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Married to my family's rival

Married to my family's rival



Imagine being forced to marry your enemy? That is what happened with Damien and clara, they were forced to get married even though their families hated each other. Will they fall in love? Or will they keep hating each other?

Chapter 1 First

"What the hell mum I can't do this!"Alicia said to her mother as she tried to leave her house quickly.

"You don't have a choice Alicia this is your responsibility to this family.",her mother stated quiet frustrated.

"What is my duty?getting married to someone I despise?" she said with so much hatred and mockery in her voice.

"Why do you even hate him so much?he is everything that a woman wants."her mother stated.

"Mum he literally goes around with different girls every week a new girl,he is a man whore!so disgusting"she said with a disgusted tone.

"I and your father have already made up our minds that this is the only way."

"Why is it the only fucking way mother!"

"Because they are the wealthiest Family in the country way wealthier than us so why not?"she asked quite pissed.

"So you and Dad have decided to sell me out for money huh?"she asked.

"We aren't selling you out for money stop being dramatic for once Alicia!we are trying to save our business from crashing."her mother said.

"I don't want to do this."

"You have no choice now do you? this is the least you can do for us your parents so get your mind ready your getting married in a week!"her mother said with finality and walked away leaving a frustrated Alicia to scream.


In Damien's house......

"What the hell are you guys saying?"Damien asked both of his parents with anger.

"We are saying we want you to get married to Alicia"his father said authoritatively.

"I am not doing that father."he said quite even though it was quite evident that he was anger.

"There is nothing there now is there?you have to do this for us Damien please!"his mother pleaded.

"Why do you guys even want us getting married huh?"he asked looking at his two patent suspiciously.

"Well because it will help out status"his father answered simply.

"So this is for you now? I knew it so selfish."he said upset.

"Shutup this well help you young man. You know your reputation of being a playboy will change after you have gotten married."his father said.

"I don't want it to change. And this girl your choosing although she is very pretty I don't think we might get along."he said.

"You will learn to get along do not worry"his mother said.

"Now if you will excuse us young man we have somewhere to be."his parent said and stood up and walked away quickly.

"Atleast she is quite hot."Damien said to himself before going out to meet his friends.

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