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Man of His Words

Man of His Words



Nathalia Jules Dacillo is an eighteen-year-old woman who was forced to live her life with the pain her father gave her after leaving them when she was only six years old. She had a hard time coping with the sadness and new life with her mother. She worked at a coffee shop away from their home and she met friends as well as Lorenzo, her first boyfriend. They became a thing as teenagers and spent a year together celebrating events. Until Lorenzo needed to go away for an educational opportunity and Nathalia became lost once again. Ezeckiel came into her life out of the blue without knowing that the band, artist Ezeckiel, had been admiring her for so many months now. Ezeckhiel had been seeing Nathalia for quite weeks, since Ezeckiel's sister was friends with Nathalia. While longing for her boyfriend's love and appearance, Nathalia found herself kissing Ezeckiel one night and losing everything. She was scared but she had growing feelings for him. After six months of hiding their relationship, Lorenzo came back to the country to surprise Nathalia, but he was surprised instead when they met again, because Nathalia was sick and vomiting hard that day. Then, together, they find out that she is pregnant. Her life turned upside down. Lorenzo was so mad and Nathalia was blaming herself for it. She left Lorenzo that day and ran to find Ezeckiel, only to find out how drunk he was while kissing another girl. Nathalia ran away with the child inside her womb. Her mother was so mad at her but chose to give her the life she needed at the moment. They went away, out of the country, and she raised the child alone. After four years, they went back to the country after the news of her Dad's death due to a car accident. And her path was brought to where Ezeckiel was living. He then found out about his long lost son.

Chapter 1 Nathalia Jules

A lot of small fishes formed different groups and flipped their tails. They are so beautiful. The different colors of their bodies made them perfect as they were surrounded by green plants and different gray rocks.

The calm water of the pond reflected my small face as I looked at the fishes swimming. I smiled when I tried to throw a rock on a group, which made them scatter immediately.

"Nathalia, my granddaughter!" I turned back when I heard that voice. "Let's eat," she added.

I ran towards her and giggled when she gave me a hug as soon as I reached her. Together we went to the dining table where everyone was already preparing dinner.

My family and I are here at my grandparents' house in the province. Today is vacation and Grandma and Grandpa want us to be here with them so I can bond as their only grandchild. Due to old age, they no longer like to travel to Manila because we live there.

"Thalia, come here..." I approached Mama. "Eat vegetables." I snorted. The adults laughed.

"I don't want it, Mama." I put my lips together just as Mama was about to feed me some vegetables.

"You need this, Son. It's nutritious and should be eaten by a child," insisted Mama, taking another bite from me. I turned to Papa for help. But he just smiled.

"Nathalia, eat vegetables to grow fast," replied Papa. My snout grew longer.

I felt tears forming in my eyes when Mama swallowed the very bitter vegetable. I don't want it!

"Mama, I don't want! I will just drink milk, please." I cried all the time because I really don't like vegetables.

"Oh, my poor baby. Mama's sorry." She kissed my head, then gently caressed my hair, so I slowly settled down. I can also guarantee that she will stop feeding me vegetables.

After dinner, we all went to the living room to watch and make our own worlds.

My Lola, in her old self, is sitting near the window with her hand slowly tapping the rest of her rocking chair. Papa seems restless and keeps looking at the cellphone in his hand. Maybe it's work. As for Mama, the simple glance at Papa did not escape my eyes. Sometimes he will take a deep breath before looking into the void, as if he is thinking very deeply. When he felt my gaze, he turned to me and smiled sweetly.

"Do this," I turned to Lolo when he spoke. He started playing the piano slowly so that I could follow.

My grandfather is a musician. Lola used to always tell me how great Grandpa was at playing the piano. He is also good at violin and guitar. Ever since we've been visiting here for a vacation, Grandpa has never wasted time teaching me his favorite instrument, and that is the piano.

I am only six but I have learned how to play a little guitar and piano. Of course, with the help of my grandfather. I didn't want it at first. Before, I always wanted to play outdoor games and get dirty. I never liked instruments and indoor music lessons. But with my grandmother, who always divulges me stories about how the love of her life was into music, and with a Grandfather who was so persistent. I started to like instruments when I was four.

"Say ba-bye Lolo and Lola," Papa ordered me while wrapping my little arms around his neck.

"Ba-bye, Grandpa and Grandma!" it was hard for me to breathe at the moment. I felt my tears fall and I began to sniffle.

"Poor my dear grandson, you will come back here again, huh?" Grandma came to us so I cried even more.

I'm gonna miss them. We are always here with them every vacation but I am always like this, crying when I get home. Maybe grandparents really care differently.

I was eyes wide open during the whole trip from the province to Manila. I don't know why I didn't feel sleepy during our almost three-hour flight. I looked at my parents in front. Papa was driving and Mama sitting quietly in the front seat.

And there I realized that they hadn't started a conversation yet since we got out of the province. Even coming home is still the same. Mama just took me to my room to get ready and get ready for bed because it was late. During that whole time, I did not hear Papa's voice.

When I woke up the next day, I quickly got out of bed. I opened the door and ran to the kitchen where I smelled the aroma of the morning breakfast.

"Mom! Good morning!" My Mama laughed when I jumped on the chair and grabbed her for a morning kiss.

When I was in front of me, I almost fell down looking at Mama. Even if I laugh, I feel that it's not fun, or lifeless. Even my young mind could clearly see the whiteness of his face, as if there was no blood flowing.

"Good morning! You woke up this morning. I was about to wake you up when I'm done here." She then kissed me again on the lips. Her movements were slow, as if she was very tired.

"Are you okay, Mom?" She smiled at me but that smile faded and my Mama suddenly stumbled on the floor.

I hurriedly jumped off the chair, causing me to trip. I felt pain in my knee because of the force of the impact of my fall.

I quickly ran to their room to call Papa but I was surprised because there was no one there. The bed is very clean. I glanced at the wall clock and, for the second time, I was shocked again. It's almost six in the morning. In that case, Papa went to work very early.

"Mom! Mom!" I returned to Mama, who was still lying on the floor and unconscious. I screamed louder because I smelled the smell of fire that I was sure Mama was cooking.

I do not know what to do. I just sat next to Mama and cried, looking at her. My Mom is unconscious and the food she was cooking started to create a fire!

"Help! Help me! Help!" I shouted loudly in the dark outside of our house. The sun is just rising. It bothers me, but I don't care anymore.

"Help! Help!" I was revived when I saw the light on the house across from us. Be our neighbor!

It was all so sudden and so fast! I don't have even the slightest idea about what's happening. We were fine when Grandma saw us. I could see Mama's silence, but I didn't know that that was what was happening to her!

"Nathalia?" I was quickly surrounded by tears when I saw Papa running quickly towards me. When he arrived, he knelt down and I quickly hugged his neck and cried.

"What happened, Doc? What's happening?" asked Papa when the Doctor came out. The neighbors, Father Benny, Sister Laura and Kuya Paeng had already gone home when Papa arrived.

"The patient is fine. She lost consciousness due to stress and fatigue. I suggest you keep her away from things that can make her feel those again. She just needs rest and..." He turned to me and smiled before Papa. "Congratulations, Mr. Dacillo. She's six weeks pregnant."

That news made my heart jump out of my soul. Our family is small. Mama's parents are both dead and in peace. While Papa's parents were blessed with an only son and that was my father. And then, my family - my parents and their offspring, me. We have relatives but we don't hang out together or have reunions. It was always my grandparents, my parents and me.

I wanted a baby brother.

It was all so hard for them, but I feel nothing but joy. The thought of having a baby brother gives me happiness. Until a night came when I wished everything would stop, and bring us back to what we were before.

"Why don't you just leave completely!?" I heard Mama shout. Their room is nearby.

I wanted to ignore it but their shouting could be heard in my closed room. So I went out and leaned against the wall outside their room.

"Lower your voice, the child might wake up." Even though I tried to slow down, I heard what Papa said.

"Why? Are you afraid? Are you afraid that your daughter will find out?" I don't understand that. I don't understand their whole argument.

"It's nothing to worry about, Amanda," Papa said firmly.

"Because you have no feelings! You don't even think about how your own daughter will feel! How can you say this is happening to us? How can you say that because of your negligence, her brother is gone!" Mama shouted, which I didn't fully understand but weakened me too much.

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