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The story of trust love and heartbreak They met as kids and even then they loved each other. Between breaks up, abusive relationships and toxic traits. Let's see where they end up

Chapter 1 Just kids

Amelia's Pov:

" Can I sit here? " I looked up and I saw what I didn't know would be my whole future in front of me. His tired brown eyes look at me with mischief and I clutched my rag tighter in my hands. Before I can answer he pull the chair causing it to scrap against the floors and takes a seat. So much for not making friends.

He continued to stare at me before taking out a color book and coloring an already half colored page.

I picked myself up still clutching my rag and walked away to the swingset. He looks up at before going back to his book to finish his coloring. I liked being alone. My uncle never let me have friends cause let's just say I'm smaller than the average kid and I get injured very easy. so I stick to myself to avoid my uncle going into cardiac arrest.

I'm swinging lost in my thoughts and all of sudden my hands are cold. I looked down and realized that the boy from earlier took my rag and ran. I began to cry and I ran to the teacher and told her what happened and they made him give it back and apologize. We returned to the table where we just sat and stared at each other. The rest of the day pasted without him bothering me any further. I'm siting in the yard waiting my dad and I watch the boy from earlier leave the school gates. I hear the teacher shout,

" BYE ALESSANDRO!" Alessandro that's his name.

my uncle arrives and it's my turn to leave and my teacher shouts " BYE AMELIA!" and I waved her goodbye and I got in the car. I never understood why my uncle drove when we lived walking distance from the preschool but I won't complain cause I hated walking.

" So Amy what's the matter? you've been day dreaming all evening"

" Nothing uncle I made a friend today. or I don't know could you call that a friend? He just sat next me and talked to me"

" A friend!? He!?? Amelia Shantel Magenta Williams we've had this conversation many times you can't have friends children are very wild and rough do you want to get trampled? Dio, cosa farò con questa ragazza!!" he said in a panic shaking his head. I cower away cause when my uncle speaks Italian it's because he's very upset.

I ran to my room and closed my door. When my uncle gets upset he does weird things. Like read from what he calls our Bible and says a prayer but he doesn't pray to God like everyone else. He prays to the devil. You see my family and I we are Satanist. We read the satanic verses and worship the man everyone else hates.

I laid on my bed still in my uniform and I cried. I wouldn't ever have family because my family is so weird and no one will ever talk to me they'll just run.

I don't know when I fell asleep but I woke up to my mother shaking me and telling me to come eat my dinner and get ready for a bath.


Sheevon's Pov:

" Chris you have to stop sheltering her like that she need to interact" I shout at him from the kitchen. He'll never understand what he is doing wrong. I know he wants to protect but he will only make it worse for her.

" I can and I will even it means I have to locked her away and a BOY!! I can't even explain the emotion running in my veins right now." he shouted back

I sigh and turn away. How did I get myself wrapped up in this mess.

" Chris can we talk about us now? You know I have to go home. I can't stay here tonight, he'll get suspicious and that means I have to take Amy with me." Chris sighs and hugs me from behind. I know it hurts him to see us go and he doesn't do well on his own but he know what he was getting himself into.

" I'll be back in the morning for Amy to see you before she goes to school and we'll spend the weekend, I promise" I say leaning into his skinny chest and absorbing all his warmth.

" What about the boys and raquia?" he asked

" Stefan will be with us in the morning and Dwyane is with his dad. Raquia wants to stay with Reginald so I can't force her to come but I can try?" I responded knowing he loves to spend time with the kids

" Don't force her if she doesn't want to but I will like to carry them all to Harry's water park on Saturday so we can have some bonding time" I sigh knowing I will have to make up a next lie to tell Reginald when I get home.

I looked up at Christopher and I saw nothing but love for those kids in his eyes and I smiled and nodded at him. One more lie won't hurt him. I walked to Amelia's room and I woke her up, bringing her outside for dinner. I leave her by the table eating while I ran a hot bathe for her.

" And then he just sat next to me and colored for the rest of the evening I promise uncle everything is fine he didn't hurt me" I hear Amelia saying to her father as I walk out said. I see the hurt in his eyes as she calls him uncle.

" The bath is ready Amelia go ahead I'm right behind you" I say to her rubbing her mop of curls.

I turn to Chris and he looks visibly hurt

" I hate when she calls me that I can not just tell her, she calls him dad when he's not her father I'm her father" he says shaking his head running his hands in his hair, his curls identical to Amelia's.

" You know we agreed not to her for the safety of our relationship" he walks away to the kitchen muttering a satanic to calm his nerves. I go to Amelia and bathe her and we leave to go home.

" Hi Daddy " Amelia screamed as she sees her father come outside to us. They walk away having a conversation but I can't hear what they are saying. I unpacked the stuff from the car and head inside to meet them.

" Hi hunny," I kissed my husband as I walked through the door. The kiss is plain unlike Chris. When he kisses flamed ignite and my soul burns for more. When my husband kisses me it's like an everyday kiss. He smiles and puts Amelia down.

" AMELIAAAAA!!" Stefan comes running to his sister and picks her up. They walk away and I turn to my husband and smile. We have small conversation and make him aware of the weekend plans he says ok and we head to bed.

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