasp escaped Serena's lips.

"Oh God! Please don't..." She cried out as he walked closer to her....

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