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Admitted into her dream college and exposed to new friends and expectations, Sandy's life took a new turn. What happens when two best friends fall in love with the same guy? Who steps down? Join this battle of love and hate in "darkest love".

Chapter 1 Expectations

What would a family expect from an only child who their hope lies across her world? Thoughts run down Sandy's mind about the form she bought for her favorite college, "New World College". Their WASSCE results came in three weeks ago and it was good though it didn't reach her expectations. Her result was a good one parents and there was no doubt New World college would admit her. Sandy sits on her bed thinking about the work she would do it the college do not admit her. She comes from a minor family where love abounds. "I have to go and do my chores", she said to herself.

She got up from her bed, laid it, swept the room and off to do her chores. When she was sweeping the compound, her mind flashback to those times where they would sit down as a family in the family to discuss their future and expectations. After sweeping the compound, she went into the house to tidy it. "Greetings mommy"

"How was your night my darling", Sandy's mom asked.

"It was good, yours"

"It was good darling", Sandy's mom replied.

"I would join you soon in the kitchen", Sandy said to her mom.

She quickly swept the rooms and joined her mom in the kitchen. "When would daddy come back". Sandy asked her mom.

"Over the weekend. He said the managers have added some days to studying the course", her mom replied.

She quickly helped her mom in slicing the vegetables for the meal. When she was done slicing the vegetables, this question came into her mind to ask her mom. "What would you have done if you didn't get the opportunity to study accounting in the university?

"Wow, that question sends me back to my youthful age. You know when we were in our final year in secondary school, the management invites people from almost all professions to give us a talk. During one of those talks, Mr. Adams Akins told us his life story and point that touched me was when he said

his first and second plans didn't work for him so he has to set on "plan C" which landed him being a lawyer and he didn't regret losing his "plan A and plan B". Since then, the thought ran through my mind to get more than two plans for my life. That evening at preps, I drew my plans. Plan A was a lawyer, plan B was an accountant, and plan C was a nurse. So, to answer your question, if I didn't get the opportunity to be an accountant, I would have gone into nursing.

"Ok, that's nice mommy".

Soon the meal was ready and we headed to the dinning table to eat. When we were eating, I notice mom staring at me wanting to say something but held it to herself. After eating, we went to have our bath and came back to the living room to watch our favorite program. That reminds me, "mommy broke the silence". "What are your plans, hope by now you would set some plans down.

"That's true mommy. Actually, I'm hoping to get admission to get admission into the New World College and if that doesn't happen, I would go to a six months fashion school since I really love fashion and if that also do not work, I would write an application to teach in any of the nearby schools". "Wow, mommy exclaimed". "You know mommy, I got my inspirations from you and dad. It's always my dream to make you proud". Mommy gave me a hug and I knew she was really proud to hear that. We continued to watch the program in silence until it ended and we gave a heave. Sandy's mom turned to look at her but she got caught up with something Sandy couldn't tell at the moment. "Wow, her mom exclaimed".

"My favorite movie when I was in school. This movie gave me an inspiration in life and it is part of the things holding me today. This movie gives me a view of what goes on in education through to the workplaces. When I watched this movie, I didn't blame my friends who always quarrel and ends in a fight because of frivolous things. Do you know why? It's because this movie entails people's emotions and how to deal with them. I think I have to schedule a day for us to talk about this. It's very important in life. But why are you quiet Sandy?"

"Eeehm, I'm thinking if we should all know about this, it would be very good. It would prevent fights among us. But mommy, I feel to ask you this, if you didn't watch this movie, would you tolerate dad's working schedule?"

"That's the point. The fact is that this movie is the master brain behind me tolerating your dad's work. You know, he also didn't wish for it this way but it is his job's demand. Hope you've understood me.

"Mom, so if I can clearly understand you, you mean if not for this movie this house wouldn't be how it is today?"

"No dear, this movie gives me more strength when I'm weak to tolerate".

"Sorry mom, I didn't mean to hurt you with the questions".

"It's okay dear. The movie has even ended".

"No worries mom, I would watch it later, remember I have a smartphone?

"Exactly, my mind wasn't there".

Sandy! Sandy! I think she would be in her room. One minute, I would go and call her".

"thanks aunty", Ruthy said.

"Sandy, you have a visitor in the living room".

"Thanks mommy, I would be right there".

Ruthy was Sandy's classmate from upper primary to Junior High School. They departed ways when they got admission to different secondary school. Sandy hugged Ruthy immediately when she saw her in the living room. The both friends were surprised to see the vast development that happened." You are a big girl now'. Ruthy said to Sandy and Sandy also said the same thing to her.

"Wow, what a surprise", Sandy said.

Sandy then told her friend to give her a minute and she would be back. Sandy went to her mom's room and called her.

"Mom, please I would like to tell you something in the living room".

"Is your friend gone"

"No mom"

Sandy brought her mom to the living room and introduced Ruthy to her mom as her close friend from upper primary. She also told her mom about how they play, eat and studied together.

"Mom, her name is Ruthy, the daughter of Mr. Charles Morrison and Mrs. Dorothy Morrison".

Sandy's mom was pretty shocked at the names of Ruthy's parents but pretended. Sandy's mom welcomed Ruthy and thanked her being there for her daughter.

Sandy's mom and Ruthy starred at each other until Sandy brought in some drinks and biscuits to eat as they all watched the T.V. After sometime, Sandy's mom broke the silence by asking Ruthy to tell her more about herself. Ruthy was surprised because she least expected that after Sandy did the introduction.

"Okay aunty. I'm Ruthy Morrison, the daughter of Mr. Charles Morrison and Mrs. Dorothy Morrison. I'm seventeen years old and I come from Mafi-Adidome but my parents and I currently stay just opposite the restaurant in this area so I thought it wise to pay a visit to my friend. I have two siblings, a boy and a girl. I started schooling in Redeemed House Chapel International school where I met your daughter, Sandy. I completed J.H.S and proceeded to secondary school where I studied General Arts as a course. My dad is an officer and my mom, a nurse".

"Wow, that's nice dear. The reason why I asked you to tell me about yourself is just to be sure of something. The fact is that, I know your mom. Your mom and I were friends but lost contacts when she went to study nursing".

Both Sandy and Ruthy were surprised at what Sandy's mom said. They stood with amazement without uttering a word. They all had their seat and Sandy's mom told the girls how she and Ruthy's mom became friends.

Days went faster and Sandy began to lose hope to gaining admission to the school of her choice in that year. She constantly cries in her room when thinking about the plan she drew down for herself. Her mom keeps encouraging her not lose hope in her dreams.

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