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Attracted To An Alpha Student

Attracted To An Alpha Student

Godswill Fame


In the wake of the violent Xenophobic attacks that have swept through South Africa, a Nigerian family was left in a tight corner, trying to settle and adapt to normal life. With little or no option, they returned to their home country, and haven't spent almost a decade in Mandela Country. The move affected their teenage son, Chime. He was in a state of a dilemma; it was just a couple of years before the transit into adulthood. All through his young life, he had been the brightest fellow, excelling and soaring high both in academics and socialization. Back in Nigeria, Chime was enrolled in the prestigious Adventist High School. There, he took the bull by the horn and continued from where he stopped. Within a short period, he became the face of the school; performing well in science and other extracurricular activities. He met new people and made friends with funny traits. Jidenna was a close friend who would always be the first to break the latest information. Chuma was a comic fellow who wasn't ashamed to showcase nasty behaviours. Ademode, the devout choir boy with temperamental issues. For dreams and career actualization, his South African friend turned brother, Mfon Shane joined him in Nigeria, having lost his dad to the cold hand of Xenophobes. With full assurance, Mr Frank enrolled him also in his son's school and then a friendship reunion came to life. That meant fun would be the order of their days in Adventist High School. Also, Chime became the school's Senior Prefect and the team captain of the newly formed basketball team. Then, there came Enoh Ogbevire, a collectable and complicated girl in the school. Other boys had found her difficult to get but Chime would try to be different from that group by using his alphas to suppress her. Nigeria wasn't what they thought she would be; tribal and economic deficiencies were prevalent. Agitations and hate speeches were going so rapidly. A clash ensued between the students and government security officials because of policies they deemed selfish and unfavourable. Blood was spilt, like a survival of the fittest scenario. Chime had to take the bull by the horn by leading a mass rally and protest ever witnessed in the country. Confrontations were witnessed in the process which will either take his life or make him a national figure. The ship had grown old and needed young and capable hands to navigate her. Could the Adventist elite students be the future or antidote to the nation's widespread epidemic? How would they behave like the other reckless youths? Only time would tell. A story of family and friendship ties, teenage love and infatuation, young alpha, youth mafia, school lifestyle, and economic and continental malfunction.

Chapter 1 The Genesis



There comes a time in life when we are left with nothing and we wish to have it all. If wishes were horses, people would ride above uncertainties and bottlenecks until they would be satisfied.

Here comes the life of an alpha student whose journey into adulthood unwraps.


It was around 5:30 in the morning, thoughts overwhelmed his mind. Several questions started pouring out from the thin air.

How is he going to adapt comfortably to this new environment?

For it is easy to adapt to an environment, but hard to adapt comfortably.

Adaptation is indeed one of the major characteristics of living things.

How would he re-socialize at the new school?

How will he handle the stern faces when he will officially be introduced to the class? He sighed deeply.

He called out his name and conversed to himself with the popular American slang, "Chime, you gotta do this". You gon' shake up the spirit of shyness and buckle up".

His mind went back to what brought him back to Nigeria. He was formerly of Nigerian descent but had spent almost 80℅ of his teenage life in the Mandela nation, South Africa. He left Nigeria at the age of seven after his dad Mr Frank had gotten a job which would be paying him to triple what he gets as a salary.

There in South Africa, his dad has already established himself fully as a medical doctor and works in one of the best privately owned hospitals. Life there was worth living considering the standard and ties they had set at the Rainbow nation. Indeed, his horizon over there was really on the high. He remembered his South African friends. They were kids he grew up with, also his schoolmates. And those girls he used to like. Beautiful pretty girls that have flair, finesse, and curves and also he started reminiscing on moments he had over there. Truly, life in South Africa seemed lively and preferable even though he had just stayed a month in Nigeria. He also remembered his fine teachers, especially those who used to take them on religious studies. These women were beautiful and elegant.

How can such creatures in human form exist?

He used to fantasize about them even as a young adult.

His mind immediately switched to what brought him back; it was the Xenophobic attack currently happening in South Africa. So many conspiracy theories have emerged because of the attack that was being meted out on foreigners, especially Nigerians.

" Why is this happening?"

" What is the real cause of the attack?"

" What is the actual reason for the attack?"

" What can be done to curtail and stop this human epidemic?"

His teenage mind flashed back to a writeup in a magazine he once read which was all about Xenophobia. It was captioned XENOPHOBIA: The Unfounded Truth. There, in the magazine he read that the reasons for the forceful expulsion of foreign indigenes were always the same anywhere, it was happening. There had been a quick assertion from citizens of a country that the foreigners fondly called 'aliens' have come to take over their country, its resources, culture, jobs and any claims they could lay their hands on. They asserted that the 'aliens' now control their economic structures and businesses.

Also, assertions such as that foreigners encourage immoral and unhygienic practices have been stated as one of the core reasons for Xenophobia.

Chime was just pondering on these assertions at the time he initially read it but could not understand any. He was quick to shave it off because he had not witnessed it. That was why a wise saying would go like this," the one who wears the shoe knows where it pinches him".

He had witnessed it and could testify about its brutality. He even saw how business firms of foreign descent, especially from his country, were vandalized. Properties were looted away and large sums of money were forcefully taken away from owners. He likened the act to a coup. It was hell on earth and a severe encounter, one which ordinary should not happen because peace and co-existence were vital but it happened. The reverse was now the case.

Chime was brought back to his senses when he heard his mom, Mrs Gladys shouting his name.

" Chime!, she shouted.

" Yes mother", he answered shockingly, coming out from his partial trance.

With a stern face, his mom entered the room and confronted him with questions.

" Where were you?"

"Where are you coming from?"

" What are you doing?"

" How? I don't understand you mom ", he replied, pointing to the exact place he was lying on the bed.

" I was right at this spot, Mother".

" You mean you were really in this room and I was calling your name but you didn't answer", she said startled, taking her firm and demanding to know why couldn't answer her.

"Mother, that is..not..not the point", he stammered a little. He was looking for something to say to cushion his mom's interest in knowing what he was doing which made him answer only the last call of his name. He had studied his mom and knew what she was capable of doing. A typical example of an Igbo woman who must query her children when they outlawed any rules and regulations of the family or when they were not given permission to do anything like going out recklessly. Though, Gladys was tough and disciplined to the core the children loved her very much because of this acumen. She understands a lot and is always very quick to see the plight of others. They also admire her intelligence in handling family issues.

" You like provoking me Chime", she frowned.

" Mother sorry", smiling childishly.

" I was occupied, chilling and cooling my head. I just want to feel relaxed before coming out", Chime lied.

Gladys was confused. Truly, she knew that her son was lying because he was contradicting his statements. She wondered how he would be cooling his head and also feel relaxed.

Getting conversant with teenage prankster behaviour, she chuckled and informed him to prepare for school. Gladys was always fond of saying that her son Chime competes with the devil in lies and framing up stories. This belief has been upheld by his siblings and they've nicknamed him ' the chief liar' which he detests but couldn't do anything to annihilate because already he has become the culprit when it comes to cooking lies.

" Aren't you ready for school today?", Gladys snapped.

" Ehmm, of course, Mother, I'm going to school to socialize. The new school ", he replied, though beaming. He winked back and took off his pyjamas.

" Really! She was anxious to know more.

" Yes, Mother. I am tired of staying at home. You know what? Since we relocated back to Nigeria I've been finding it difficult to make friends in this vicinity", he confessed.

" At last, the holiday is over and I will strive to be active in school".

" You are not serious, Son", Mrs Gladys replied.

Their conversation was interrupted by the horn-beep coming from the car of his father, Mr Frank signalling time for school. Frank was fond of doing this. The act indicated that they have about a few minutes left before their departure to school. This was Frank's way of telling his children to prepare quickly for school. Failure to do this would only result in the person missing the opportunity to join the family's car and then attending school late. Usually, Chime was a serial casualty among them in catching up with the family's car. Back then in South Africa, students who came to school with their families' cars in the company of their parents or a chauffeur in some cases were regarded and placed high as first-class students. Chime was an opportunity to be among these sets of students who were fed with golden spoons. There had been countless occasions where he missed the car because he was late in preparation for school. His late-coming act prompted his classmates to tag him 'Lateness Personified'. Indeed, he had so many nicknames. Some were given to him due to his academic exploits and others due to his outrageous acts. Among all these nicknames, he preferred the ' all-rounder'. It was given to him by his South African physics teacher. If there was anything like a Master of Physics, then it was him because of his upward grade in the subject both in theories and practicals, especially during prism class. Physics was his favourite science subject.

Gladys excused her son and he ran out of the room and headed to the bathroom. He bathed quickly, although he didn't sponge and towelled well. That act of not sponging while bathing and towelling well after the bath has become conversant with most teenagers of his age grade. They've derived a name for it, known as 'quickie bath'.

Later, Chime joined the rest of his family at exactly the time his father was igniting the car and got bashed by the awaiting group, particularly Frank.

" What took you so long?"Frank asked sharply.

"Ouch, sorry father", ...looking at his father's face, he knew it was not bright at all and considering what Frank's reaction would be, he calmly apologized and boarded the car. They zoomed off to the new school, the highly recommended Adventist High School.


On arriving at Adventist High School, flowers and debris littered the compound and trees' leaves were scattered unkempt. Even the lawn had overgrown its normal growth level. That was a typical example of a vacated area. The morning breeze was cool and humid despite the dirty environment. The sun shone brightly and clearly around the school horizon, casting its beautiful spell on the compound and dancing to its natural ecstasy and euphoria. The school gate was widely opened, welcoming arriving Adventist students. Some were coming on foot, others with the school bus, while the elites were driving in with their parents either in their private cars or with commercial cabs. The students were trooping in numbers, varying old and new ones fondly called the 'fresh blood. All were dressed in their usual white shirts (short sleep especially) and blue skirts for their female counterparts, plus their blue jackets or suits. That was their school uniform. Some of the students were rushing to catch up with the ones already in the lines, mostly the Junior ones. The act was done to avert punishments like cutting grass and lawns, packing dirt and disposing of refuse and other miscellaneous jobs.

As soon as Frank drove into the compound, he parked at the right axis of the school near the table tennis court and then, alighted out of the car with Chime. They went straight to the gatekeeper's post and enquired about the Principal's block. The gatekeeper, in his late thirties, directed them to a nearby teacher who later took them to see the Principal after Frank had introduced himself.

Mr Akpabio, the school Principal: is a man of 63 years from the Southern region of Nigeria precisely Port Harcourt. He also had his tertiary education there at the state's University. A man of average height and strong on the ground. A disciplinarian who sometimes acts with humour. The thing that baffles and intrigues the students majorly was his complicated nature. He was hard to understand. His ways and lifestyle vary in different situations and on occasion. He accommodates people a lot both the young and old irrespective of their class and levels. A role model to the Adventist students and then, a father figure.

" Good morning Sir", the teacher greeted the Principal, bringing out his right hand for a handshake.

" Good morning", the Principal responded and they locked up their hands.

The teacher went ahead to introduce Frank a little to the Principal.

" Sir, this is Mr Frank ", he said. He came with his son, a newly registered student. Then, the teacher excused himself when they might have settled inside the Principal's office.

The Principal inputted Frank's data into the Parents ' Teachers Association roll. He later learnt about the cause of their transfer from South Africa back to Nigeria. It was about the Xenophobic attack. He learnt that Chime's former school was also an Adventist School situated also in South Africa and was happy that the young student also chose the alma mater herein Nigeria, particularly theirs.

Principal Akpabio discharged them after taking and keeping notes of all the necessary data and transfer documents which would be submitted to the bursars and secretary's office respectively. Chime was directed to the Assembly by the Principal while his father headed in the direction of his car. When approaching his car, he saw students cutting the lawn and others being flogged by the teachers, while the younger ones were told to pick-pin or do frog-jump; a kind of punishment for coming late or flouting rules and regulations.

" This is what Chime need to curtail his late-coming attitude", he affirmed to himself, curling up his mouth with a smile.

Meanwhile, the school morning assembly was conducted quickly and Chime moved in with the Senior School 2 students.


The naughty but brilliant SS 2 students were busy as usual in their classroom. But it was for the wrong reason. It was the first day of the academic session; a special day for the Adventist students. A day to perform their usual new term ritual of acting carefree, generally called 'Operation Carefree'. It was a free day given to them to settle down, adjust and prepare for the new term. The day was full of excitement because there won't be any form of teacher disturbance as they would say whenever a teacher tried correcting and disciplining them.

But the naughty students would use the day to carry out all sorts of nefarious acts such as loitering around, rapping their pens and pencils on the desks and tables, screeching their legs against the floor to attract noise, painting the blackboards with chalk and, on rare occasions, they would use charcoal. They would also throw papers in places already tidied up. Yelling and shouting became the order of the day.

Another act done on the first day was the initiation act. This was an act of welcoming the new students into the school. The new students were called all kinds of dirty names like thugs, dogs, dirty fowl, imp, etc. These names were being used to address them. The old students, especially the bullies and naughty ones, would do the extreme of pouring water on the feet of the newly admitted students with the mere belief of washing off their old school lives and ushering them into a new haven. Some of the new students who were not able to come and endure these heart-rending and fretful acts tried reporting to a teacher, but the senior ones and functionaries would stop them because they were the chief marshals of this ritual.

It was the exact situation Chime found himself in. He was confused because he had not experienced this kind of treatment before. That was not what he expected in the new school. He had read about how life in Nigerian schools was. How tough it usually turns out to be for the younger ones in Junior classes. He had many encounters, but that one was different, severe and off the hook. Unfortunately, he was among those that got poured water not only on the feet but on the entire body. It was carried out by his classmates, especially the male folks who were already looking for ways to irritate the newly transferred boy from South Africa. They wanted to see his reaction. He was also forced to put on the school uniform like that. Chime, who should be frustrated, was calm and somehow sober. He didn't know what to do and diverse thoughts filled his mind. At last, he decided to let the sleeping dog lie.

" This is just the definition of an impious act. Hopefully, I won't be the last student. Newer students will surely be admitted into this class," he said, sitting up a little bit and staring at his wet uniform. Had it been for the presence of his classmates he would have cried. He could remember those days, he used to cry over things no matter how little they were. Now, he had to summon the courage to suppress the oppression that had been tagged legitimate.

Nonetheless, ' Operation Carefree' was done without ransacking the Adventist School.

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