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Alpha Viceroy's Reborn Mate

Alpha Viceroy's Reborn Mate



The war king - they call him. He's led many wars and won. He's a great pack leader, who rules his pack with love and pride. His people love and adore him. He is given respect wherever he steps. Who doesn't know Alpha Lyell Viceroy, the twenty-seven years old man who's taking the continent by storm. Which woman doesn't want to be in his bed? He has everything. The perfect face and body. A prosperous pack and riches. But his life isn't complete. He lacks one thing - his mate. He's searched far and wide for her. He isn't particularly desperate to find her. "What do I need a mate for?" He says but, with his position as Alpha getting threatened, he needs to find her. He was almost losing hope, until one night, he eventually finds her. Locking eyes with her, he had this urge to protect her from everything in the world. But there is a problem. She's human and also a sacred bone, a descendant from a betrayer clan. But there is something... something about their meeting. Maybe, just maybe, they might have met once. Maybe twice?

Chapter 1 Searching For Mate

Lyell's Point Of View

"Alpha Lyell is back!"

"Welcome back Alpha Lyell!"

"We missed you Alpha!"

I waved and smiled at them. The whistles and cheers were deafening but they made me happy.

Sigh, my people. How long has it been? Yes, six months. Six months away from home. Away from my people and the blissful airs of Starmoon. It was just like yesterday when I received the troubling letter of rogues approaching the border and planning invasion. I couldn't let that happen, could I? I could have just sat still, and deployed soldiers and knights to fight but what kind of leader will I be if I sit still in comfort while my soldiers are going through blood and sweat?

I thought I would never make it back. The dreadful thought of me dying on the battlefield lays vivid in my memory. Sure, I lost comrades and friends. It wasn't easy. Hell! It drained the hell out of me but I pulled through and made sure my comrades's death wasn't in vain. I sighted Mrs. Stephan, the mother of one of the lost soldiers. She had anticipation in her eyes. The poor woman doesn't know her child is no more. I stopped my horse and got off. I approached her, a bitter smile on my face.

"I'm sorry," I said to her, placing her son's scarf in her hands. She broke down, holding tightly onto me. Some men came forward to get her off me but I raised my hand. If there's anything she needs right now, it's comfort.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Stephan."

"Did...did he do well?"

I smiled at her. I cleaned her tears with my palm and replied, "he served his pack with dignity and pride. You should be proud of him."

"Thank you." She reached for my face and gave me a forehead kiss. "Welcome back." She whispered and embraced me. If there is one thing I dread, it's comforting the parents of lost comrades. It breaks my heart. I went back to my horse.

"I've missed you all!"

"We've missed you too, your majesty!" They all chorused, bowing in respect. I blew them all a kiss. The ladies squealed and giggled, throwing roses. My men and I proceeded down the market square to the royal palace.



We rushed toward each other and I caught her in a tight embrace. "You're back! You're really back!"

I laughed heartily, twirling her.

"Look at you, son!"

"Healthy as a horse, right?" I joked and she laughed. She hugged me again. I sniffed in her calming scent. Oh how much I've missed her.

"Here, I made you a welcome feast." She faced the soldiers. "You all should come. We should celebrate the great warriors of Starmoon Pack. I prepared a little welcome party, what do you say, boys?"


I shook my head. These men and food. I'm famished but I'm far from clean right now.

"Thank you," I said to the maid as she helped me take off my coat. "You can leave." She bowed and exited. I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I still have injuries that haven't healed. They'll probably heal on their own. I took off my pants and immersed myself in the warm bath.


I had a nice bath and stayed in the water for about thirty minutes before I came out. New clothes were already arranged for me so I just put them on. I could already hear the manly cheers and growls of the men as I approached the royal field.

"Give it up for the man of the moment!"

That was Mingen. Beta and the head warrior. Oh! I forgot to say, he's also my crazy best friend.

"Come on! Come."

He pulled me by my arm to the middle of the circle. He handed me a drink. "Come on, give a speech."

I opened my mouth but before I could say anything, they all burst out in loud cheers. I shook my head, laughing. I haven't even said anything, can you all calm down? The whole pack is here. Little welcome party, she said. This is like a grand festival.

"Lyell! Lyell! Lyell!" They all started chanting, making me more flustered than I already was.

"Okay, okay. Calm down."

"Calm down, y'all. Let the man of the night speak, would ya?" Mingen said and they all settled. I cleared my throat and began.

"Um... honestly, I don't know where to begin. It wasn't easy, to be frank. There were stressful days, happy days, saddening days, and frustrating days. It didn't seem as if it would end. The battle kept going on and on. But do you know what kept us going? You, the people."

"Darn right!"

"Your letters of comfort and love kept our heads held up high with the hope of winning. You were our daily dose of motivation."


"Our daily dose of happiness!"


"And our backbone. Thank you so much for being there."


"We love you, Alpha Lyell!!"

"A toast! To victory!"


We gulped down our glasses and smashed them to the ground.

"Let the fun begin!"


I bowed and was pulled to the soldier's circle by Mingen.

"Can you stop pulling me?"


I covered my nose as his alcohol breath hit me. "You stink."

He nudged me by the side and motioned his head forward.

"Look at her. Perfect, isn't she?"

I hummed, my eyes on the belly dancer. That is Dandelion, a maid in the palace and the woman every male wolf has his eyes on. What do they call her? Oh yeah, the human Aphrodite. They can see but they can't touch. Not because she's mated but because she's a sacred bone.

"You know you can't have her."

The rest of the party went on smoothly. I was beginning to get tired so I excused myself without anyone knowing. I went to the balcony of my room and sat on the railings as I admired the blue moon.

Young alpha at Twenty-seven. Led several wars and won all. Loved by his comrades and people. Rules over the top pack in the Western Empire. Yes, my life is like a dream for some people. I have all I could ever wish for. All... except one thing.


"Are you nervous?"

I chuckled at mum's question. "Nervous? About what exactly?"

"Well, it's the first meeting with the pack elders since you arrived. You know what they're gonna talk about, don't you?"

"Pretty sure, yes."

She sighed. She stood on her toes and adjusted my collar. "I can tell them you're recuperating from injuries you got in the war."

"Oh, mother." I laughed softly. "You're talking like your son's a newly appointed alpha going for his first council meeting."

"I'm just worried! Don't make fun of me."

Aww, she's sulking. I leaned to her height and hugged her. "Luna mother, I'll be fine." I withdrew and pecked her cheek. "I promise," I assured, patting her hair. She smiled in return and patted my back.

I stood in front of the huge gold doors. I adjusted my fur coat and signaled to the guard to open them. I kept an expressionless face on as I walked into the wide room. I stopped at the center and came face-to-face with five pack elders, sitting majestically on their thrones I almost laughed at Great Lycidas' braided beard. His beard gets me every time. The pack elders are mainly five: Elder Lycidas, Elder Nothwulf, Elder Wolfram, Elder Ylfa, and Elder Zeke. These five elders have less authority than the alpha but they have the power to remove an alpha at will. Yeah, crazy. The only woman among them is Elder Ylfa and she's my favorite, though she can be scary sometimes. They have two meetings in a month with the pack leader to discuss things.

(Basically like the board of directors in a company)

As always, they all had tough, scary faces but they are funny to me.

"Alpha Lyell, welcome." Lycidas' thick voice echoed throughout the hall.

"Thanks for the warm welcome, Lycidas," I said in sarcasm.

He cleared his throat loudly and continued. "The other elders and I want to commend you for your victory, once again."

"You did such great work, your majesty." Ylfa commended and I flashed her a smile.

"Thank you, Ylfa."

I almost laughed at Nothwulf's eye roll. For some reason, he gets jealous of my favoritism toward Ylfa.

"Now to the matter at hand!" Zeke thundered and I gulped. I'm scared of him most.


"Last time we had this meeting, you told us to give you three more months to find your mate."

Gosh, here we go.

"It's been more than three months, your majesty, where is she?" Ylfa demanded.

And now you know what I lack. Yes, a mate. It sounds crazy but I've never felt a mate bond with anyone before. Find your mate, they say. I've searched all of the Western Empire! I couldn't find her! Am I mateless? Am I cursed to never find her or something? All my friends found their mates as young as eighteen and here I am... Not like I'm desperate to find her or anything but these oldies won't let me breathe in peace unless I find her.

"Can you give me more time?"

"Not a chance!" Nothwulf fired. "We've been patient enough."

"I don't get you all. I'm doing such a great job as alpha, will having a mate make it any better?"

"An Alpha without his Luna isn't complete."

I rolled my eyes. Well, I say that's bullshit.

"If you do not find her soon, I'm sorry but your reign as alpha might come to an end."

Hearing that, I frowned. I turned to Zeke with a glare.

"You will not do that!" I ordered.

"Do you want to see us try?" Wolfram challenged.

Ugh! Mate, where the fuck are you?!

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